Monday, March 29, 2010

rec.crafts.metalworking - 24 new messages in 12 topics - digest


Today's topics:

* A new "constitutional right" - 6 messages, 1 author
* Women..... - 4 messages, 1 author
* An open letter to conservatives - 3 messages, 2 authors
* If George Bush........ - 1 messages, 1 author
* Republican Right Wingers Homeland Security Threats - 1 messages, 1 author
* How to buy a warehouse - 1 messages, 1 author
* DIY surge protection... - 1 messages, 1 author
* Snicker - 1 messages, 1 author
* The Rage - 1 messages, 1 author
* Working class - 1 messages, 1 author
* Anniversary of an amazingly enduring design - 3 messages, 1 author
* Getting rid of my rotary table and dividing head - 1 messages, 1 author

TOPIC: A new "constitutional right"

== 1 of 6 ==
Date: Sun, Mar 28 2010 11:54 pm
From: Cliff

On Mon, 1 Feb 2010 18:10:32 -0500, WangoTango <> wrote:

>In article <Xns9D128F469A95Bhopewell@>, "RD (The
>Sandman)" <rdsandman(spamlock)> says...
>> > Agreed. Corporations and unions shouldn't be allowed to pay for ads
>> > in the 60 days prior to an election.
>> >
>> Why not? Why not advocacy groups like the NRA who were denied that under
>> McCain-Feingold? The media certainly didn't have a muzzle and, yet, some
>> of them became blatant advocacy groups, particularly those under the NBC
>> label.
>Why do you think that Obama wants to fix the "error"?
>The muzzling of the NRA is big on the Democratic agenda.
>I guess my, or your, voice shouldn't be heard if we choose to align
>ourselves with organizations that that 'they' don't like.
>They forget that the NRA is made up entirely of people that have
>volunteered to be in it, and have done so for a specific reason.

To sell fear & thereby guns ....

== 2 of 6 ==
Date: Mon, Mar 29 2010 12:21 am
From: Cliff

On Mon, 08 Feb 2010 12:22:58 -0600, "RD (The Sandman)"
<rdsandman(spamlock)> wrote:

>>>It is your organization, lollipop, not mine. Show that they don't try
>>>to influence elections.
>> Like nutjob teabaggers?
>> Trying to register wingers as voters?
>Acorn registers wingers? Of which persuasion?

They never asked. Just helped register anybody that was willing
to be registered.
OTOH rethugs & wingers did not want them registered.
See? They wanted to deny many the vote.

== 3 of 6 ==
Date: Mon, Mar 29 2010 12:23 am
From: Cliff

On Mon, 08 Feb 2010 12:24:36 -0600, "RD (The Sandman)"
<rdsandman(spamlock)> wrote:

>Cliff <> wrote in
>> On Fri, 05 Feb 2010 11:08:08 -0600, "RD (The Sandman)"
>> <rdsandman(spamlock)> wrote:
>>>Cliff <> wrote in
>>>> On Tue, 02 Feb 2010 14:05:12 -0600, "RD (The Sandman)"
>>>> <rdsandman(spamlock)> wrote:
>>>>>Cliff <> wrote in
>>>>>> On Mon, 01 Feb 2010 15:11:27 -0600, "RD (The Sandman)"
>>>>>> <rdsandman(spamlock)> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>> o.html "Supreme Court Gives .... Unions Power to Spend
>>>>>>>>>> Unlimited Sums on Political
>>>>>>>>>> Messaging"
>>>>>>>>>> " .. the U.S. Supreme Court ruled that such groups may now
>>>>>>>>>> spend unlimited
>>>>>>>>>> amounts of money advocating for or against politicians."
>>>>>>>>>> What better way to control things than to buy some rethugs?
>>>>>>>>>In lieu of buying democrats? ;)
>>>>>>>> Why would you have to buy them to do the right thing?
>>>>>>>You don't think things through very far, do you. You think Barney
>>>>>>>Frank has his thoughts on a square deal for American any more than
>>>>>>>Republicans do? Both sides have their vision of America and what
>>>>>>>things are correct. The visions on how to get there are different
>>>>>>>but the methodologies are the same.
>>>>>> Barney Frank is pretty smart & I know of no smart winger.
>>>>>> Wingers all seem to think that lies work better.
>>>>>> Hence how we got into these messes.
>>>>>Hmmm, methinks that half your brain isn't working. Barny was denying
>>>>>any problems with either Freddie Mac of Fannie Mae as late as July of
>>>>>2008. Everything was simply peachy-keeno. ;)
>>>Not much of a comment from you, that often? ;)
>> Show where either created the problems.
>You don't think that near collapse of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac caused
>any problems when they control nearly 90% of the secondary market? Or do
>you wish to know what Democrats had to do with that?

