Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Re: [android-developers] Please go to the link (Android questions) and give ur suggestions

On Wed, Aug 01, 2012 at 11:52:43AM +0530, Siva Kumar wrote:

> Please access the link (android question) and give ur ideas

1) "ur" is not a word. I'm assuming you were trying to spell "your".

2) No. If you can't be bothered to ask your questions here, don't expect
anyone else to bother with them, either. Nothing personal...just how
it generally works, and has worked for decades on e-mail lists, Usenet
newsgroups, etc. You MIGHT get answers by posting this way, but you
are FAR more likely to get them if you post your question correctly.

And if you find the above advice (intended only to be helpful) offensive,
well, that's a personal problem (yours).


73 DE N5IAL (/4) MiSTie #49997 < Running Mac OS X Lion >
spooky130u@gmail.com ICBM/Hurricane: 30.44406N 86.59909W

Do not look into waveguide with remaining eye!

Android Apps Listing at http://www.jstrack.org/barcodes.html

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[android-developers] Action Bar and Navigation Bar in Android 2.2

How to get Started with Action Bar and Navigation Bar in Android 2.2 ? Can anyone tell me ..

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Re: Issue Deploying Django

On Tue, 2012-07-31 at 20:52 -0700, JJ Zolper wrote:
> Do I need to go through and install the python like adapters is that
> what it's complaining about? I don't think this has to do with my
> Django code on the server it's just a file missing right?

you need to install pycopg - and it is nothing to do with your code
Kenneth Gonsalves

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Re: Is CakePHP more suitable for web services or Zend Framework?

If you are sure that your project is always going to be web service
only I would suggest start with a framework dedicated for such task.
eg: Slim http://www.slimframework.com/

Both CakePHP and ZendFW will be an overkill


On Wed, Aug 1, 2012 at 6:55 AM, Lightee <lightaiyee@gmail.com> wrote:
> Dear CakePHP gurus,
> I have no intention to start an emotional thread about which framework is
> better. Asking this question on this forum is also rather stupid because
> members here are likely to be biased. Nevertheless, I hope to get objective
> replies.
> I would like to build a website that focuses on web services - particularly
> CRUD, search and query functions. From what I read on the net, Zend
> Framework supporters say that Zend has much more components than CakePHP to
> support web services. On the other hand, my understanding of CakePHP is that
> Zend Framework components can be imported into CakePHP vendors folder. If
> that is the case, wouldn't it be a no-brainer to use CakePHP? In that
> regard, I have a few questions ...
> - How easy is it to import Zend components into CakePHP? Do we need to
> modify the Zend components such that they follow certain naming conventions?
> - Can most Zend components or only selected ones be imported? How about the
> ones that deal with web services?
> Thank you for your help.
> --
> Our newest site for the community: CakePHP Video Tutorials
> http://tv.cakephp.org
> Check out the new CakePHP Questions site http://ask.cakephp.org and help
> others with their CakePHP related questions.
> To unsubscribe from this group, send email to
> cake-php+unsubscribe@googlegroups.com For more options, visit this group at
> http://groups.google.com/group/cake-php

PHP for E-Biz: http://sanisoft.com

Our newest site for the community: CakePHP Video Tutorials http://tv.cakephp.org
Check out the new CakePHP Questions site http://ask.cakephp.org and help others with their CakePHP related questions.

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[android-developers] Integrating Android build system with Test tool


Is there is any way I can integrate Android build system with Android testing framework?
i.e When I build my android project, It would automatically run my unit test cases and if any unit test case fails the build would give the error.

The straight forward way can be to write a script which does this. But I wanted to know if similar utility is already available in Android.

Charuhas Vidwans.

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[android-developers] ListFragment not retaining scroll position after orientation change

import android.database.Cursor;
import android.os.Bundle;
import android.provider.ContactsContract.Contacts;
import android.support.v4.app.ListFragment;
import android.support.v4.app.LoaderManager.LoaderCallbacks;
import android.support.v4.content.CursorLoader;
import android.support.v4.content.Loader;
import android.util.Log;
import android.view.View;

public class MyFrag extends ListFragment implements LoaderCallbacks<Cursor> {
private static final String TAG = MyFrag.class.getSimpleName();

private MyAdapter myAdapter;
private int index = 0;

public void onActivityCreated(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
// TODO Auto-generated method stub
Log.d(TAG, "onActivityCreated savedInstanceState=" + savedInstanceState);
myAdapter = new MyAdapter(getActivity(), null, true, getListView());

getLoaderManager().initLoader(0, null, this);

public void onViewCreated(View view, Bundle savedInstanceState) {
Log.d(TAG, "onViewCreated savedInstanceState=" + savedInstanceState);

// TODO Auto-generated method stub
super.onViewCreated(view, savedInstanceState);

public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
// TODO Auto-generated method stub
Log.d(TAG, "onCreate savedInstanceState=" + savedInstanceState);


public void onSaveInstanceState(Bundle outState) {
outState.putInt("lv_index", index);

public Loader<Cursor> onCreateLoader(int id, Bundle args) {
// TODO Auto-generated method stub

Log.d(TAG, "creating loader");
CursorLoader cl = new CursorLoader(getActivity(), Contacts.CONTENT_URI, new String[] {
Contacts._ID, Contacts.DISPLAY_NAME
}, null, null, null);

return cl;

public void onLoadFinished(Loader<Cursor> loader, Cursor newCursor) {
// TODO Auto-generated method stub

public void onLoaderReset(Loader<Cursor> loader) {
// TODO Auto-generated method stub

After struggling with it for a day, this is what i found.

