Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Re: How to set back ground color to a textfield

please try with background image 

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[android-developers] Re: ExpandableListView How to get bitmap of each item separately

Hi Treking Thanks for your reply :)

I am facing one issue even for getting bitmap of first group item.

My group item layout/UI changes in expand and collapse state .

If i get drawing cache in expand state i am getting bitmap correspond
to collapse state ...

How to get latest bitmap of corresponding group ?

Thanks and regards
Mansoor V.M

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[Rails] Unable to run rake db:create:all

I am able to create databases (development, test, and production
databases) as follows
ajit@ajit:~$ su - postgres
postgres@ajit:~$ psql
postgres=# create DATABASE book_shelf_development;
postgres=# create DATABASE book_shelf_test;
postgres=# create DATABASE book_shelf_production;


But when I try to create same databases using the command
'rake db:create:all', I am getting an error massage saying 'FATAL:
Ident authentication failed for user "postgres"'. And none of the
databases are created.

And also after creating databases as shown above, I created migration
files and I am able to do rake db:migrate for the same database.yml

Can you please help me why 'rake db:create:all' is not working?

Thank you

Posted via http://www.ruby-forum.com/.

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Re: [android-developers] Re: ListView item into ListView

On Tue, Jan 31, 2012 at 1:46 AM, fala70 <fala70@gmail.com> wrote:
then ? what is the best solution to use a list variable items into an
item listview ?

Hey, What about ExpandableListView? 
Try that, may be helpful for you.

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Re: [android-developers] Re: ListView item into ListView

On Tue, Jan 31, 2012 at 1:46 AM, fala70 <fala70@gmail.com> wrote:
then ? what is the best solution to use a list variable items into an
item listview ?

Hey, what about ExpandableListView? 
Try that, may be helpful for you. 

With Regards,

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Re: How to set back ground color to a textfield

I tried like you suggested but it did't work for a textfield !

On Jan 31, 10:10 pm, Qrunk <kapil2ka...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I tried the same on a button(*add *button), its working for me,
> try out this :
> @UiHandler("add")
>     void onAddClick(ClickEvent event) {
>         //addRows();
>         add.setEnabled(false);
>         if(!add.isEnabled()){
>             System.out.println("Hello");
>             add.getElement().getStyle().setBorderColor("red");
>         }
>     }
> Here add is button added using UiBinder, onClick I make it disabled and
> change the border color to red

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[android-developers] Remote administration in Android

Hi all,

I am having a scenario like i have a procedure in my application for
encrypting files and i have to call or initiate the procedure from a
Remote server, so in a generic way i want to do Remote administration
in Android, can someone please give me an idea about it, how it can be
done in android?

Is there any API available in android for doing this?
any help is appreciated


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[android-developers] Re: Simulating Mouse Click

OK so first things first, yes I was kind of angry/upset because it
seemed like I had tried all possible routes and have no solution. I
apologize if my "threat" to re-post this question every week (lol)
came off too strong.

But honestly, I've been at this for nearly a month where I bought a
Bluetooth adapter for $80 and hooked it up to Arduino as my driver-
interface. I used Arduino to communicate with the adapter, but because
the adapter does not have a HID profile, I am kind of stuck.
(Re-)write a HID profile? how to add profile to BT stack? Re-invent
the wheel? Are my #googling skills up to par?

So I resorted to reading a bluetooth stream from the device via BT. I
manually send signals to Arduino (from button or typing) which get
sent over BT to the tablet. I've got IME's down. But for mouse clicks
and motions and pressure and all the goodies ... I've been royally
stuck :(

I'm sorry but in the name of learning I shall continue to ask!
..and thank you for replying :)


