Monday, March 29, 2010

rec.crafts.metalworking - 25 new messages in 10 topics - digest


Today's topics:

* If George Bush........ - 4 messages, 4 authors
* Making an arbitrary angle in pipe - 2 messages, 1 author
* How to buy a warehouse - 4 messages, 2 authors
* Anniversary of an amazingly enduring design - 6 messages, 4 authors
* Hardwood Flooring - 2 messages, 1 author
* GOP Made Big Mistake - 1 messages, 1 author
* Has Winston posted recently? - 2 messages, 2 authors
* OT -- off grid power systems - 2 messages, 2 authors
* Getting rid of my rotary table and dividing head - 1 messages, 1 author
* OT What's your take? OT - 1 messages, 1 author

TOPIC: If George Bush........

== 1 of 4 ==
Date: Mon, Mar 29 2010 4:22 pm
From: Wes

"John R. Carroll" <> wrote:

>> How low are they going? We talking physical standards or criminal
>> history?
>They have been waiving felonies.

I had a bad feeling you were going to tell me that.

I *hope* the choice isn't jail or the military and they are enlisting to try to turn their
life around. I though a felony conviction made one a prohibited person not able to
possess a firearm in any manner.


== 2 of 4 ==
Date: Mon, Mar 29 2010 3:32 pm
From: "Ed Huntress"

"John R. Carroll" <> wrote in message
> Ed Huntress wrote:
>> "John R. Carroll" <> wrote in message
>> <snip>
>> Hey, John, remember what we were saying a few days ago about the Sons
>> of Timothy McVeigh blowhards versus the reaction after the Civil
>> Rights Act in '64? I'm beginning to wonder where Frank Rich gets his
>> material. <g>
> RCM?
> I think it's just that we all remember the same history.
> I did remember a recent thread here when I saw his yesterday.
> You don't have to be a genius to have predicted the reaction by law
> enforcement.
> Notice how close to the bud this ended up being nipped?
> Big Brother is watching.
> I wonder what Pete C. thinks now?

Uh, probably the same thing he usually thinks. d8-)

Ed Huntress

== 3 of 4 ==
Date: Mon, Mar 29 2010 3:32 pm

On Mon, 29 Mar 2010 14:56:42 -0400, "Buerste" <>

><> wrote in message
>> What wouldn't surprise me is an announcement that he's liquidating and
>> taking a job at Home Depot. He seems really bitter, which doesn't jibe
>> with having a single lucrative offer, much less several. Then again, I
>> accept that I don't quite understand folks like him. One that I know
>> has a near perfect life - everything paid for, good chunk of cash in
>> the bank, and little baggage. Yet he goes around pissed at pretty much
>> everybody.
>> Wayne
>Not everybody, just liberals that constantly seek ways to legally steal from
>me. According to your kind, I have no right to keep much of what I make,
>you want me to pay for all your little causes and buy votes.
>Of course you don't understand people like me. Do you even know somebody
>NOT on the dole? Well, good luck with your Utopia thing, I don't think it
>will work out for you though. You're going to run out of people to pay for

What, no references to anal sex this time? And not a single quote to
prove any of your asinine claims. Remember when you got all bent out
of shape because somebody suggested that you were a family-money kind
of guy? They got that idea because of the outrageous BS you post here
so often, and because it's so unlikely that cranks could ever be half
as accomplished as they claim. You've been blurting out these
ridiculous lies for how long now, and where has it gotten you? It
seems that you well deserve to be stuck in an industrial wasteland
bitching about your demons, same as gummy in Taft with his.

BTW, over the years I've met several folks who were on the dole
primarily because they're too lazy to get off. I can't think of a
single one you wouldn't be buddies with, exactly as you are with
gummer. One lives a few miles away, carries a sidearm full time, and
can't have a conversation without mentioning his hate of government,
gays, and the godless. If he was posting here most of us probably
couldn't tell the difference between him and you. Here's a suggestion:
use some of the time you waste here to take an honest poll at any get
together of "conservatives". You'll find some on full disability for
"bad backs" etc, yet they'll be happy to meet up with you any day of
the week for some strenuous huntin' and anti-Obama talk. You wanna'
out a few of the fakers? Good. Then start with your acquaintances, and
quit pretending that you don't know any god-fearing, gay-hating, right
wing leeches.