I am using ListFragment and Loaders with support library.

If I used same/standard Loaders code in a normal Activity it ListView maintains its scroll position very precisely. 

If I am using same/standar Loaders code in ListFragment then if I scroll position is complete lost afte orientation change. And it ListView is scrolled to top.

I also noticed that 'savedInstanceState' is coming as 'null' to for 'onCreate', 'onViewCreated' and 'onActivityCreated', even though I am saving some state in 'onSaveInstanceState'.

Attached is the code for fragment.

I am just wondering...am I alone..:-/...?

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[android-developers] Keyboard question

I'm building a custom keyboard, and I need to be able to move it around - so it won't necessarily stick to the bottom and sides of the screen. Can anyone please direct me how to achieve this?


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[Rails] accepts_nested_attributes_for, validates_associated, and validates_presence_of within a has_many/belongs_to

In a popular Rails book:


it states that if want to make sure that the association is valid on a
belongs_to, that is, make sure the parent is valid, then you use
validates_associated in conjunction with validates_presence_of:

class Project < ActiveRecord::Base
has_many :tasks
accepts_nested_attributes_for :tasks

class Task < ActiveRecord::Base
belongs_to :project

validates_presence_of :project_id
validates_associated :project

Unfortunately, this raises an issue because if the project validation
fails, then it won't have an id, and then when Rails goes to validate
the tasks, the task in turn will fail validation because they won't
have a project_id. So why would the book suggest this? Or is it the
accepts_nested_attributes_for that is causing the above behavior?

thanks for response

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[android-developers] Re: Is it possible to reduce the variability of camera shutter lag time?


I am curious about how you are performing & measuring timings between subsequent shots as there may also be some variability according to your method(s). For example, I found that using a Timer object there was some variability in when the task was actually run, sometime by a few hundred milliseconds. I had done some related work a while back trying to closely synchronise the cameras shutters of multiple Android devices connected via Bluetooth. This was successful to a degree but would sometimes lock up a Nexus S entirely, if the intershot delay was less than a few seconds.

Regards, the other gjs. 

On Wednesday, August 1, 2012 12:41:27 AM UTC+10, greg wrote:
Thanks for the suggestions. Based on them I tried disabling all the camera auto parameters. There is still a range of about 0.2 s in the shutter lag time. In this application (and perhaps there are others), I'm more concerned about the variability and not the average duration of the lag time. I have posted a feature request to the Android issue tracker to add an optional minimum shutter time argument in Camera.takePicture() that would delay the shutter if it were ready before the specified minimum. If you think you might find that extra control helpful in a future application, "star" the feature request at http://code.google.com/p/android/issues/detail?id=35785

Thanks! --Greg

P.S., We have the same initials, and for a while a few years ago I used those same initials as an on-line signature. Our writing styles are similar enough that I sometimes read your posts and momentarily wonder, "Did I write that?" :*)

On Monday, July 30, 2012 9:02:37 PM UTC-4, gjs wrote:

Set other camera parameter values to non-auto settings eg: set a specific white balance such as daylight, set flash to off etc.

Other than that ensure there is no other non essential app's / services running at the same time & examine your own app to minimise or eliminate any garbage collection, reduce sensor use / frequency.

Try a few different devices, dual cores, quad cores particularly those claiming zero shutter lag. Some devices let you vary the camera preview frame rate & preview size maybe try this as well, not sure if that would make a difference as I've have not tried this myself.

If that is still not good enough consider triggering a remote camera instead, such as an SLR via bluetooth or usb.


On Tuesday, July 31, 2012 6:41:53 AM UTC+10, greg wrote:
Thanks Richard. Setting the focus to Camera.Parameters.FOCUS_MODE_INFINITY helped as shown in the added histogram at http://stackoverflow.com/questions/11727240/how-to-reduce-the-variability-in-android-camera-shutter-lag

At the risk of sounding like an ingrate, do you have any ideas on how to reduce the variability even more? (A range of 0.2 s still covers a large portion of the periodic motion.)

-- Greg

On Monday, July 30, 2012 3:05:50 PM UTC-4, RichardC wrote:
Could it be related to auto-focus? Try turning it off.

On Monday, July 30, 2012 7:55:52 PM UTC+1, greg wrote:
Given a known periodic motion (e.g., walking), I'd like to take a full resolution snapshot at the same point in the motion (i.e., the same time offset within different periods). However on the Nexus S (currently running OS 4.1.1 but the same was true of previous OS versions), I'm seeing so much variability in the shutter lag that I cannot accurately plan the timing of the snapshot. Is there anything I can do in the application to reduce this shutter lag variability? (In this application, the mean lag can be any duration but the standard deviation must be small ... much smaller than the 0.5 s standard deviation I am seeing.) I'm hoping someone has a clever suggestion. If I don't get any suggestions, I'll post a feature request in the Android bug tracker.