On Jan 31, 1:20 pm, Kristopher Micinski <krismicin...@gmail.com>
> On Tue, Jan 31, 2012 at 4:01 PM, Dritan <djdea...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > Thank you for your reply Kris.
> > I am trying to create a low-level mapping where some button press on
> > my 22-button device is to be seen as leftclick, by following this
> > configuration:http://source.android.com/tech/input/key-layout-files.html
> > I know Android is a flexible system and without rooting a device, it
> > is TOTALLY possible to create your own input device as amouse+
> > keyboard + touchpad + braille + whatever kind of input you wish to
> > send to android. (NOT simulate keys, but actually send the
> > corresponding byes for "LeftClick" or "RightClick" or "move
> > pointer").
> I totally agree with you.  It's not that what you're doing is
> fundamentally flawed, it's that you're thinking about it the wrong
> way.  You're looking to solve it using the naive hackey behavior
> typical of malware.  You have to remember that your app would be
> potentially killed off at any time, so even if you launched it as a
> background and were able to register clicks to the toplevel view, your
> app could always annoyingly disappear!
> > Consider a professional artists who purchases a digital drawing pad
> > *with* a stylus pen for accuracy and all his/her drawings on the
> > drawing pad are directly sent to Android as legitmouseor stylus
> > events. This includes the pressure of the lines drawn as well, without
> > having to directly simulate each event.
> True.
> > It just seems that not one Google employee seems to know about this.
> > Documentation is barely existent (and whatever is there is very poor),
> > books don't help (not one book dares touch on this topic). I've gone
> > back and forth all over the web to find an answer and unfortunately,
> > only someone in this area of expertise can actually help me.
> Well, to be fair, this list isn't something that Google is responsible
> for answering questions on.
> > What better place to post a question about Android than the source
> > itself?
> Personally I did not know that you could add such low level support at
> the application level.  The only thing I'm aware of is adding HID
> profiles, and the docs for those are here:
> http://source.android.com/tech/input/overview.html
> > Thank you,
> > Dritan
> > p.s. If I don't get a reply from a competent Google employee (or
> > really, anyone who's competent in this area), I shall re-post this
> > question with a different title, every single week. I don't want to
> > root the phone, nor do I feel like re-compiling the source to get
> > the .java files for the source (even then it's a tremendous headache).
> > Any help related directly to this matter is greatly appreciated, thank
> > you!
> That's a very passive aggressive threat.. I'm sure the discussion
> around the office will be something like
> "did you answer that guy yet, tom?"
> "No, he said he would repost every week until I did, I figured I'd see
> how long he could keep it up."
> What do you mean by recompiling the source to get the java files for
> the source?  That doesn't make any sense, you already have all the
> system source, it's in the public repository, and you can browse and
> modify it yourself.  The reason you don't want to do so is that if you
> do, nobody will have your hacked firmware, unless Google accepted your
> patch, which they might do.
> Your problem is that what you're wanting to write isn't an app, it's a
> driver for the device.  You won't be able to do that through an app,
> the system doesn't work like that.
> There isn't much HID support, from cupcake onward, iirc, because it's
> just not very mature.
> There are some projects out there aiming to support this eventually,
> but I don't know a general way to get support for your device on
> Android if it has to do lower level things..
> http://code.google.com/p/androhid/
> For example
> kris

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Re: [android-developers] Need architecture guidance in reference to a social app

> Question: How do i handle the exchange between the two devices.
> Am i going to need a server to accomplish this?

The basic answer is: yes. You *do* need a server to accomplish this.
Having a backend solution is probably the most feasible path, and it's
done the majority of the time.

There are other ways, sms, bluetooth, email, etc... But these aren't
really as common as using a web backend.


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Re: [android-developers] AR.Drone compilation for Android

On Tue, Jan 31, 2012 at 5:04 PM, Damien Cooke <cooke.damien@gmail.com> wrote:
Has anyone got the ARDrone API 1.8 example code and ARDroneLib compiled on a recent version of Android NDK?

I would love some direction I have wasted so much time it is not funny.

There is a separate list for NDK related questions.

TreKing - Chicago transit tracking app for Android-powered devices

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[Lovers India] IGI 2 Covert Strike Game added!

Remember Project IGI v1!! hah!

Check out its new version from FUN-TALK:

Name: Project IGI v2 - Covery Strike
Size: 185mb
Frmt: Rar (password:ir-dl.com)
Link: Check Facebook Fan Page for the Direct Free link

For games/softwares & movies, visit FUN-TALK Fan Page:

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[Rails] Does Devise make use of a "status" method? Weird bug.

So I've inherited a legacy application and I'm trying to work around the
edges as I put an admin tool interface on top of the existing code base.
I install Devise for user authentication, since I've used it in the
past. I change none of the default code. And yet, on successful sign
in, I get an error:

Render and/or redirect were called multiple times in this action. Please
note that you may only call render OR redirect, and at most once per
action. Also note that neither redirect nor render terminate execution
of the action, so if you want to exit an action after redirecting, you
need to do something like "redirect_to(...) and return".

Here's the thing, look where that error was thrown

`block (2 levels) in render'
`block in ms'
`block in render'
app/controllers/application_controller.rb:9:in `status'

Look at that last line -- the status method of the
application_controller. This is an addition from the legacy code, a
simple monitoring method they installed so that the app responds to a
"/status" call with the text "UP".

I know this to be the problem because if I no longer extend the
ApplicationnController and go straight to ActionController::Base
instead, thus avoiding that status method, then this error goes away.
I'm guessing that the problem goes a little something like this,
"Successful login wants to do a redirect, but then control moves on to
the status method which tries to do a render, and throws that
DoubleRender error." Take out the extra render, and it works.

What I can't figure out for the life of me is how Devise is getting
there in the first place!

The problem is coming from the SessionsController#create method, but
this is just the stock version I've done nothing do it:

# POST /resource/sign_in
def create
resource = warden.authenticate!(:scope => resource_name, :recall =>
set_flash_message(:notice, :signed_in) if is_navigational_format?
sign_in(resource_name, resource)
respond_with resource, :location => after_sign_in_path_for(resource)

This is Devise 2.0.0 on a Rails 3.1 app, Ruby 1.9.2p136. I'm just
realizing, as I go googling around, just how new this version of Devise
is. I may need to back out a bit.