== 4 of 4 ==
Date: Mon, Mar 29 2010 5:19 pm
From: "John R. Carroll"

Wes wrote:
> "John R. Carroll" <> wrote:
>>> How low are they going? We talking physical standards or criminal
>>> history?
>> They have been waiving felonies.
> I had a bad feeling you were going to tell me that.
> I *hope* the choice isn't jail or the military and they are enlisting
> to try to turn their life around.

I think I could make an accurate guess. You probably could too but it would
just be a guess.
I've heard both but principally the latter.

>I though a felony conviction made
> one a prohibited person not able to possess a firearm in any manner.

Only in civilian life. Civilians aren't US Government Property.

John R. Carroll

TOPIC: Making an arbitrary angle in pipe

== 1 of 2 ==
Date: Mon, Mar 29 2010 3:22 pm
From: Don Foreman

On Mon, 29 Mar 2010 11:23:21 -0700, "Bob La Londe" <>

>"Don Foreman" <> wrote in message
>> My neighbor is re-doing his electrical service feed because he wants
>> to increase capacity to 200 amps. As part of that, he wants to
>> re-route the outdoor conduit from meter to relocated mast. We found
>> that his roof pitch is 5 in 12 or 22.62 degrees. He wondered if I
>> could bend 2" pipe. The short answer is "not well".
>> I got to thinking about elbows. It's fairly obvious that any arbitrary
>> angle can be achieved in a given plane with four 90-deg elbows. We
>> wondered what could be done with 45 deg elbows. I played with Alibre
>> for a while. Turns out four 45's can't get it done ... but three 45's
>> can! They go a bit out of plane but not a lot and the two runs can be
>> coplanar as in up against the house. I was even able to get the
>> various rotation angles, as if such a thing might need to be
>> fabricated and welded a priori. I just did that to see if I could, and
>> how hard it might be to do with Alibre.
>> Three 30's, like the familiar 3-section flue elbows, might work even
>> better but I don't know that 30 deg elbows are available in 2". I
>> don't know that 45's are either, but it seems likely.
>Just get somebody with a hydraulic tubing bender to do it for you. A buddy
>of mine has the local dune buggy shop do his.

There's a shop half a mile from here that does that. I priced one
bend about 15 years ago. Yikes!

== 2 of 2 ==
Date: Mon, Mar 29 2010 3:24 pm
From: Don Foreman

On Mon, 29 Mar 2010 01:51:57 -0400, "Steve W." <>

>Don Foreman wrote:
>> My neighbor is re-doing his electrical service feed because he wants
>> to increase capacity to 200 amps. As part of that, he wants to
>> re-route the outdoor conduit from meter to relocated mast. We found
>> that his roof pitch is 5 in 12 or 22.62 degrees. He wondered if I
>> could bend 2" pipe. The short answer is "not well".
>> I got to thinking about elbows. It's fairly obvious that any arbitrary
>> angle can be achieved in a given plane with four 90-deg elbows. We
>> wondered what could be done with 45 deg elbows. I played with Alibre
>> for a while. Turns out four 45's can't get it done ... but three 45's
>> can! They go a bit out of plane but not a lot and the two runs can be
>> coplanar as in up against the house. I was even able to get the
>> various rotation angles, as if such a thing might need to be
>> fabricated and welded a priori. I just did that to see if I could, and
>> how hard it might be to do with Alibre.
>> Three 30's, like the familiar 3-section flue elbows, might work even
>> better but I don't know that 30 deg elbows are available in 2". I
>> don't know that 45's are either, but it seems likely.
>If you have time you can make bends the way I do on auto headers. Pick a
>45, 90, or 180 bend, lay your straight sections out then just cut out
>the appropriate section from the bend you have. Weld it in, grind smooth
>and plate/paint as needed. With this trick you can make smooth bends
>that will drive folks nuts.

I like that idea! I was trying to avoid burning off zinc and needing
to re-plate, but it would make a slick job of it.

TOPIC: How to buy a warehouse

== 1 of 4 ==
Date: Mon, Mar 29 2010 3:26 pm
From: Jon Elson

Ignoramus8246 wrote:

> If, say, I buy a warehouse

Oh, one other point. Be SURE to factor in security, whatever mods you
will need to make to make the building secure, etc. Also, depending on
what you are going to do in it, check into insurance. Business
insurance, even just casualty coverage on business property, is just
insanely out of sight.