I've posted the same question (and showing a histogram of camera shutter lag times) at


Thanks! -- Greg

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Re: Error in Brand New Django 1.4.1 released Yesterday

Yesterday I did ...

pip install --upgrade django

... and it happily upgraded mine to 1.4.1


On 1/08/2012 9:46am, Dennis Lee Bieber wrote:
> On Tue, 31 Jul 2012 16:06:20 -0700 (PDT), JJ Zolper
> <codingatmt@gmail.com> declaimed the following in
> gmane.comp.python.django.user:
>> Nope. Not Python 1.4. Django 1.4.
>> http://pypi.python.org/pypi/Django/1.4#downloads
> Intriguing... When I did my search python.org routed me to the
> Django server itself...

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[Rails] Help installing redmine

I am trying to install redmine on my Centos 5.8 box per
Redmine is based on the Ruby on Rails framework. I've requested help on
that site but haven't been able to get any help. I feel like a baby,
but please please please help.

I went with:

ruby-1.8.7.p358.tar.gz (per the article)
rubygems-1.4.2.tgz (per the article)
redmine-2.0.3.tar.gz (instead of redmine-1.3.2.tar.gz as done with the

Then when I got to the bundle install part...

[root@vps redmine]# bundle install
You cannot specify the same gem twice with different version
requirements. You specified: i18n (~> 0.6.0) and i18n (= 0.4.2)

So I comment out gem "i18n", "0.4.2" in /home/site1/redmine/Gemfile

[root@vps redmine]# bundle install
You cannot specify the same gem twice with different version
requirements. You specified: coderay (~> 1.0.6) and coderay (~> 0.9.7)

So I comment out gem "coderay", "~>0.9.7" in /home/site1/redmine/Gemfile

[root@vps redmine]# bundle install
Fetching gem metadata from http://rubygems.org/.......
Fetching gem metadata from http://rubygems.org/.......
Bundler could not find compatible versions for gem "rack":
In Gemfile:
rails (= 3.2.6) ruby depends on
rack (~> 1.4.0) ruby

rack (1.1.0)

Could anyone help? Please please please again (dang, I am a baby). Thank

Posted via http://www.ruby-forum.com/.

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Detecting browser type after login

I've only been working with django for 6 months, and I'm not really
clear on how the login process works.

I have a client that has a login screen created by a template. It has
a submit button with:

<form id="login" action="/accounts/login/" method="POST">

In their urls file they have:

(r'^accounts/login/$', login)

In their views file they call login(request)

What they want is, after the user has successfully logged in, I need
to detect which browser they are using, and depending on which it is,
potentially pop up a dialog box. I can't figure out where that code
would live. I'm not asking how to detect the browser type, but rather,
where that javascript code would go, and how I would cause it to get
invoked after the login.


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Is CakePHP more suitable for web services or Zend Framework?

Dear CakePHP gurus,

I have no intention to start an emotional thread about which framework is better. Asking this question on this forum is also rather stupid because members here are likely to be biased. Nevertheless, I hope to get objective replies.

I would like to build a website that focuses on web services - particularly CRUD, search and query functions. From what I read on the net, Zend Framework supporters say that Zend has much more components than CakePHP to support web services. On the other hand, my understanding of CakePHP is that Zend Framework components can be imported into CakePHP vendors folder. If that is the case, wouldn't it be a no-brainer to use CakePHP? In that regard, I have a few questions ...
- How easy is it to import Zend components into CakePHP? Do we need to modify the Zend components such that they follow certain naming conventions?
- Can most Zend components or only selected ones be imported? How about the ones that deal with web services?

Thank you for your help.

Our newest site for the community: CakePHP Video Tutorials http://tv.cakephp.org
Check out the new CakePHP Questions site http://ask.cakephp.org and help others with their CakePHP related questions.
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Re: [android-developers] Re: Use of weak password to protect Android keystore

On Wed, Aug 1, 2012 at 1:20 AM, howa <howachen@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi,
> On Tuesday, July 31, 2012 10:43:26 PM UTC+8, Nikolay Elenkov wrote:
>> On Tue, Jul 31, 2012 at 11:38 PM, howa wrote:
>> t doesn't matter. They can load you app with malware, put it on some
>> 'sharing'
>> site and it will look like it came from you. It will even update
>> cleanly on top of
>> your own app.
> For the protection, you mean the "Keystore password" or the "Key password"?


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[Rails] is AssociationProxy a subclass or a module of Association?

In the Rails documentation, it shows Association::AssociationProxy,
and I know that in ruby :: operator is a reference to a constant, and
a constant can either be a module or a class. So I ask because I'm
just curious how the two behave together. Thanks for response.

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[Rails] Re: ActiveRecord::Reflection active_record read-only method

I'm saying that active_record called on AssociationReflection seems to
just return the class object itself. For example:

Account.reflect_on_association(:users).active_record # => Account

What's the point of that? Can't you just do Account.class?