Posted via http://www.ruby-forum.com/.

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PushButton in Table row??

I currently have a celltable that has data loaded from a database.  For every row, I have a Button in the row that points to a pdf.  The thing is that I wan't to put an image on the button on each row.  So exact same logic is now but instead of having text on the button, I want to put an image.  If the database brings back 20 records, there are twenty rows and thus 20 buttons.  How can I load the exact same image to all 20 buttons?  I currently am using a ButtonCell, so I am not sure how to go about this??  I know that "PushButtons"  can have images on them>  How could I load a push button to each row in a cell table??



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[Rails] Re: rubygems Problem on ubuntu 10.04

Awesome that DNS fix in etc/hosts worked for me

Finally ..
$ sudo gem install rails
Fetching: i18n-0.6.0.gem (100%)
Fetching: multi_json-1.0.4.gem (100%)

Many thanks Damian!!


Damian M. wrote in post #1031895:
> MaT 2. wrote in post #1031374:
>> i really need help.. i hope someone can help me..
> I don't know if this effects you or not, but if you're behind OpenDNS
> then you're likely having issues because of them. I had this issue
> myself just today (which is how I stumbled on this forum post) and the
> resolution for me was to add the following to my hosts file:
> production.cf.rubygems.org
> if you go to production.cf.rubygems.org in your web browser, and this is
> your issue, you'll get an OpenDNS message which essentially claims
> production.cf.rubygems.org distributes malware/viruses. Adding the hosts
> file entry allowed me to bypass opendns entirely for the one site. This
> is only a temporary fix, though. I've sent mail to the email address in
> the OpenDNS error page for production.cf.rubygems.org and it would be a
> good idea if anyone else affected by this did the same so that the root
> cause can be taken care of.

Posted via http://www.ruby-forum.com/.

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Re: [android-developers] Re: In-App Billing Tracking By Android Market

On Tue, Jan 31, 2012 at 5:49 PM, beachboy <jfmacon@gmail.com> wrote:
I assume then that during an uninstall and reinstall of the Lite
version that my app will have to check the market to see if the user
had previously purchased the advanced capabilities

and then unlock those during the install.

No. You can't do anything "during the install". You check when you run.
It still seems like the user is misinformed as to which version of the app he is using from a market perspective.

I don't know what you mean.

TreKing - Chicago transit tracking app for Android-powered devices

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Re: HttpSocket won't use 443 port for https request automatically

i'm using cake 2.0.5

On Tue, Jan 31, 2012 at 10:58 PM, euromark <dereuromark@googlemail.com> wrote:
could be
you can open a ticket at
if you feel like this should be addressed

but dont forget to mention the cake version you are using this time
(as you did here^^)

On 31 Jan., 04:38, Perry <perry...@gmail.com> wrote:
> when I pass a https url to HttpSocket::get, it won't use 443 port
> automatically, and return nothing
> but when i specify the port in url, likehttps://example.com:443/, it works
> fine
> is this a bug?
> --
> Perry | 彭琪http://pengqi.me

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Perry | 彭琪

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[android-developers] Need architecture guidance in reference to a social app

i need to know how an actual developer might solve this problem .

I have the app on my device and so do you.
In the app i write a message and this message is passed to your app .
You open and your app are notified a new message awaits.
The action you take in reference to this message generates a
notification to me and an update to facebook.
This action also generates a date and time that will populate another
activity on your app and mine.

I am thinking sqllite running off the sd on each device

Question: How do i handle the exchange between the two devices.
Am i going to need a server to accomplish this?

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Re: Testing

Another option, if you're using unittest2 (and if you're using Django's TestCase, you're using unittest2) is assertIn --

self.assertIn(first, [one_value, another_value])

Russ Magee %-)

On 01/02/2012, at 8:42 AM, Furbee wrote:

> I think you can do something like:
> assertTrue(first == one_value or first == second_value)
> At the same time, when unit testing, you should really know exactly what a value returned from a method is.
> Furbee
> On Tue, Jan 31, 2012 at 4:32 PM, xino12 <xinatowner@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hello, I'm doing unitTesting and I want to know if it's possible to
> accept more than one value in the assetEqual method.
> Maybe this works
> assertEqual(first, one_value or another_value)
> Sorry but I'm new programming with django.
> Lots of thanks,
> Rubén
> --
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> --
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Re: [android-developers] Re: NFC Secure Element


I was wondering if I can emulate the card in my application and send it to the terminal.


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GIS Distance from Point to Geometry Collection

I have a model that currently stores a Geographic Point (Using Django
GIS (GeoDjango)) and another model that has a field to store a
geometry collection (A collection of polygons, lines, and or points).