== 2 of 4 ==
Date: Mon, Mar 29 2010 3:41 pm
From: Stuart Wheaton

Ignoramus8246 wrote:
> I keep hearing that commercial real estate is in bad shape. At the
> same time, valuations of stocks are up 70% and I would like to
> diversify my investments a little bit, as I am mostly invested in
> stocks.
> I would like to try to buy a small warehouse and just rent it out
> forever. This would not be a purchase for a quick flip.
> I was trying to find out some basic things, like rents per square
> foot, prices per square foot, see listings of what is available, etc.
> When I just do web searches on this stuff, I come up with so little,
> as if information on this was classified.
> I am in Chicagoland and would be interested if someone can help me
> get started with some useful pointers or experiences.

Iggy, the local Real Estate Investors Association is:

Chicago Area REIA

PO Box 2597
Glen Ellyn , IL 60138

contact: Laura Baker, President
phone: 630-375-7342
guest policy: $15

Go to a meeting and let the people know what you are interested in, they
can point you at people who can teach you how to do it right and people
who have real estate to sell.


== 3 of 4 ==
Date: Mon, Mar 29 2010 3:48 pm
From: Jon Elson wrote:

> You can't hide the real reason from the long-time readers of this
> group. The real reason is you have run out of room in your garage and
> you need a place to store your new stuff.
Yeah, that's what I was thinking, too. If it doesn't start out that
way, anybody who has been buying stuff at auction will just expand into
that kind of space. Maybe be DRAGGED kicking and screaming into it by
all the "neat stuff".

It's a disease we are all familiar with.


== 4 of 4 ==
Date: Mon, Mar 29 2010 3:54 pm
From: Jon Elson

Ignoramus8246 wrote:

> I was thinking about something like 4k square feet, two bay doors or
> something like that. Not a big building 90% financed via leverage.
4K sq ft is not enough space to let it out, except to one tenant,
probably. But, maybe that is what you had in mind. In some areas, much
larger properties are available for a song, and if you can buy it for a
song, then the taxes will be based on that sale price, at least for the
first couple years. There are a lot of properties, like the clerestory
factory building I mentioned in an earlier message, that VERY few
established businesses want. But, to possibly split up and have a
couple startups use, it could be just perfect.


TOPIC: Anniversary of an amazingly enduring design

== 1 of 6 ==
Date: Mon, Mar 29 2010 3:26 pm
From: RBnDFW

Buerste wrote:
> "Don Foreman" <> wrote in message
>> Monday, March 29, is the 99th anniversary of the legendary 1911
>> semiautomatic pistol designed by John Moses Browning.
> <snip>
> JB had a gift! I have a few of his designs and I appreciate them. I have a
> P08 that is truely a work of art but hasn't the practicality, durability or
> ease of mfg. of the 1911. The bad side is that many of my handguns,
> especially the P08 are now too valuable as "collector" pieces that I'm
> afraid to use them. The last appraisal I had on the P08 was over $4k, I
> wish I had one to shoot!

Shooter grade P08s are readily available for under $1000
Indulge yourself !

== 2 of 6 ==
Date: Mon, Mar 29 2010 3:30 pm
From: "Ed Huntress"

"Wes" <> wrote in message
> "Ed Huntress" <> wrote:
>>Yeah. Here's one of their examples:
>>"Me and Jen were teabagging last night when her mom walked in. Awkward."
>>Better luck next time, Chris.
> Lets try wikipedia. TMI BTW.
> Wes

And what does it say, Wes?

Ed Huntress

== 3 of 6 ==
Date: Mon, Mar 29 2010 4:06 pm
From: "Stormin Mormon"

She can tell her grand kids when they ask "Gamma, what is a

Christopher A. Young
Learn more about Jesus

"Jon Anderson" <> wrote in message

Before I sold it, I took my 16 year old daughter out to a
nearby range
and let her shoot my Combat Commander. I gave her a brief
talk on how to
hold it, and she had zero trouble. I shot video from the
side, the
recoil is apparent, but she had no trouble coming right back
down on
target. It was btw, the first handgun she ever fired.