On Jul 31, 5:42 am, Frederick Cheung <frederick.che...@gmail.com>
> On Tuesday, July 31, 2012 2:09:41 AM UTC+1, John Merlino wrote:
> > Account.reflect_on_association(:users).active_record
> >  => Account(id: integer, name: string, created_at: datetime,
> > updated_at: datetime, ancestry: string, street_address: string, city:
> > string, postal_code: string, state: string, country: string,
> > street_address2: string, account_type_id: integer, client_logo:
> > string, subdomain: string, email: string, phone: string)
> > What it returns is not the Account object.
> > According to documentation, it "Returns the value of attribute
> > active_record".
> >http://rubydoc.info/docs/rails/3.0.0/ActiveRecord/Reflection/MacroRef...
> > Well, that's not too informative...
> > What's your question (and what the relationship with  your subject line?) ?
> Fred

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Selecting hasMany fields

I have an Order that hasMany LineItems.  I only want to extract an Order if certain LineItems.fields meet my conditions.

I'm using

$this->Order->find('list', array(
                'conditions' => array('LineItem.event_id' => '3',
                                      'LineItem.pulled' => '1'),
        //        'order' => array(Order.id => 'asc'),
                'recursive' => '2'

However all I get is ALL Orders.

Any ideas, thanks

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Re: Error in Brand New Django 1.4.1 released Yesterday

On Tue, 31 Jul 2012 16:06:20 -0700 (PDT), JJ Zolper
<codingatmt@gmail.com> declaimed the following in

> Nope. Not Python 1.4. Django 1.4.
> http://pypi.python.org/pypi/Django/1.4#downloads
Intriguing... When I did my search python.org routed me to the
Django server itself...
Wulfraed Dennis Lee Bieber AF6VN
wlfraed@ix.netcom.com HTTP://wlfraed.home.netcom.com/

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[android-developers] Simple touch method implementation!

Hi i am actually newbie to android development.I want to make a simple application based on the users touch gesture.If user(touch) point towards right then a new activity is started and on next/new activity when user point towards left then he will get back to his main activity.I know the intent method and its implementation just simply tell me the name of touch method which might be used for above application.....If you have any sample application or any important link.Please do share with me.Thanks.

Talha Qamar.  

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Re: Error in Brand New Django 1.4.1 released Yesterday

Nope. Not Python 1.4. Django 1.4.


I ran the following commands in the python interpreter and saw the following:

>>> import django
>>> print django.get_version()

I'm good to go. Not sure if the 1.4.1 file off of djangoproject.com is in the right shape so I went with what I knew, 1.4.



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Re: shall we use "assert" in GWT project in the development period

You should be able to use asserts in GWT Java code. Can you provide an example of your faulty " 'assert' sentence?"


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[android-developers] slick button?

Is it possible to make a really slick button using OpenGL effects by doing something like this:

public class MyButton extends GLSurfaceView


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combobox prepopulated to only related objects to "self"

Hi everyone

i have this model

GROUP and Product

product has a group field thath is foreignkey to GROUP.

and Group has foreignKey to Product to select primary product.

so i want to have a group with many products and one is the "primary product".

so...i could do this by select inline products with "trough" and search an intermediary Model (boolean field).

but it let me select  more than one promary,

the solution is the model this way:.

product has a group field thath is foreignkey to GROUP.

and Group has foreignKey to Product to select primary product.

so i want to have a group with many products and one is the "primary product".

but the primaryproduct field in group will be prepopulated with only the related products to this group.

how i prepopulate the select(combobox) with the reverse query ?

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Re: [Rails] Speed Up rake?

Hello Salvatore,

I think using things like spork or the like is just a band-aid and
they are not a solution to the real problem which is the design and
mixing things all together in rails provided and known things,
specially controllers and models. If we have good design with Single
Responsibility Principle and Separation of Concerns we can have
incredibly fast tests with focused pieces in our design. And we only
need rake or those stuff for running our rails-specific tests (like
controller tests, model tests, etc.) and those tests wont need to be
run as frequently as domain-logic tests. domain-logic tests should be
run so frequently during the red-green-refactor cycle all the time
and we should benefit from the quick feedback and other things which
are provided by having fast tests.

I recommend you to watch this interesting talk by Corey Haines ->
http://arrrrcamp.be/videos/2011/corey-haines---fast-rails-tests/ it'll
be great explanation of the things I've just mentioned with perfect
details and examples.

Hope that helps.
Best Regards

Sam Serpoosh
Software Developer: http://masihjesus.wordpress.com
Twitter @masihjesus

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Re: [android-developers] Fragments Bitmap Recycling + a bunch of bitmap oriented questions.

On Tue, Jul 31, 2012 at 2:51 AM, Dianne Hackborn <hackbod@android.com> wrote:
> Btw, I love how more and more I see people dragging out this quote every
> time they encounter some limit that they have to deal with, as if there
> should just not be limits on the resources they can use.

There should not be arbitrary limits mandated by an opaque entity who
always knows better.

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Re: [android-developers] Re: Use of weak password to protect Android keystore


On Tuesday, July 31, 2012 10:43:26 PM UTC+8, Nikolay Elenkov wrote:
On Tue, Jul 31, 2012 at 11:38 PM, howa wrote:
t doesn't matter. They can load you app with malware, put it on some 'sharing'
site and it will look like it came from you. It will even update
cleanly on top of
your own app.

For the protection, you mean the "Keystore password" or the "Key password"?