I am trying to find the distance from the point to any one of the
shapes in the geometry collection. Apparently the distance function
only works on single shapes, not a collection. Are there any
workarounds to this?

Any help is appreciated.


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Catch a javascript event

I open a window and I change the value of a <input> element that I
have in the main html with javascript from the child window . How do I
catch the onChange events from GWT in parent window?

Parent window

<input type="hidden" id="var1" value="not_init" >
Child window
<script type="text/javascript">
function x (){
= 'new values';
<input type="button" value="Cierra" name="B1" onclick="x();">

The parent window executes: Window.open("child.html") from GWT.

When I press the button in the child window... the value of 'var' is
update... but I don't know how to catch the event from GWT in the
parent window. Could anyone help me¿

Thanks a lotQ

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Django Model Errors : TypeError: 'class Meta' got invalid attribute(s): using

Hi all,
I am newbie in django and while trying to write a database router for
using multiple database I did something like :

class Meta:
using = 'somedatabasename'

in Django models.py.

However while doing a syncdb I get an error like this :

TypeError: 'class Meta' got invalid attribute(s): using

what am I missing here??

any pointers or docs will be of great help.

Subhodip Biswas

GPG key : FAEA34AB
Server : pgp.mit.edu

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Useful little package for y'all, written by Julien Phalip, which I've packaged and pushed to PyPI.

django-private-views - https://github.com/dabapps/django-private-views

Inverts the usual @login_required logic, and instead makes all your views private by default, and gives you a @login_not_required.
(And a few other useful bits and pieces.)

Hope it's useful.  Let me know if there's any problems.



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[android-developers] Re: eclipse plugin phonegap

You can do it here:

I set it up today. It is very easy to get started.

They have their own Google group here:


On Jan 31, 4:58 pm, Jagadeesh <mjagadeeshb...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi
> iam working android project
> my apps targeting cross platform like blackberry,iphone
> where can i get phoneGap plugin for eclipse ganymade can any one share
> the link might useful very urgent

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Re: [Rails] Why Heroku so slow?

On Tue, Jan 31, 2012 at 12:19 PM, Dieter Lunn <coder2000@gmail.com> wrote:

> On Tue, Jan 31, 2012 at 11:04 AM, Rodrigo Ruiz <rodrigo.ruiz7@gmail.com> wrote:
>> That is weird, in the logs it looks like everything is working smoothly, but
>> when I try to access it, takes me about 5 seconds.

I can't be sure, but.. AFAIK

Does this only happen the first time the page is loaded?

Heroku unloads applications. Both when it's deployed, and after
periods of inactivity. The first load after it's been unloaded is
always slow.

Greg Akins

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Re: Question regarding ticket #17062

> If you don't want to use a custom version of Django, and can't wait
> for 1.4, you should be able to set the time zone for per database
> user. Connect to the database with your database user, and do this:
> ALTER USER "thedbuser" SET TIME ZONE 'wanted_zone'; -- where
> wanted_zone would be UTC for you.
> So, for example for me the above would look:
> ALTER USER "akaariai" SET TIME ZONE 'Europe/Helsinki';
> The per-user settings are a really nice feature. Many problems in
> PostgreSQL can be neatly solved by usage of the per-user settings.
> You can verity that the change took place by reconnecting (the per
> user settings are only changed on connect), and running:
> select current_setting('timezone');
> The effect of this is that the rollback will still reset you timezone,
> but as the default is UTC there is nothing to worry :) In fact, once
> 1.4 is out, it will no longer run SET TIME ZONE at all, as 1.4 is able
> to recognize that the time zone is already correct for the connection!

Thank you very much, that's perfect.

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[Rails] Re: Re: Gem install bundler works, gem bundle doesn't?

I also have this problem but I have root access.
Are there any options?

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Re: [Rails] Database level authentication

I appreciate what you're trying to do. I've been a dba in the past and
have built apps using database credentials in the past.

But this is a mistake. They key to being successful with rails is to
leave behind the ways you did things before and embrace 'the rails

ActiveRecord using a single connection string to connect to the
database -- it's in the database.yml file in the /config directory.
Having it somehow use different credentials based on the user would
make things much more complicated than need be.

My advice -- forget about how you did things before and embrace the
powerful and fast tools that rails provides to do things.

In this case, use 'device' -- it's what almost everyone else uses and
you'll thank yourself later for doing so. If you proceed with the way
you're going then later on you'll kick yourself and wonder what the
hell you were thinking.

Best of luck.