== 4 of 6 ==
Date: Mon, Mar 29 2010 5:09 pm
From: Wes

"Ed Huntress" <> wrote:

>"Wes" <> wrote in message
>> "Ed Huntress" <> wrote:
>>>Yeah. Here's one of their examples:
>>>"Me and Jen were teabagging last night when her mom walked in. Awkward."
>>>Better luck next time, Chris.
>> Lets try wikipedia. TMI BTW.
>> Wes
>And what does it say, Wes?

Sorry, I *thought* I posted the link. Wasn't very nice though. I'll try again.

I don't think the heterosexual explainations of the term were on Garafalo's nasty mind
when she said:

In April 2009, Garofalo drew criticism when she denounced the Tea Party protests, saying:
� Let's be very honest about what this is about. This is not about bashing
Democrats. It's not about taxes. They have no idea what the Boston Tea Party was about.
They don't know their history at all. It's about hating a black man in the White House.
That is racism straight up. This is nothing but a bunch of teabagging rednecks.[17]


== 5 of 6 ==
Date: Mon, Mar 29 2010 4:07 pm
From: "Stormin Mormon"

It was fine, when I wrote it. I sense you're the one who
didn't understand.

Christopher A. Young
Learn more about Jesus

"Ed Huntress" <> wrote in message

"Stormin Mormon" <cayoung61**> wrote
in message
> Looked up the term on the internet, after someone
> (probably
> an internet friend) told me so.
> The answer is R-rated.

Yeah. Here's one of their examples:

"Me and Jen were teabagging last night when her mom walked
in. Awkward."

Better luck next time, Chris.

Ed Huntress

== 6 of 6 ==
Date: Mon, Mar 29 2010 4:08 pm
From: "Stormin Mormon"

Ed asked me to clarify something I wrote earlier. I
clarified, and he keeps not understanding. I can't get too
worried about that.

Christopher A. Young
Learn more about Jesus

"Wes" <> wrote in message
"Ed Huntress" <> wrote:

>Yeah. Here's one of their examples:
>"Me and Jen were teabagging last night when her mom walked
>in. Awkward."
>Better luck next time, Chris.

Lets try wikipedia. TMI BTW.

"Additionally as a security officer, I carry a gun to
government officials but my life isn't worth protecting at
in their eyes." Dick Anthony Heller

TOPIC: Hardwood Flooring

== 1 of 2 ==
Date: Mon, Mar 29 2010 4:45 pm
From: (dan)

What's that Lassie? You say that Steve W. fell down the old
rec.crafts.metalworking mine and will die if we don't mount a rescue
by Mon, 29 Mar 2010 01:06:29 -0400:

>So Dan, Why are you wearing high heels in your "friends" house???
Ha Ha.

>As for the couch, hit one of the box stores and buy some floor
>protectors. They will spread the load and protect the floor.

I think they all ready did that.
>Bamboo is VERY dependent on where it grew, what species, how they made
>the actual flooring and what the finish is.

I guess they could have got a bad brand or a bad batch.


Dan H.
northshore MA.

== 2 of 2 ==
Date: Mon, Mar 29 2010 4:49 pm
From: (dan)

What's that Lassie? You say that DanG fell down the old
rec.crafts.metalworking mine and will die if we don't mount a rescue
by Mon, 29 Mar 2010 01:23:35 -0500:

>Dan, I've heard that there are different qualities of bamboo
>flooring, though I have no direct experience. We do have a
>conventional maple gym floor that has a huge dent problem right
>where the female coach travels up and down the side line in her
>high heels ala Sherri Coale at OU.
>We do have a light rubber mat under the chairs and the walk area,
>but it appears it is not enough.

No flooring is indestructible. If you have a loose screw on a metal
chair your gonna get gouges.

Dan H.
northshore MA.

TOPIC: GOP Made Big Mistake

== 1 of 1 ==
Date: Mon, Mar 29 2010 3:41 pm
From: Patriot Games

On Mon, 29 Mar 2010 10:50:03 -0700 (PDT), Too_Many_Tools
<> wrote:
>The GOP has likely cost themselves the November elections.
>Serves the idiots right.