They were not the ones doing the rather bogus mortgages for huge profits.

== 4 of 6 ==
Date: Mon, Mar 29 2010 12:24 am
From: Cliff

On Mon, 08 Feb 2010 13:49:30 -0500, Beam Me Up Scotty
<> wrote:

>On 2/8/2010 5:48 AM, Cliff wrote:
>> On Sun, 07 Feb 2010 09:48:45 -0500, Beam Me Up Scotty
>> <> wrote:
>>> On 2/7/2010 9:02 AM, Cliff wrote:
>>>> On Fri, 05 Feb 2010 21:21:10 -0500, Beam Me Up Scotty
>>>> <> wrote:
>>>>> On 2/5/2010 4:48 AM, Cliff wrote:
>>>>>> On Tue, 02 Feb 2010 10:28:14 -0500, Beam Me Up Scotty
>>>>>> <> wrote:
>>>>>> "The URL contained a malformed video ID. "
>>>>> The double dash at the end was actually the signature identifier....
>>>>> like the one below.
>>>>> --
>>>> That one is wrong too.
>>>> They need to start in the first column and be followed by one (1) space.
>>>> Not at the end of a URL.
>>>> is
>>>> so out of context & undated .... hard to tell
>>>> what any of it actually was before wingers got it.
>>> NOPE it's your problem, I just clicked on it and opened it in FireFox
>>> and in MSIE and it worked perfectly.....
>> Only after the link was corrected.
>Actually no.... I clicked with right click and then clicked open in
>browser and in my "mailer" it recognized that the -- double dash was
>the beginning of the signature and didn't include it in the URL...
>So it may be your mailer/News Reader that doesn't recognize the -- as
>the beginning of a signature.

It does that just fine.
You probably had a line-length problem.

>I re-posted it to help you.... NOT ME.

== 5 of 6 ==
Date: Mon, Mar 29 2010 12:27 am
From: Cliff

On Mon, 8 Feb 2010 19:29:23 -0800, tankfixer <> wrote:

>In article <>,
> says...
>> On Sun, 07 Feb 2010 23:07:10 -0700, Frito Pendejo <> wrote:
>> >tankfixer wrote:
>> >> In article <>,
>> >> says...
>> >>> On Fri, 05 Feb 2010 11:03:05 -0600, "RD (The Sandman)"
>> >>> <rdsandman(spamlock)> wrote:
>> >>>
>> >>>>> Bush I raised taxes.
>> >>>>> Ronnie Raygun raised taxes.
>> >>>>> The middle/working class pays more in taxes (as a percentage) than
>> >>>>> those
>> >>>>> born with silver spoons or a good Ponzi scheme.
>> >>>>> You have a Ponzi scheme, right?
>> >>>>>
>> >>>>> The teabaggers probably all owe taxes.
>> >>>> So do most non-teabaggers.
>> >>> But we have ours honestly paid on time & in full.
>> >>
>> >> Paid on time ?
>> >>
>> >> Hahahahahahaaha
>> >>
>> >> Remind us again how many of Obama's appointees had to withdrawl last
>> >> spring becuase they had neglected to pay their taxes...
>> >
>> >Tim Geithner didn't resign, and now he's in charge of enforcing tax laws.
>> More winger lies, eh?
>Are you saying the Secretary of the Tresury isn't charged with enforcing
>tax law ?

The IRS is downstream:

>> The neverending story .....
>You seem to have a neverending suply of drugs.. Given how wacked your
>posts are.


== 6 of 6 ==
Date: Mon, Mar 29 2010 12:31 am
From: Cliff

On Mon, 8 Feb 2010 19:30:36 -0800, tankfixer <> wrote:

>In article <>,
> says...
>> Hence the court had to make new law, right?
>What new law is that ?
>Go ahead and take all the pages you need.
"Overruling two important precedents about the First Amendment rights of
corporations, ..."
"The decision will be felt most immediately in the coming midterm elections
President Obama called it "a major victory for big oil, Wall Street banks,
health insurance companies and the other powerful interests that marshal their
power every day in Washington to drown out the voices of everyday Americans."