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[Rails] get an image from google chart api URL

how to get the image and save from this googleChart api URL. I am trying to do this for 3 days with open-uri, but i couldn't proceed that?


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Re: [android-developers] Re: Use of weak password to protect Android keystore

On Tue, Jul 31, 2012 at 11:38 PM, howa <howachen@gmail.com> wrote:
> But suppose they don't have the login into my Android Developer Console, I
> don't need to worry?

It doesn't matter. They can load you app with malware, put it on some 'sharing'
site and it will look like it came from you. It will even update
cleanly on top of
your own app.


* put a good password on your keystore
* put your keystore in a safe :)
* put a copy in another safe, not in the same building

And you should be relatively safe :)

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Re: [android-developers] Meesage From android

that's right.

As others have noted you might not have a device with a number, and
you should catch the intent in the case that it fails..


On Tue, Jul 31, 2012 at 6:09 AM, Rahul Kaushik <rahulkaushik85@gmail.com> wrote:
> Intent smsIntent = new Intent(Intent.ACTION_VIEW);
> smsIntent.setType("vnd.android-dir/mms-sms");
> smsIntent.putExtra("address", "12125551212");
> smsIntent.putExtra("sms_body","Body of Message");
> startActivity(smsIntent);
> That is am looking for
> Thanks
> RK
> On Tue, Jul 31, 2012 at 3:34 PM, Raghav Sood <raghavsood@gmail.com> wrote:
>>> From where we send our/compose our message in our android mobile
>> There is no default SMS app in Android.
>>> Mobile no to whom the message is to be send
>> The ability to do this varies from app to app.
>> Thanks
>> --
>> Raghav Sood
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>> answer them. Instead, post them to public forums where others and I can
>> answer and benefit from them.
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[Rails] Re: form_for with module and namespace

Issue resolved:

Posted via http://www.ruby-forum.com/.

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Re: presenting a manytomany relationship in a tabular way

On 31-7-2012 11:33, goabbear wrote:

> There's 3 tables, user(name, mail), mailinglist(name) and an intermediate
> table subscription where are stored all the users joining some
> mailinglists.
> How can I present the "subscription" table to the admins like a
> spreadsheet, where the first column represents the users emails and one
> other column is a mailinglist name. On each row, the admin can activate the
> subscription for each user by checking a checkbox?

You need a combination of list_display and modeladmin actions:

Alternatively, you can use list_editable:

Melvyn Sopacua

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[android-developers] how to display a toast after 10 seconds from starting Asynctask

Hi all, please suggest me how to execute something after 10 seconds from the start of AsyncTask.
I have used AsyncTask for different purpose. But, now I want to update my UI after 10 seconds.
Or to show a toast after specific time.

I actually want to perform some other task after 10 seconds, while the original task is running

please let me know how to do this.?

Thank you all.

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Re: merge data from multiple models

On 30-7-2012 19:50, joris benschop wrote:
> Op maandag 30 juli 2012 16:06:38 UTC+2 schreef Joris het volgende:
>> On Monday, July 30, 2012 3:52:31 PM UTC+2, Melvyn Sopacua wrote:
>>> If this is not implemented as a OneToOneField, then do so. You can then
>>> access the related object in the same way as the reverse of a ForeignKey
>>> and use related_name to make this more intuitive.
>> Yes that works great. Thanks!!
> I'm sorry I spoke too soon. This does not work if the slow model is based
> on a raw SQL statement, as this statement is performed on an instance of
> the model. Referring to fastmodel.slow creates a new (unititialized)
> instance with no SQL backend and this crashes (relation does not exist).

Hmm, I guess I'm missing the "real world use case" for this. Most
importantly, I'm missing how this slow model relates to the fast model
and what kind of query it is executing. I'm especially curious about the
"as this statement is executed as an instance of the model" bit.

Using a view in PostgreSQL for that SQL statement and tying that to a
model seems like the obvious solution, but care should be taken with the
syncdb command (as in, the model tied to the view should not be 'synced').

Melvyn Sopacua

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[Google Maps API v2] google map

hi all,
      how to create google map through lat and lang.
if any one know please help me.

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[android-developers] How to run animation on Custom LockScreen during booting of the device?

I have created a lock screen for ICS and it is placed in the frameworks and I can open applications using this. For the user effects I have started an animation when the lock screen is displayed. When I boot/reboot the device, animation appears after 2-3 seconds of delay.

Currently, I am receiving broadcast with action "Intent.ACTION_BOOT_COMPLETED" and starting the animation. But UI part of the LockScreen(without animation) is displayed before receiving the Intent.ACTION_BOOT_COMPLETED. My requirement is to display the animation in LockScreen on boot/reboot of device without any delay.

Any help or guidance in this regard will be well appreciated.

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Re: merge data from multiple models

Hi there,

> As templates cannot do lookups into a dictionary....

Templates can do lookups into a dictionary, see
(check the "Behind the scenes" section).

From what you've described, I'd try to prepare the necessary data in
a view (using caching, if possible at all), build the appropriate data
structure to be displayed and then use the template layer to do a
"dummy" display. Then you'd have the full power of Python at your
disposal to perform the best access to your data and combining the
models together into and array of items or a dictionary, depending on
your need.