Oops! Your opinions are now worthless:

On Mon, 29 Mar 2010 01:11:22 -0700 (PDT), Too_Many_Tools
<> wrote:
>On Mar 28, 7:51�pm, Kickin' Ass and Takin' Names
><> wrote:
>> DES MOINES � Governor Chet Culver today signed legislation that will
>> help protect Iowa families by taking guns out of the hands of abusers.
>> Senate File 2357 prohibits a person who has been convicted of a
>> domestic abuse crime, or is subject to a permanent civil protective
>> order, from possessing firearms or other offensive weapons.
>Hmmm...great idea...the Feds should make it a national law.

It already is DUMBASS!


Domestic Violence Offender Gun Ban
"The act bans shipment, transport, ownership and use of guns or
ammunition by individuals convicted of misdemeanor domestic violence,
or who are under a restraining (protection) order for domestic abuse.
The act also makes it unlawful to knowingly sell or give a firearm or
ammunition to such person."

It was passed in 1996, DUMBASS!


It was passed by Republicans, DUMBASS!
The Domestic Violence Offender Gun Ban ("Gun Ban for Individuals
Convicted of a Misdemeanor Crime of Domestic Violence", Pub.L.
104-208, 18 U.S.C. � 922(g)(9) was an amendment to the Omnibus
Consolidated Appropriations Act of 1997 enacted by the 104th United
States Congress in 1996.

104th United States Congress
Senate Majority: Republican Party
House Majority: Republican Party

Please change your name from "Too_Many_Tools" to "Not_Enough_Brains."



TOPIC: Has Winston posted recently?

== 1 of 2 ==
Date: Mon, Mar 29 2010 5:02 pm
From: Wes

I just noticed that I hadn't noticed Winston from RCM posting recently. Anyone hear from
the gent lately?


== 2 of 2 ==
Date: Mon, Mar 29 2010 4:06 pm
From: Jim Wilkins

On Mar 29, 8:02 pm, Wes <> wrote:
> I just noticed that I hadn't noticed Winston from RCM posting recently.  Anyone hear from
> the gent lately?
> Wes

He was just on the fun with tractor thread.

Are posts disappearing? I posted a link to Xantrex grid tie inverters
and others kept asking as though they hadn't seen it.


TOPIC: OT -- off grid power systems

== 1 of 2 ==
Date: Mon, Mar 29 2010 4:02 pm
From: Jim Wilkins

On Mar 29, 3:15 pm, wrote:
> ...
> Exactly.  If anyone knows a company that can provide both features,
> I'd sure appreciate their contact info.  
> Newb

A link is in my previous posting.


== 2 of 2 ==
Date: Mon, Mar 29 2010 5:24 pm
From: (dan)

What's that Lassie? You say that fell down the old
rec.crafts.metalworking mine and will die if we don't mount a rescue
by Mon, 29 Mar 2010 12:15:40 -0700:

>>The question is: what's available in dual mode systems:
>>a) Grid-tie, feeding power back IFF there is utility power.
>>b) Power failure mode: supplying the house from solar and battery when the
>>utility goes down.
>Exactly. If anyone knows a company that can provide both features,
>I'd sure appreciate their contact info.

If you had a grid tie system that won't let you generate independently
of the grid, could you run a small generator to simulate a live grid?

You would need to use the usual transfer switch to cut out the dead
utility grid, then start the generator. The grid tie inverters would
then 'see' a live "grid".


Dan H.
northshore MA.

TOPIC: Getting rid of my rotary table and dividing head

== 1 of 1 ==
Date: Mon, Mar 29 2010 4:02 pm
From: "Karl Townsend"

>> > How is the indexer more useful than a rotary table or dividing head on
>> > a
>> > manual machine? A few cranks on the RT or DH does exactly the same
>> > thing
>> > as a few button presses on the indexer.
>> If the number of points that I need has no common denominator with the
>> number of holes in a circle on dividing head, multiplied by 40, I am
>> pretty screwed. Not so with the indexer.
>> i
> They have multiple circles of holes and multiple plates for a reason. I
> can't see any reasonable application the DH wouldn't work for, and the
> RT is easily set to any degree just like the indexer.

Iggy, you don't use the hole plate on a DH when in CNC mode. You can move
any amount you want, even while the other axis are moving. You can even set
your DH at the helix angle and hob gears with a blank in the DH and a hob in
the spindle., both moving in coordinated motion. The RT is handy for a huge
part bolted to a face plate. Again, you can do any full 4rth axis work you
can dream up.

Now, this route is not for a high production shop. But you can make some
wonderfully complex parts with just these tools.