TOPIC: Women.....

== 1 of 4 ==
Date: Mon, Mar 29 2010 12:15 am
From: Gunner Asch

On Sun, 28 Mar 2010 20:32:34 +0100, Hang Dog
<> wrote:

>Gunner Asch wrote:
>> On Sun, 28 Mar 2010 17:46:25 +0100, Hang Dog
>> <> wrote:
>>> RogerN wrote:
>>>> Here's one you should enjoy then, simply a music video.
>>> Well done, though I'm pretty sure the tune has been nicked from
>>> someplace else. In any case why do you think I'd be interested in any of
>>> your whining bitch boy parochial nonsense any way?
>> Cause your a whiny cunt.
>Shouldn't you be off somewhere telling the military that they ought to
>be glad to be killed on active service rather than being killed for joy

Shouldnt you be figuring out what your Obamassiahs lies are?

== 2 of 4 ==
Date: Mon, Mar 29 2010 12:16 am
From: Gunner Asch

On Sun, 28 Mar 2010 20:28:57 +0100, Hang Dog
<> wrote:

>> Odd...according to you Marxists..there is no such thing as private
>> property.
>Where did you get the crap from?

The long history of Marxism in your dialectic of course.
>> So it appears that the video is effective if it causes you buffoons to
>> go out and start bitching about private property rights.
>Hey now you are the libtard in this group. Whining and bitching about
>property rights, yet so many of your type are simple thieves.

Im whining? Did you have a sudden head injury? Or did you just toke up
a nice big bowl of crack?


== 3 of 4 ==
Date: Mon, Mar 29 2010 12:17 am
From: Gunner Asch

On Sun, 28 Mar 2010 17:19:44 -0700, Winston_Smith <>

>Hang Dog <> wrote:
>>Gunner Asch wrote:
>>> Odd...according to you Marxists..there is no such thing as private
>>> property.
>>Where did you get the crap from?
>Ah, let me think, let me think. Oh yes. From Marx.
>It's the first of the ten planks of Marx's 1848 Communist Manifesto.
>Let me guess, are you a recent public school graduate.
>You are horrified at our intending to do away with private property.
>But in your existing society, private property is already done away
>with for nine-tenths of the population; its existence for the few is
>solely due to its non-existence in the hands of those nine-tenths. You
>reproach us, therefore, with intending to do away with a form of
>property, the necessary condition for whose existence is the
>non-existence of any property for the immense majority of society.
>WS in a.s and m.s
>Two parties, not a dimes worth of difference.


== 4 of 4 ==
Date: Mon, Mar 29 2010 12:18 am
From: Gunner Asch

On Sun, 28 Mar 2010 17:06:39 -0700, Winston_Smith <>

>Hang Dog <> wrote:
>>Gunner Asch wrote:
>>More right wing theft. Doubt they have permission to use any of the
>>photos, and definitely none of the music either.
>Fair use.


Fascinating the lengths and perfidities the Left will stoop to when they
have no actual response to something that makes them look like the
undermenschen that they actually are.

Utterly fascinating.


>WS in a.s and m.s
>Two parties, not a dimes worth of difference.

TOPIC: An open letter to conservatives

== 1 of 3 ==
Date: Mon, Mar 29 2010 12:22 am
From: Gunner Asch

On Sun, 28 Mar 2010 13:22:27 -0800, "PrecisionmachinisT"
<> wrote:

>"Gunner Asch" <> wrote in message
>> On Sun, 28 Mar 2010 09:12:33 -0800, "PrecisionmachinisT"
>> <> wrote:
>> >
>> >Then there's the self-satisfied, sanctimonious conservative fucks--when
>> >can't seem to conjure up anything at all which would counter a
>> >claims they angrily launch into a childish tirade instead, calling folks
>> >"liberals" as though it were some sort of invective, maybe toss in a few
>> >choice swear words for good measure....
>> You mean Liberals arent bad people, moderately mentally ill?
>Pretty much yes...

Just goes to show what an ignorant butthead you are turning out to be.
>Congratulations !!!
>--for once in your life you may finally have gotten at least one thing
>> Denial is not a river in Egypt.
>Evading by reciting a tired, incredibly worn out cliché instead of actually
>countering your detracter's impressive.....yup, your opinion
>here most certainly deserves the utmost respect....