On Mon, Jan 30, 2012 at 11:36 AM, Marcin S <msporysz06@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hello, Im trying to write a simple app  for company internal usage.
> The other applications we use (in php) authenticate users based on
> database credentials, and to be honest I have no idea how to implement
> this. Any suggestions will be great!
> --
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field name hiding workaround


I have got a class Lexeme which I would like to define as follows:

class Lexeme(models.Model):

class Meta:
unique_together = ((u"entity", u"language"),)

language = models.ForeignKey(Language)

# ...

I would like to have different types of lexemes, each of which has
another field type as "entity". Like so:

class CommodityLexeme(Lexeme):

class Meta:
verbose_name_plural = "Commodities"

entity = models.ForeignKey(Commodity)

class CountryLexeme(Lexeme):

class Meta:
verbose_name_plural = "Countries"

entity = models.ForeignKey(Country)

I know this doesn't work, because field name hiding is not permitted.
(See https://docs.djangoproject.com/en/1.1/topics/db/models/#field-name-hiding-is-not-permitted).

But what would be the most elegant workaround? I suppose someone has
had a similar problem before.


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Problème Header Custom


Je bloque sur un léger problème sur un header Customisé.

Je souhaite afficher dans le header d'un datagrid une textbox et une
image pour filtrer avec un onclick dessus.
Le onClick ne fonctionne pas, avec-vous quelques idées?

Voici une partie du code:

public class PssTableView extends Header<String> implements HasText{
public PssTableView(TextInputCell input){

public void render(Context context, SafeHtmlBuilder sb){
super.render(context, sb);

Image img = new Image("pssFiltre.gif");
img.addClickHandler(new ClickHandler(){
public void onClick(ClickEvent event)

L'image s'affiche correctement mais le Handler ne fonctionne
malheureusement pas.


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[android-developers] MediaRecorder.start() hangs on Galaxy S2


I'm trying to develop a call recording app.
This is the code to start recording:

try {
MediaRecorder callRecorder = new MediaRecorder();
catch (Exception e) {

I'm facing some problems testing in Galaxy S2 device.
It works great on Galaxy S+, and in other phone models it fails, but
at least an exception is raised ("start failed" message, not very
With Galaxy S2 this code hangs in "callRecorder.start();"
It never returns.

Has anybody found this problem?
Any idea about what can be wrong with this code?


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Re: HttpSocket won't use 443 port for https request automatically

could be
you can open a ticket at
if you feel like this should be addressed

but dont forget to mention the cake version you are using this time
(as you did here^^)

On 31 Jan., 04:38, Perry <perry...@gmail.com> wrote:
> when I pass a https url to HttpSocket::get, it won't use 443 port
> automatically, and return nothing
> but when i specify the port in url, likehttps://example.com:443/, it works
> fine
> is this a bug?
> --
> Perry | 彭琪http://pengqi.me

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Re: [android-developers] nullpointer on getPreferenceManager() in sdk 13 and up

getPreferenceManager() looks like it will return null if you are using
preference headers. My guess is that you are supposed to use the
PreferenceManager from your PreferenceFragments.

On Tue, Jan 31, 2012 at 9:22 AM, Dirk Vranckaert
<dirkvranckaert@gmail.com> wrote:
> I'm trying to implement a fragemented preferences activity.
> This is only the first part of my activity where it already fails:
> public class PreferencesICSActivity extends PreferenceActivity {
>    @Override
>    protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
>        super.onCreate(savedInstanceState);
>        PreferenceManager preferenceManager =
> PreferencesICSActivity.this.getPreferenceManager();
> preferenceManager.setSharedPreferencesName(Constants.Preferences.PREFERENCES_NAME);
>    }
> ...
> }
> I used to do the same in sdk version 7, there it worked. Now however
> the getPreferenceManager() is null...
> What am I doing wrong?
> Kr,
> Dirk Vranckaert
> --
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[android-developers] nullpointer on getPreferenceManager() in sdk 13 and up

I'm trying to implement a fragemented preferences activity.

This is only the first part of my activity where it already fails:

public class PreferencesICSActivity extends PreferenceActivity {
protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
PreferenceManager preferenceManager =


I used to do the same in sdk version 7, there it worked. Now however
the getPreferenceManager() is null...
What am I doing wrong?


Dirk Vranckaert

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How to get gwt compile error in a gwt generator


I'm created a generator for automatically build the activityMapper. The generator scan alls Activities defined in the project and build the activityMapper.
I use the JClassType.getSubtypes() for get all subtypes of Activity in the application.
My problems is when a developper do a GWT error in his activity (like add an incorrect import), the generator didn't know the Activity didn't build the activityMapper with the error activity.
Has there are no others references in the project for this activity, the error file is ignored by GWT, and the compilation work well (there are just a NOTICE logged not displayed if the developpers use WARN has debug level).
When the developper test his application, there nothing displayed, there no error.

How can I get all file with error in my generator and stop the compilation, if there are an error in an activity file.

I'm trying to do this with java reflection, but I can't have all subtype from an super class or interface, I trying to scan all classes in the class path, load the class and check if the class is present in the type oracle, but when I load a file with static GWT code (like GWT.create) it's not loaded in Java.

Thanks for the response,

Patrice de Saint Stéban

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Re: Displaying template location in html

+1 for debug toolbar. 