TOPIC: OT What's your take? OT

== 1 of 1 ==
Date: Mon, Mar 29 2010 5:25 pm
From: "John R. Carroll"

Ed Huntress wrote:
> "John Martin" <> wrote in message
> On Mar 19, 9:22 pm, "Ed Huntress" <> wrote:
>> This is not true, Lloyd. It's an amateurish misreading of the text by
>> RedState, which was in turn picked up by Sarah ("Death Panel")
>> Palin, our Idiot-in-Chief. Then the Washington Times and the
>> right-wing blogosphere revved up their engines and drove over the
>> cliff.
>> --
>> Ed Huntress- >
>> - Show quoted text -
>> There you go again, Ed.
> Yup, and at my age, I'm glad still to be going, John.
>> You make fun of Sarah Palin for her "Death Panel" statements, just
>> after you admit that those death panels already exist - "They're
>> called Medical Directors in the insurance industry."
> Sarah has an inkling that *someone* must be making these
> life-and-death decisions, because we're already at the point where
> some people are dying because they don't get proper treatment that we
> all know is available. But either she didn't know (most likely) or
> didn't care (another possibility) that she was aimed in the wrong
> direction.
> It must be socialism, she thinks, because socialism is always evil and
> capitalism is always virtuous, in her Alice-through-the-looking-glass,
> world. Now government is going to be overt about it: the life-choice
> consultations, which have been a function of hospitals and their
> ethics boards for decades, suddenly are going to become
> government-controlled "death squads" in her wacky imagination. The
> death squads, as always, are upper-level staff in private insurance
> companies. Her hubris, or ignorance, or the weakness of a mind that
> allows it to be vicitimized by ideology, led her to conclude that it
> was all the fault of the government rather than an economic necessity
> of doing business in the topsy-turvey world of medical "markets."
> She has the certainty of the born-again, John. That is to say, she
> has a weak mind that obtains absolutist certainty by marrying herself
> to an ideology or a religion. So she's taken a nutty interpretation
> of something that exists because of the economics of the INSURANCE
> industry, and attributed it to GOVERNMENT by, first, a
> misunderstanding what the new committees are and do, and, secondly,
> because she can't believe that the virtuous insurance industry
> actually is doing what she fears so much.
> She has no idea of what the bill actually says. People are just
> feeding her one-liners. And she's a fool.
>> The federal government wants to be in the health care business and
>> will be before too long - anyone who thinks the public option has
>> been forgotten simply isn't paying attention. And when we do get
>> there, we will have bureaucrats making the same decisions that are
>> made by the insurance companies' Medical Directors. There will
>> always have to be someone to say "no", and sometimes that will be to
>> an expensive
>> procedure that might prolong a life.
> At least we can vote them out. The insurance companies own you. Until
> a few days ago, they could make those life-and-death decisions any
> way they
> want -- and what they often "want" is to improve profits using any
> possible excuse. If you've been reading the news, you know that they
> just tried to pull off a trick by which newborn babies are denied
> coverage for "pre-existing conditions."
>> So, which is it? Was Sarah on target, or will the taxpayers be
>> footing the bill for every possible procedure and drug that might
>> even slightly benefit a patient?
> Sarah is full of shit. The bubblehead remains as clueless as ever. As
> for footing the bill, you and I foot most of them already. And you
> apparently haven't studied the European models of what consumers can
> get as part of the program, and what's available to them at their own
> expense, with something like health care savings accounts or even
> private insurance.
Speaking of Sarah:

Levi Johnston pitches antidote to Sarah Palin Alaska series
Levi's re-loading!

Levi Johnston, Sarah Palin's grandbaby-daddy and the bane of her existence,
is pitching his own docu-series in which HE will introduce viewers to

The news comes just days after Discovery Networks announced that its TLC
network would air "Sarah Palin's Alaska" in which SHE would introduce us to

Yes, TV is about to erupt in warring Palin-clan docu-series. Life could not
get better.

"If I could wave my magic wand I would want it to premiere at the exact same
hour, minute, and second as Sarah Palin's does," Stuart Krasnow, the
executive producer of Levi's series, told The TV Column.

Levi's show, tentatively titled "Levi Johnston's Final Frontier," is "
'Jersey Shore' on ice," Krasnow said.
John R. Carroll


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