"Stop, Look both ways before crossing the street"

A tired worn out cliche too.

With a little luck..if you were actually would turn away
from that cliche and hop skip and jump from the curb as you cross the
street, ignoring that tired old cliche.


With luck, you will be splattered like a large bug on the front of
someones Freightliner.

Afterall...tired worn out cliches have no value in the world.



== 2 of 3 ==
Date: Mon, Mar 29 2010 1:28 am
From: Cliff

On Sat, 27 Mar 2010 12:46:26 -0700, wrote:

>On Sat, 27 Mar 2010 13:57:58 -0400, Cliff
><> wrote:
>> "Weiner On Palin's 'Twisted' Mind"
>>Rep. Anthony Weiner responded with scorn to Sarah Palin's assertion that she
>>isn't responsible for encouraging the attacks on Democrats who voted in favor of
>>health care reform, even after her "RELOAD!" Tweet.
>>"What Sarah Palin doesn't seem to understand is that while it's pretty clear to
>>most people that the - the language about targeting someone and being in the
>>crosshairs was a metaphor to her, to a twisted mind, it really might be the sign
>>that they should go ahead and do something more violent," Weiner told CNN's Wolf
>>Blitzer on "The Situation Room" today.
>>"I'm not quite sure she understands the debate is about whether or not these
>>lines have been crossed," the congressman continued. "Because, clearly, when you
>>have people shouting anti-Semitic and racist and homophobic things on the steps
>>of the Capitol, when you have threats going to members of Congress that - that
>>someone...has to take responsibility for this incitement."
>>"And I think that at least some of it has to go to - to her responsibility."
>>Weiner, who was outspoken throughout the health care debate, received
>>threatening letters - including one containing white powder that caused the
>>closure of his Queens office. The powder appears to have been antacid.
>Steele, who is occasionally halfway sensible when his fellows are
>being assholes, has thrown in with the assholes this time.
> Apparently these
>nitwits won't be happy until they're on the wrong side of every last
>issue, even the easiest ones. If some gummer-type wacko gets lucky,
>palin, boner, and steele will have some 'splainin to do. Of course,
>they've given up most pretense of logic, and care primarily about
>riling up their base. Pretty sad.

Faux said "There is no proof" IIRC.
Therefore it did not & will not happen, right?

== 3 of 3 ==
Date: Mon, Mar 29 2010 1:49 am
From: Cliff

On Sun, 28 Mar 2010 20:16:00 -0400, "Stormin Mormon"
<cayoung61**> wrote:

>This sounds a lot like Obama's rebuke of Republicans. With
>all the condescension and lying to go with it. I wonder if
>anyone actually believes this stuff?

Find those "WMDs" yet or what the rethugs put you 11+
trillion dollars in debt for?

TOPIC: If George Bush........

== 1 of 1 ==
Date: Mon, Mar 29 2010 12:35 am
From: "Buerste"

"John R. Carroll" <> wrote in message
> Buerste wrote:
> No parenting skills. You can cast blame anywhere, and you do, but the
> simple fact is that parents are the first and strongest role models for
> their offspring. Shitty parents = low quality offspring.
>>I have a real hard time
>> getting new employees that can do simple math or read a tape measure.
>> We hold classes, on the clock, just to teach some necessary skills.
>> We also cover the families' medical and pay for children's and
>> grandchildren's school books through college if they hold a "B"
>> average. BUT, that's a fart in a windstorm. My costs get repaid
>> many-fold as my employees on the whole go above and beyond.
> Yeah, what you are is a surrogate parent. I'd have thought that would be
> obvious to you.
> It isn't the kids or the schools that are defective or you wouldn't have
> any
> luck with these people either.
> Ship the whole lot of them off for military service and they'd come back
> useful men and women with a little self respect.
> They would be teaching you something then and that would be that you'r
> current blathering is just a bunch of uninformed and emotional BS.
> --
> John R. Carroll

Just like all the assholes that moved to California, lost all their
investments, collect cheese-checks, denounced God and fuck each other in the
ass like good little Libtard Neo-Socialists? No thanks!