If you choose to do it manually though, you can make use of a middleware instead of passing templates in each view function explicitly, as shown here: http://djangosnippets.org/snippets/766/


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[android-developers] how to use AsyncTask


How can i use Asynctask for the following code:

public static String getXML() {

String line = null;

DefaultHttpClient httpClient = new DefaultHttpClient();
HttpPost httpPost = new HttpPost("http://someurl/index.xml");
try {
HttpResponse httpResponse = httpClient.execute(httpPost);
HttpEntity httpEntity = httpResponse.getEntity();
line = EntityUtils.toString(httpEntity);

} catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e) {
line = "<results status=\"error\"><msg>Can't connect to server</
} catch (MalformedURLException e) {
line = "<results status=\"error\"><msg>Can't connect to server</
} catch (IOException e) {
line = "<results status=\"error\"><msg>Can't connect to server</

return line;


this basicaly gets an xml from the website

Thanks in advance

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Re: [android-developers] Re: Unpublish application

On Tue, Jan 31, 2012 at 5:01 AM, Daniel Kubovsky <kubovskys@gmail.com> wrote:
Would all the description on the application, pictures, analitics and so on is gone when unpublishing?

Did you read my first response?

would all the descriptions, pictures and so on regarding the application is gone too?

From the Market, yes. From your dev console, no.

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[Rails] Will_paginate

I'm using will_paginate on my app and it's working fine. The problem
came when I had to put search field.
After the search, the first page comes according to the parameter
passed, but when I go to the second page, it don't brings me the
second page, but a new search with no search parameter restriction. I
tried everything, but didn't work. Could somebody help me?




gem "rails", "2.3.8"
gem "will_paginate", "2.3.15"


@cursos = Curso.paginate :per_page => 12, :page =>
params[:page], :conditions => ['nome like ?', "%#{params[:search]}
%"], :order =>'nome, dia_semana'


<% tabnav :embaixada do %>
<% form_tag :url => '/embaixada/cursos', :method => 'get' do %>
<%= text_field_tag :search, params[:search], :value => nil %>
<%= submit_tag "Busca", :name => nil , :disable_with =>
<div id="full_name">
<%= render :partial => "embaixada/cursos" , :locals => { :cursos
=> @cursos } %>
<span class="edit_link"><%= link_to "Adicionar novo
curso", :controller => "curso" , :action => "new" , :embaixada_id
=>@embaixada.id %></span>
<% end %>


<% if @cursos and not @cursos.empty? %>
<table class="curso" id="cursos">
<tr class="header">
<th>Curso</th><th>Dia Semana</th><th>Local</th> <th>Horário de
início</th> <th>Horário de fim</th> <th>Professor</th>
<% @cursos.each do |curso| %>
<tr class="<%= cycle('odd', 'even') %>">
<td><%= link_to curso.nome, :controller => :curso, :action =>
"edit" ,:embaixada_id => @embaixada.id, :curso_id => curso.id %></td>
<td><%= curso.dia_semana.capitalize %></td>
<% end %>
<div style="font-size: small">
<%= will_paginate @cursos %>

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Re: RequestFactory , ServiceLocator and Generic Dao class , NoSuchMethodFound

Can you look in the Deobfuscator.Builder generated by the RF ValidationTool (if you configured annotation processing in Eclipse, it should be in a .apt_generated folder unless you changed it; and note that if you ValidationTool from the command line, it won't output the Java code, only the compiled class, so don't use it here), what are the lines related to the 'persist' method from your RequestContext?

(I mean, it might very well be a bug in the ValidationTool)

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[android-developers] Better UI Designing

Hey all,
How do I design better UI for my android application? Are there any software or tutorials available which would help in refining the UIs?

I am looking for some help or some software or tutorials for designing a better UI for Android 2.1+. Something that would make my task easier. As for an example if anyone does know how they design the custom layouts for apps like Go Sms or Viber.


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عقارات دوت كوم

[Rails] Instantiating a new object with a template, through an association

class Project < ActiveRecord::Base
has_one :template

class Template < ActiveRecord::Base
belongs_to :project, foreign_key: "project_id"

When you create a new project I'd like you to select the template from
a collection of existing templates (created by an admin).

The new project.template should have all of the template's attributes
(clients, tasks etc) and these should be editable without affecting
the original template (a completely new instance).

My difficulty has been in moving all of the template's params through
the select input from a form.

My current (very poor) attempt at the form looks like this:

= simple_form_for @project do |f|
#### project stuff here #####
= simple_fields_for "project[template_attributes]",
@project.build_template do |project_form|
= project_form.input :title, collection: @templates

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إعلان جديد من عقارات دوت كوم تفاصيل الأعلان : تفاصيل الإعلان . . .

عقارات دوت كوم

[android-developers] PreferenceActivity, configuration screen and back button

hello all,

i've got widget using a Preference activity (Honeycomb).
When I try to add the widget on my home, the configure screen is display. I implement the new mechanism for Honeycomb described at :

I found some example describing that the preference must notify the widget after configuration modification. All example use a button or have only one list catching the user selection to update the widget.