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google finance portfolio performance graph

I want to integrate the google finance portfolio performance graph into my application. I don't care whether I integrate it via HTML or in my GWT app. 
I looked at several options:
  • I did not find any HTML for this graph to be able to include it as an iframe
  • I tried to embed the Flash source, but I can't get this working.
  • The Google Finance API seems to be deprecated
Any ideas?

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Re: [Models] saveAll doesn't work


Thanks ! 

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[android-developers] APP2Friend ?

I have noticed a new free app (APP2Friend) which claims to be able to send APK-files from a device to your friends. I tried it - to send some apps to my friends, but they haven't received anything yet.

Anyway; Is it possible to buy an app, and share it with your friends?

If this (APP2Friend) doesn't work as expected - what is it. What does it do?

Does anyone know?


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Re: [android-developers] which default layout in new eclipse android app project


In early days when i used to create android application it by default used to create Linear Layout.
But in recent it drops Relative Layout.
You can any time change the layout no issues with that.

Fahad Mullaji

On Sun, Jul 29, 2012 at 1:31 AM, Albrecht Frick <albrechtidis@googlemail.com> wrote:
Hi Developers,
I am new to this group, have just installed Eclipse(Helios), Java 6 upd 33, and the android sdk (on win7 64bit)
When I create an new Android Application Project in Eclipse, the generated Layout is RelativeLayout and not LinearLayout.
In all the code samples I read, the LinearLayout initially is created.
Any Ideas?

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Fahad Mullaji

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Re: [android-developers] New developer

On Mon, Jul 30, 2012 at 1:53 AM, Oscar <oscar.al.mun@gmail.com> wrote:
will it work well on android devices with versions 2.3 or superior or it will present crashes?

That really depends on what your code does. The only way to know this for sure is to test it. That's what the emulator is for.

TreKing - Chicago transit tracking app for Android-powered devices

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[android-developers] use big size Bitmap in AppWidget

hi all:
     I am attempting to create an android Widget application which display more than 10 images in ListView. The image size depends on screen resolution, so the image might be 300*300 pixel on some high resolution devices. When scrolling the listview Widget, the widget looks laggy and choppy. However, this laggy problem only happens on some high resolution device. I looked into android source code, and find out that there is a cache in RemoteViewsAdapter whose size is fixed to 2MB. 2MB is enough in most device, but not in high resolution devices. 
    Is there anyone see this problem as well? Any help would be appreciated.   thanks

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Re: Error in Brand New Django 1.4.1 released Yesterday

On Tue, Jul 31, 2012 at 2:42 AM, JJ Zolper <codingatmt@gmail.com> wrote:
> What about if you download it from the link I put.

When I said "I downloaded a copy of the 1.4.1 tarball", that's exactly
what I meant.

django.get_version() prints '1.4.1'. I do not know what the problem is
with your local install, but I can verify that it is not an issue with
the package on djangoproject.com.

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[android-developers] Meesage From android


I want  to open the android built-in messaging service from my activity and i want the mb no to be embedded  which i pass thru my activity, like when i send an email on click in site it open ms outllook and To is already filled with an email id.


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Re: Controllers with same name

On Tuesday, July 31, 2012 11:28:57 AM UTC+7, André Luis wrote:
Well, i´ve disabled the Cache and it works fine now, it must be a issue... latter i will submit as a issue.

Em segunda-feira, 30 de julho de 2012 10h55min45s UTC-3, André Luis escreveu:
Hi all, i am in a big trouble, and i dont know if it´s Cake PHP Issue, or am i doing something wrong...

But i have the Controller Categories at Representatives Plugin, also i have Categories at Contact plugin.
When i try to access /admin/representatives/categories it tryes to reach the categories controller from contact plugin, also sometimes the contact´s catgories tryes to reach representatives categories.

What am i doing wrong? or is it a issue?

This is not a bug. You just don't use the classes with the same name, even though it's in a different plugin.

I think I have already pointed this out to you a couple of days back.

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Monday, July 30, 2012

Re: [android-developers] Trying to send a message to second activity and then change the second activity textView text to that message

have you declared your second activity in manifest file!! check it out!!

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Re: [Rails] Reg : Create new rails app by version.

 I have google I found that by specifying `rails _2.3.10_  new demo`  will help but is not working instead it creating \

the 'new' command did not exists in rails before rails 3, back then there was a different script for  generators

script/generate controller

is now 

rails g controller

so back then the 'rails' script was only for making apps, now it accepts commands like generate, destroy and more. If you want to see who to use it in rails 3 check out this link

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Re: Tool to visualize database schema on cakephp


Such a toll cannot be bundled with Cake itself because Cake can use different DataSources.

The best tool I've used (for MySQL) is MySQL Workbench. It does design and forward/reverse engineering for MySQL only, but for "schema visualization" it will do the trick for all.
I've incorporated this wonderful piece of software in my dev process and I can freely say that there are many benefits, some being:
- An always up to date model of the database
- All changes to the DB are made from MySQL Workbench
- Versioning for DB changes
- Real easiness  for "Database Forward/Reverse Engineering"
- Generation of SQL divs
- ...

Of course all of its features would work only on MySQL (and its forks maybe like MariaDB), but if you would only like to visualize then it will do wonders for you. You can also check out Dia - the open source diagram editor, with which you can create graphs, but you wouldn't have any of the other features, as
it is not solely a DB design tool. Try Workbench out.