TOPIC: Republican Right Wingers Homeland Security Threats

== 1 of 1 ==
Date: Mon, Mar 29 2010 1:13 am
From: Too_Many_Tools

On Mar 29, 12:32 am, Cliff <>
>   "Are Republican Right Wingers Homeland Security Threats?"
> [
> Well, well, I've seen poor losers before, as have we all. But these Republicans
> have been poor losers since President Obama took office and now that their
> strategy of being the "party of NO" has failed to serve them so far as sinking
> the Health Care Bill, just look at their behavior. However, they've now gone
> beyond their trademark of "poor losers" to the status of national security
> threats and homeland terrorists. For all of their screaming and bullying and
> noise making in the Senate and House during this past year in their efforts to
> sabotage the Health Care Bill along with anything from the Obama administration,
> we would now be more than foolish to misinterpret what's really taking place in
> front of our eyes: These clever but cowardly Republicans have given the green
> light to their minions to attack their fellow countrymen who voted in favor of
> heath care reform in retaliation for their inability to defeat this bill.
> These Republicans have, in essence, raised a call to arms against their own
> countrymen and women during a time when this country continues to fight a war
> started by Republicans for bogus reasons, a fact which we must never forget.
> Representative Michele Bachman from Minnesota screamed to her constituents
> recently, "I want people in Minnesota armed and dangerous ... Having a
> revolution every now and then is a good thing."
> Representative Steve King yelled, "Let's beat that other side to a pulp! Let's
> take them out. Let's chase them down."
> And then there's one of my favorite carnival barkers, Congressman John Boehner,
> "Take Steve Dryads, for example. He may be a dead man." Ah, yes. Now, how does
> one go from being a live man to a dead man, Congressman Boehner? Are you hinting
> that you or one of your cohorts are arranging for a hit man to show up at his
> door? Is that what you're saying here? Are you telling those of us who don't
> knuckle under that death threats are what we can expect from Republicans?
> Apparently.
> ....
> ]

Republicans/Teabaggers are a threat to national security and will be
dealt with as such.


TOPIC: How to buy a warehouse

== 1 of 1 ==
Date: Mon, Mar 29 2010 1:24 am
From: Too_Many_Tools

On Mar 28, 9:16 pm, Ignoramus8246 <ignoramus8...@NOSPAM.8246.invalid>
> I keep hearing that commercial real estate is in bad shape. At the
> same time, valuations of stocks are up 70% and I would like to
> diversify my investments a little bit, as I am mostly invested in
> stocks.
> I would like to try to buy a small warehouse and just rent it out
> forever. This would not be a purchase for a quick flip.
> I was trying to find out some basic things, like rents per square
> foot, prices per square foot, see listings of what is available, etc.
> When I just do web searches on this stuff, I come up with so little,
> as if information on this was classified.
> I am in Chicagoland and would be interested if someone can help me
> get started with some useful pointers or experiences.

Two suggestions.

One...why not rent for awhile and get the feel of the neighborhood. If
then you want to buy, there is always someone who will take your
money. Real estate is not a very liquid investment and if you need to
move, your investment will not follow you. damn sure that you are not buying a Superfund site. With
commercial estate there are many sites that come with a hidden
cost...cleanup costs. Make sure that you are not the one holding the
bag when something like this comes due.


TOPIC: DIY surge protection...

== 1 of 1 ==
Date: Mon, Mar 29 2010 1:33 am
From: "Michael A. Terrell"

westom wrote:
> On Mar 28, 5:19 am, "Michael A. Terrell" <>
> wrote:
> > Yawn. So many lies, so few neurons.
> Translations. You said no numbers exist because you never learned
> how electricity works. Those numbers are from the Bell System
> Technical Journals. Only one of us learned this stuff.

What did you learn that is current technology? You keep quoting 100
year old data for designs that are no longer used.

> He said those numbers do not exist. Stated was that telco COs
> suffer about 100 surges with each thunderstorm. Actual numbers are
> maybe 30 to 50 surges per cable times how many incoming cables?

What cables? Fber Optic may be bundled, but aren't conductive.

> Well
> over 100 surges with each thunderstorm. And no damage. Telcos use
> 'whole house' protectors. Waste no money on overpriced and
> ineffective plug-in protectors. Therefore have no damage
> Yawn is Michael Terrell avoiding his problem: insufficient
> electrical knowledge. Yawn because he was again caught posting a
> lie. His insufficient education has been exposed so often that
> Michael will constantly post disparaging remarks - and no technical
> knowledge..
> Reality remains as it was 100 years ago. Protection is always about
> where energy dissipates. A protector is only as effective as its
> earth ground. Reality that makes Michael so enraged as to post
> personal attacks rather than science numbers and professional
> citations.
> .