My preference screen has some different parameters, I don't want a button to "set" the preferences and I want to update parameters when user leaves the configuration screen. I tried to update my widget on onBackPressed event of my PreferenceActivity. It doesn't work. The widget doesn't have the good preference just after closing the preferenceactivity, but only after added a new time.

So, what is the tips to do this ? 

(Hoping that my explanation are enough and clearly :))

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Django and Zinnia blogpost

Hi all

I am presently setting up my shop using satchmo. I managed to
integrate zinnia for my blogging.
I am looking forward to integrate on how to embed youtube video using
zinnia blogpost.
Has anyone come across this requirement and help me out of this

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Re: [android-developers] Unpublish application

It's worth mentioning that even after you unpublish an app, users can still leave comments and ratings.

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Monday, January 30, 2012

Re: [Rails] Re: Database level authentication

That would be second option.

2012/1/30 Colin Law <clanlaw@googlemail.com>:
> On 30 January 2012 19:06, Marcin S <msporysz06@gmail.com> wrote:
>> No, I think...
>> Its like every db on server have its own set of permissions for
>> different users ,right?
>> And i want to authenticate user based on that permissions.
> Do you mean you want to connect to the database using the name and
> password used by user to login, or do you want to prevent the user
> from logging in unless he uses a valid name/password configured for
> the db, or both?
> Colin
>> 2012/1/30 venkata reddy <venkatareddy.cs@gmail.com>:
>>> What do you mean by database here, Do you need something like LDAP
>>> authentication?
>>> On Jan 30, 10:25 pm, Marcin S <msporys...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>>> I read README, and i don't see anywere it provides solution I need.
>>>> Let me clarify, username and password combination must be same as
>>>> DATABASE permission (set by db engine).
>>>> It has nothing to to do with content on that database itself.
>>>> 2012/1/30 Everaldo Gomes <everaldo.go...@gmail.com>:
>>>> > Take a look at the devise gem:
>>>> >https://github.com/plataformatec/devise
>>>> > On Mon, Jan 30, 2012 at 2:36 PM, Marcin S <msporys...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>>> >> Hello, Im trying to write a simple app  for company internal usage.
>>>> >> The other applications we use (in php) authenticate users based on
>>>> >> database credentials, and to be honest I have no idea how to implement
>>>> >> this. Any suggestions will be great!
>>>> >> --
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>>>> >> rubyonrails-talk+unsubscribe@googlegroups.com.
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>>>> >>http://groups.google.com/group/rubyonrails-talk?hl=en.
>>>> > --
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>>> --
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>> --
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> --
> gplus.to/clanlaw
> --
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[Rails] Re: has_many association and parent_id

Thanks for your explanation. When I am confused, it is also difficult
to explain what I understand and what I don't. But your guess is right.

>"@script.video_id = video_id"

Well, this worked as I wished. It was simpler than I thought!

Thanks again.


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[android-developers] Re: Encoder???

On Jan 31, 7:31 am, Muhammad UMER <muhammad.ume...@hotmail.com> wrote:
> What can i do, to start mdat from offset 0x20?

your server side doesn't write your data correctly - you can use
wireshark to see whats on the wire

> > you have to copy first 28 bytes from normal_file to the first 28 bytes
> > of server_file
> Please can you pacify(highlight) these 28 bytes, that i have to copy?

what to highlight? You have to copy bytes 0, 1, 2, .. 26, 27 of the
normal_file to the beginning of the server_file, thats all

> I don't know from where the moov atom start?

yes, but you have to find it in the file, just google about pattern
search or something


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What is the use of Editor Frame work while binding data into the Data Grid

Hi Thomas,

What is the use of Editor Frame work while binding data into the Data Grid, as we cant achieve cell level binding.

If we are only maintaining the changes then whats the use of Editor Framework here ??? Please clarify us on this point . :-)
I have a Reset button  on click of which I want the changes to be reverted, which does not happens as inside setFiledUpdater's, update() method we are changing the object properties and as objects are mutable, it changes the property value.

Now on click of Reset button we again call driver.edit(Model m), here the Model contains the list of objects (ArrayList<Person> persons), we expect the old value to be reflected but that doesn't happens, as you have already mentioned in one of the earlier Posts https://groups.google.com/forum/#!topic/google-web-toolkit/UFAMKck9Vdo

Please help us understanding the basic use of using Editor Frame work with Cell Widgets (Data Grid)


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Re: GWT and method overriding

Add the @Override annotation to be 100% sure that you're actually overriding the handleException in the abstract class. (Then you will get a compiler error if not).


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Re: [android-developers] shadow under tabs android

set the property of tab widget to  android:layout_marginBottom="-6dip"

it may work

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GWT and method overriding

I was hoping someone could explain to me why the following isn't working in GWT.  I've been staring at this for a while now and clearly I'm missing something simple.  Hopefully someone can hit me with a clue stick and fill me in on what I'm missing.