On Tuesday, 31 July 2012 05:41:13 UTC+3, Lightee wrote:
Dear cakephp experts,

Does anyone know of tools that can help us visualize the database schema on cakephp? Hopefully, it can show the relationship (1 to many, 1 to 1) between different tables.

Thank  you.

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[android-developers] GCM Firewall setting

Hi ,
I need to use GCM to push message , But My company have firewall block all traffic ,
I would like to ask Do Google can provide IP Address Range Used by the GCM.

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Re: Controllers with same name

Well, i´ve disabled the Cache and it works fine now, it must be a issue... latter i will submit as a issue.

Em segunda-feira, 30 de julho de 2012 10h55min45s UTC-3, André Luis escreveu:
Hi all, i am in a big trouble, and i dont know if it´s Cake PHP Issue, or am i doing something wrong...

But i have the Controller Categories at Representatives Plugin, also i have Categories at Contact plugin.
When i try to access /admin/representatives/categories it tryes to reach the categories controller from contact plugin, also sometimes the contact´s catgories tryes to reach representatives categories.

What am i doing wrong? or is it a issue?

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Adding more data to Generic Views


I'm confused about adding extra content to a class based Generic View. I've read
the docs at file:///home/datakid/src/django-docs/topics/class-based-views.html 
and have written the code accordingly. 

I have Person, Certificate, Job and Compensation objects. The last three all 
have an FK (or M2M) back to a (or some) Person(s).

My DetailView subclass (which I've put in views.py - is there a better or more
correct place for it?)

class PersonDetailView(DetailView):
    context_object_name = "person"
    model = Person

    def get_context_data(self,**kwargs):
        #Call the base implementation first to get a context
        context = super(PersonDetailView, self).get_context_data(**kwargs)
        #Add in a querysets
        context['job_list'] = Vacancy.complete.all()
        context['certificate_list'] = Certificate.objects.all()
        context['claim_list'] = Compensation.objects.all()
        return context

But I don't want the full list of Vacancies, Certificates or Claims - I just 
want those that are linked to the person - how can I filter by these? I've tried
.filter(applicants__get_id__exact=self.get_id) (in the case of Vacancy) etc

How do I filter by the person object that is already in the context?
I know the answer is simple - I should wait until tomorrow when my brain is 
fresher, but I want to finish this off tonight if possible.

Of course, the other thing that I can't help but thinking is that at this point, the non-generic-view method of urls/views might be a simpler way to go. While Generic Views are quite versatile,  is there a point at which they are considered to restricting? 


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Re: HABTM association: How to populate ONLY the joining table

i actually have the same issue but how can i put it in view when if i edit my user profile? i have Users and UserProfile table

On Sunday, August 8, 2010 10:16:16 PM UTC+8, Mariano C. wrote:
I have books and users table. Both tables have id field as PK, and
both have respective Book and User model and controllers.

There's a third table called books_users, this table have an id field
as PK and two FK called user_id and book_id.

There's a lot of books in the books table, and logged in user can
choice to add a book to his collection, to do this is necessary to add
a row on books_users table with choosen book's id and logged in user's

Actually I do this through a function add() in the controller
BooksUsersController and relative view and model (BookUser).
There's a smarter way to do this.

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Re: [android-developers] Set bounds for one layer of LayerDrawable?

Thanks Dianne for your input. I've been working on a two drawable solution since earlier today. My motivation for using LayerDrawable was to model Android's ProgressBar, where the layer with id=android:id/progress is either a ClipDrawable or a ScaleDrawable (depending on API level). 

Thus far with ScaleDrawable and ClipDrawable, I've only seen ways to set gravity, whereas I need finer control of the region being drawn. Is there some way to accomplish what I'm after using either of those classes?

On Monday, July 30, 2012 6:00:23 PM UTC-7, Dianne Hackborn wrote:
No, the bounds are where the drawable will actually render itself.  If you want two different bounds, that should technically be two different drawables.

If you need to have this all in one drawable, the only option I can think of is to make your own subclass of Drawable that computes the different bounds as you want them.

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Tool to visualize database schema on cakephp

Dear cakephp experts,

Does anyone know of tools that can help us visualize the database schema on cakephp? Hopefully, it can show the relationship (1 to many, 1 to 1) between different tables.

Thank  you.

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[android-developers] Re: Download here library for reading/writing EXIF from your JPEG images

HI Streets of Boston.

I'm trying to write an android application which allows you to read and write comments
for Jpeg image. I know there is an Android API (ExifInterface) for parsing exif information
but the user-comments (tag id 0x9286) field is undefined.
Can I use Sanselan to get the work done? If yes where can I download it because the link
you provided is not working anymore?

Thanking you in advance.