Lead free solder is Belgium's version of 'Hold my beer and watch this!'

TOPIC: Snicker

== 1 of 1 ==
Date: Mon, Mar 29 2010 1:35 am
From: Cliff

On Wed, 24 Mar 2010 12:06:14 -0400, Zombywoof <> wrote:

>On Tue, 23 Mar 2010 23:59:13 -0400, Cliff
><> wrote:
>> "Sarah Palin Lectures Fox News Viewers About The Importance Of Being Well
>> She should know, right?
>> LOL ...
>>Last night (3/22/10) on Hannity, it was time for another round of Fox News'
>>"Let's pretend Sarah Palin actually knows something about policy." Despite the
>>coaching Palin has obviously received, she remains blatantly, hugely and
>>laughably uninformed. But that didn't stop her from opining to Fox News viewers
>>that THEY need to become well informed. With video.
>>Sean Hannity began the second part of his two-part interview with Palin by
>>asking what should have been a simple question for her. "Do you think that many
>>of these Democrats that voted for this health care monstrosity, do you think…
>>they ended their career yesterday?"
>>Just like when he asked her if a Constitutional challenge against health care
>>reform would prevail and just like when Greta Van Susteren asked her for her
>>prescription for covering the uninsured, Palin obviously had no idea.
>Ok, fair enough Palin has no idea, do you?
>So did those that voted "yeah" just collectively commit political
>seppuku, or do we need to wait till November to find out?
>Have you checked the Vegas odds?

On the rethugs taking away granny's healthcare
& putting her in a deathcamp?

TOPIC: The Rage

== 1 of 1 ==
Date: Mon, Mar 29 2010 1:39 am
From: Cliff

On Sun, 28 Mar 2010 16:55:16 -0500, "RogerN" <> wrote:

>And the crazy people kept ranting about the sane people until the crazy
>people got elected and now run and ruin the country. It's a crazy people

How well did that work out last time?

Find those "WMDs" yet?
The 11+ trillion in YOUR debts they ran up?

TOPIC: Working class

== 1 of 1 ==
Date: Mon, Mar 29 2010 1:55 am
From: Cliff

On Mon, 22 Mar 2010 04:16:35 -0700, Gunner Asch <> wrote:

>The percentage of each past president's cabinet who had worked in the
>private business sector prior to their appointment to the

Palin = 0
McSame = 0 (IIRC).
bush at several massive failures paid for with Other People's Money ....
SureShort = Halliburton bankrupt (but he can play Golf).


TOPIC: Anniversary of an amazingly enduring design

== 1 of 3 ==
Date: Mon, Mar 29 2010 2:59 am
From: Gunner Asch

On Sun, 28 Mar 2010 15:17:07 -0700, "Bill McKee"
<> wrote:

>"Eregon" <> wrote in message
>> Gunner Asch <> wrote in
>>> High capacity? How many people do you figure are going to be attacking
>>> you at one time? If its more than 3..doncha think a rifle would be a
>>> better tool?
>> Personally, I prefer a shotgun with 00 buck for the shorter ranges if
>> there's to be a crowd. <grin>
>> The old Ithaca 37 definitely has its advantages, especially with the
>> extended mag tube...
>Even the California Highway patrol got smart and got away from 00 buck. Is
>actually a bad load for the shell. Go with #1 and get a lot more balls in
>the case. The 0.30 pack much better than 0.33 balls. And the energy
>difference is negligible.
My house guns carry #4 buck. Its .24 caliber and there are approx 27
shot in a standard 2 3/4" round (12ga)

Its effective out to 50 yrds+ and isnt a big overpenetrator like 00 or
000 buck.

Works good.


"First Law of Leftist Debate
The more you present a leftist with factual evidence
that is counter to his preconceived world view and the
more difficult it becomes for him to refute it without
losing face the chance of him calling you a racist, bigot,
homophobe approaches infinity.