We have a custom callback class defined as:
public abstract class MyCallback<T> implements AsyncCallback<T>

which looks at the exception type in onFailure and takes some action based on the class type.  A new type check has been added:
public void onFailure(Throwable t) {
  if (t instanceof SomeException) {

where handleException(SomeException) is defined in the custom callback class as:
public void handleException(SomeException ex) {
   // empty

When the callback object is actually created and used in an RPC dispatch (we're using gwt-dispatch), the handleException method is defined then:
dispatch.execute(someAction, new MyCallback<someActionResult>() {
   // implementation of a couple abstract methods from MyCallback

  public void handleException(SomeException ex) {
    // do actual work here

The issue is that the "do actual work" handleException method is never being called.  Only the base handleException (the empty one in MyCallback) is being called, not the overridden method.  I'm sure I've completely overlooked something simple so any explanation as to why it's not/won't work, or how to get it working would be greatly appreciated.  It seems like something similar works in Java, just curious how to get it working here.

Thank you in advance.

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[android-developers] Browsing CTS code online

Hey Guys,
Can I browse android CTS code online.
Please provide the URL.

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online transactions with python


I'm form Perú and nowadays I'm working with my friends on a proyect
based on python...

but our first difficulty its the online transactions using credit
cards (visa, mastercard, diners club) in aweb store

If anybody knows something or can help me... please send me an email.


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Re: [android-developers] MS SQL connection

you have to use the middle ware that means you have to use php.in php page you write the mysql connection and from android application you try to access the database of android.

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HttpSocket won't use 443 port for https request automatically

when I pass a https url to HttpSocket::get, it won't use 443 port automatically, and return nothing

but when i specify the port in url, like https://example.com:443/, it works fine

is this a bug?

Perry | 彭琪

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Re: How to wrap a “submit button” with GWT?

On 1/30/2012 4:33 PM, Thomas Broyer wrote:
> On Monday, January 30, 2012 8:51:51 AM UTC+1, Xybrek wrote:
> I am getting an error when I try to wrap a submit button with GWT:
> Caused by: java.lang.AssertionError: Child cannot be null
> at com.google.gwt.dom.client.Node$.isOrHasChild$(Node.java:278)
> at com.google.gwt.user.client.ui.Button.wrap(Button.java:55)
> That means the argument to Button.wrap() is 'null' (debug 101: step into
> the code; it's open source, so read the source!), i.e. in your case
> Document.get().getElementById("submit") returns 'null'.
> --
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> http://groups.google.com/group/google-web-toolkit?hl=en.

Yes I debug it. And yes, I see that
Document.get().getElementById("submit") returns null. However, it should
not be null since there is a <button> in the HTML file that has that id.

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Re: how to confiure myproject with cakephp 1.3 on shaing host

this link for you tube tutorial

On Jan 31, 4:28 am, ahmed fakher <spcial...@gmail.com> wrote:
> thanls chooch...i follow your steps and also i found this great
> tutorial ad my project works in this linkhttp://alashera.3owl.com/
> /// steps ///
> first i move all folders from myprojectfolder to public_html
> second i remove myprojectfolder
> third i move webroot folder from app to public_html and change path
> from index.php like youtube tutorial
> /// one problem ///
> but something wrong need to correct..when i clicked at any link to
> enter to classes it give me also this errorhttp://www2.0zz0.com/2012/01/30/20/161043849.jpg
> i guess this error because i remove projectfolder like tutorial....i
> will give you one example :
> before uploaded my project ..i used this links to enter to this
> classes in localhosthttp://localhost/tet/galleries/http://localhost/tet/articles/
> s\and after removed tet folder i use this links but get error ..
> http://alashera.3owl.com/gallerieshttp://alashera.3owl.com/articles
> so what i can do now...thanks

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[Rails] Re: Why can't I access attributes in rails model?

I thought they where attr_accessor method.

Thank you for clearing things up for me.

On Monday, January 30, 2012, Peter Vandenabeele <peter@vandenabeele.com> wrote:
> On Mon, Jan 30, 2012 at 9:59 PM, Rodrigo Ruiz <rodrigo.ruiz7@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Thank you, but I knew that, I did that (use self to do what I want) before I asked the question.
>> I'd just like to know why can't I use @first_name instead of self.first_name, to me it seems like the same thing inside the model.
> They are not:
> @first_name is an "instance variable". You could set it like this:
>   @first_name = user.first_name
> but it is not automatically set, and it is also not typically used like that.
> A more typical use would be:
> @user = User.find(params[:id])
> and then you can use @user in the controller, but also in the views,
> due to the set-up of Rails.
> self.first_name is a method that is dynamically provided by
> ActiveRecord , based on the available columns for the table
> "users" in the database.
> HTH,
> Peter
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