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[android-developers] Re: Byte [] image


YUV conversion is only required for camera preview images not camera


On Jul 30, 12:59 pm, Jim Graham <spooky1...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On Mon, Jul 30, 2012 at 07:12:52AM -0700, Numair Qadir wrote:
> > I'm working on an app, in which i convert the byte[] image to bitmap, but
> > it showed me some weird image, (in attachment), here is my code
> No need to look at the attached image...I can already see the errors.
> >   int width = parameters.getPreviewSize (). width;
> >   int height = parameters.getPreviewSize (). height;
> Ok, why are you bothering with the preview size?  You aren't dealing with
> the preview here---you're dealing with the PHOTO image now.  But that's
> not important, as you don't even NEED the width or height here.  So
> remove the above two lines.
> >   ByteArrayOutputStream outStr = new ByteArrayOutputStream ();
> >   Rect rect = new Rect (0, 0, width, height);
> >   YuvImage yuvimage = new YuvImage (arg0, ImageFormat.NV21, width,
> >      height, null);
> >   yuvimage.compressToJpeg (rect, 100, outStr);
> Ok, what's all this junk for?  Toss it all into the bin....
> >   Bitmap bmp = BitmapFactory.decodeByteArray (outstr.toByteArray (), 0,
> >        outstr.size ());
> Ok, now we're where we should be...except what you have about should look
> more like this:
> public void onPictureTaken(final byte[] data, final Camera camera) {
>    .....
>    Bitmap bmp = BitmapFactory.decodeByteArray(data, 0, data.length, options);
>    .....
> }
> And then you have your bitmap.  Be careful, however...anything over about
> 3 MP is going to cause an Out Of Memory Error when you exceed the amount
> of heap the Java side allows you to use (which may be higher for devices
> with higher-resolution cameras).  I suggest using try/catch to avoid
> locking the camera and forcing the user to reboot to reset the camera.
> Then you can at least exit gracefully.
> Later,
>    --jim
> --
> THE SCORE:  ME:  2  CANCER:  0
> 73 DE N5IAL (/4)            MiSTie #49997      < Running Mac OS X Lion >
> spooky1...@gmail.com                    ICBM/Hurr.: 30.44406N 86.59909W
>                    Saw something on TV about Psych-os.
>              Hmmmm, Psych OS.  Perhaps the next freeware OS....   --me
> Android Apps Listing athttp://www.jstrack.org/barcodes.html

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[android-developers] Audio Book

Hi Guys,

I am working on an application where i need to download large audio files(30 mb). After purchasing user can download the audio files. So i am wondering that if i download the files from server there might be internet connection problem midle of the download(files are big). Because these files are paid(in app purchase) what should be the proper way of doing this. I need suggessions.

Is there any audio book in google play like Iphone have? If yes please send me the link.

Plabon Modak

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[Rails] ActiveRecord::Reflection active_record read-only method

I was horsing around with the reflect_on_assocation class method of
ActiveRecord Reflection, which returns an instance of
AssociationReflection. One of its methods is called active_record. I
run it in console:

=> Account(id: integer, name: string, created_at: datetime,
updated_at: datetime, ancestry: string, street_address: string, city:
string, postal_code: string, state: string, country: string,
street_address2: string, account_type_id: integer, client_logo:
string, subdomain: string, email: string, phone: string)

What it returns is not the Account object.

According to documentation, it "Returns the value of attribute


Well, that's not too informative...

thanks for response

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Re: [android-developers] Re: Phone can't download my app

On 7/30/2012 3:13 PM, Chrystian Vieyra wrote:
> Perhaps something on the Build.prop that CyanogenMod uses is causing the
> app not being compatible with the phone, why don't you check the
> build.prop file?
> Have you checked the android developer console to see if you have any
> users with a galaxy SII?

It sounds like you are giving me sage advice, but I don't follow
you immediately. Your terms are over my head. I'll Google them
tomorrow at work, but in the mean time, if you can elaborate on
what a build.prop file is, as well as the 'android developer console',
I'd be appreciative.



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Re: [android-developers] how to protect sqllite database source file in android app from Decompilation

On Mon, Jul 30, 2012 at 7:36 PM, Ahmed Alsayadi <a.alsayadii@gmail.com> wrote:
> thats very scary in android

It's pretty much the same for all operating systems.

> but i think initiate the database from my won
> server with encryption should work fine, i will try it

Just bear in mind that if your code can decrypt your database, so can
anyone else who wishes to try.

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[android-developers] Re: AutoCompleteTextView cursor position.

Forgot to mention one more thing: I also added an attribute
"android:imeOptions="actionNext" in xml file.

On Mon, Jul 30, 2012 at 7:04 PM, Lakshman Bana <lakshman.bana@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi Everyone,
> I'm having a very simple issue i.e. the cursor goes to the front of
> the text when item is selected from my ArrayList in emulator.
> here is the sample code:
> SimpleAdapter sa = new SimpleAdapter(this, myArrayList,
> R.layout.contacts, new String[] { "name", "number" }, new int [] {
> R.id.name, R.id.num });
> myAutoText.setAdapter(sa);
> myAutoText.setOnItemClickListener(new OnItemClickListener() {
> public void onItemClick(AdapterView parent, View v, int pos, long id) {
> String num = myArrayList.get(pos).get("NUM");
> myAutoText.dismissDropDown();
> myAutoText.setText(num);
> myAutoText.performCompletion();
> }
> }
> And still I see cursor is positioned at start of the text in TextBox
> and dropdown is shown with selected item.
> Minimum API selected is 9.
> Thanks in advance.
> Lakshman

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