This is despite the thread you are in having not mentioned
race or sexual preference in any way that is relevant to
the subject." Grey Ghost

== 2 of 3 ==
Date: Mon, Mar 29 2010 3:01 am
From: Gunner Asch

On Sun, 28 Mar 2010 18:17:37 -0500, "Pete C." <>

>Gunner Asch wrote:
>> On Sat, 27 Mar 2010 10:25:44 -0500, "Pete C." <>
>> wrote:
>> >
>> >Ignoramus11443 wrote:
>> >>
>> >> That's a very enduring design, yes. I actually own a Beretta and love
>> >> it. How does that .45 handle, is the recoil a little too much?
>> >>
>> >> i
>> >
>> >I prefer 9mm personally, mostly for the high capacity. I have shot
>> >friend's .45s many times during the same shooting sessions as my 9mms
>> >and really didn't notice much difference in recoil. Given my tendency
>> >for carpal tunnel issues I would think I'd notice. I do notice a
>> >difference in recoil between my two S&W 9mms, one being metal frame and
>> >one being plastic frame with about 12oz weight difference and otherwise
>> >with the same barrel length and shooting the same ammunition. The
>> >lighter plastic frame 9mm has more pronounced recoil as you would expect
>> >with the lower weight / mass.
>> High capacity? How many people do you figure are going to be attacking
>> you at one time? If its more than 3..doncha think a rifle would be a
>> better tool?
>Zero would be my preference. I just don't want to have any real
>possibility of going empty in any reasonably probable scenario.

Average number of rounds fired in a self defense shooting
situation...2.5 <G>

Average range, 7 yrds

I think you are going to be pretty safe with a 8 rd weapon that can
actually stop someone with the first round. That unfortunately cant be
said of the 9mm


"First Law of Leftist Debate
The more you present a leftist with factual evidence
that is counter to his preconceived world view and the
more difficult it becomes for him to refute it without
losing face the chance of him calling you a racist, bigot,
homophobe approaches infinity.

This is despite the thread you are in having not mentioned
race or sexual preference in any way that is relevant to
the subject." Grey Ghost

== 3 of 3 ==
Date: Mon, Mar 29 2010 3:06 am
From: Gunner Asch

On Sun, 28 Mar 2010 19:49:29 -0500, Wes <> wrote:

>"Robert Swinney" <> wrote:
>>Wes sez
>>"Of course that configuration isn't a tack driver but then the M1911 was designed for close
>>in use. Longer distances, use a rife."
>>Good point, Wes. But an accurized 1911 or one of the new clones will "shoot" with a lot more
>>accuactely than the average person can hold it.
>But you just can't drop it in the mud no more. ;)

Sure you can. There is a vast difference between Full Accurized Gold
Cup Target Weapon and "issued 500 times armory brick"

The "half accurized" weapons are very suitable for on the street, drop
in da mod and so forth.

Full accurized...those are target guns and are finicky little bastards

"First Law of Leftist Debate
The more you present a leftist with factual evidence
that is counter to his preconceived world view and the
more difficult it becomes for him to refute it without
losing face the chance of him calling you a racist, bigot,
homophobe approaches infinity.

This is despite the thread you are in having not mentioned
race or sexual preference in any way that is relevant to
the subject." Grey Ghost

TOPIC: Getting rid of my rotary table and dividing head

== 1 of 1 ==
Date: Mon, Mar 29 2010 3:26 am
From: Gunner Asch

On Sun, 28 Mar 2010 20:20:41 -0500, Ignoramus8246
<ignoramus8246@NOSPAM.8246.invalid> wrote:

>I am getting rid of both my Troyke DMT-15 rotary cross slide table,
>and the dividing head. The reason is that I came across something
>similar to this:
>It also is threaded on the OD, with 2 3/16-10 thread, so it accepts 5
>inch Hardinge chucks.
>This thing is programmable, so I can just say how much it would turn,
>in degrees, and it would do just that upon pressing a button. I hope
>that if I get the CNC mill to work, I can interface with this 5C head and
>make it a fourth axis.
They are quite a good indexer. Now..there was an issue with those made
before 1999..a bad circuit board tended to flake out and of course Haas
charged to repair or swap..

Some of the earlier ones were made by other companies such as Yuasa and
rebadged for Haas, Fidal...etc etc

From what I understand Haas bought the rights to make the boards and
indexers in their own factory in the mid 2000s


"First Law of Leftist Debate
The more you present a leftist with factual evidence
that is counter to his preconceived world view and the
more difficult it becomes for him to refute it without
losing face the chance of him calling you a racist, bigot,
homophobe approaches infinity.

This is despite the thread you are in having not mentioned
race or sexual preference in any way that is relevant to
the subject." Grey Ghost


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