Sunday, June 30, 2013

Re: HELP : Installation of Django 1.6 in Windows

On 1/07/2013 12:16am, Othmane Abouelaecha wrote:
> Hi !! I recently learned to program with python 3.2
> I have a difficulty concerning Django
> I want to install the latest version 1.6 that supports python 3.2
> I only found a way to install in Linux but I'm running Windows 7 !!

You should be able to use the same technique on Windows 7.

1. Download the Django 1.6 zip file and unzip it into a temporary

2. Get a command prompt and cd into the directory containing
which is under the temporary directory

3. Execute the command "python install"

Should work.


> Can anyone show me how ? And also if you have any book or tutorial about
> Django please send it to me !
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[android-developers] tips android 5.0

*my twitter for more information
-----Estos son mis esfuerzos como desarrollador y fan de la plataforma de google para que con mi pizca de ayuda pueda mejorar ciertos aspectos que en mi opinión faltan o se deben mejorar .
Control accesorios:
-Estaría bien que los fabricantes incluyan emisores de ondas de radio para poder controlar cosas a distancia como juguetes teledirigidos o escuchar audio en radios de coches o un auricular inalámbrico.
-Una de las ventajas de android es el poder conectar ratones y teclados , pero la experiencia de usuario con estos es pésima , por ello sugiero que en próximas actualizaciones incluyan atajos de teclado tales como inicio, atrás etc.Poder pasar las pantallas del escritorio y menú de aplicaciones con las flechas del teclado y para los gestos multitáctiles no estaría mal poder grabar los gestos que queremos hacer asignando tiempo a cada uno y de alguna forma, con una tecla del teclado poder darle al play . Esto último serviria para el caso de no poder tocar la pantalla para nada, claro esta.
- Mayor integración con el sistema usb otg con opciones como lector de cd dvd via otg y otros medios externos como impresoras,web cams, antenas de tv, de radio...
-Que al conectar el movil a una tv por hdmi android lo detecte y lo adapte a modo smart tv adaptando la resolución de modo que el movil sea un trackpad en internet, y que este se adapte a la resolución de la tv, los controles de los juegos se queden solos en el movil y en grande, etc.
-Que al conectar un mando de videojuegos o un teclado se pueda hacer un mapeo de controles.

-No estaria mal que existiera una app o se integrara en la so que permitiera tener un ratón controlado en la pantalla como si se tratara de un touchpad como hace photoshop touch, para cosas que lo requieran que esté en ajustes de accesibilidad.
-Lupa ampliadora de pantalla con el spen de samsung sin tocar la pantalla con este.Esta herramienta es ideal, ya que además no se tapa la pantalla con los dedos. Otra opción seria con el rastreamiento de los ojos con la cámara frontal o poder hacer pinz to zoom en cualquier lugar.
-Sugerencia al seleccionar texto de web ,además de poder copiar, pegar, etc, tener la opción de escuchar en voz alta el texto
-Que se lean las notificaciones en voz alta y quien llama y mensajes como hace samsung en opciones accesibilidad.

Control de aplicaciones:
-Poder almacenar apps con sus datos en la nube o sd y instalarlas cuando pulsamos sobre el icono y desinstalarlas al poco tiempo de dejar de usarlas o al apagar el móvil para ahorrar espacio para aquellas apps que usamos ocasionalmente.
-Poder disminuir el consumo de ram y procesamiento de una app desde el mismo desplegable del botón multitarea de forma que se abra un menú pulsando sobre el porcentaje de gasto de recursos que hacen las apps.
-Bloqueo de inicio automático de apps o asignar un nivel de procesamiento y ram menor y poder bloquear algunas de sus funciones como conectarse a internet o al contrario , y especificar qué funciones hacer al ejecutarla como tasker controlable desde ajustes de aplicaciones.
-Borrado de archivos residuales que no se borran al desinstalar una app, opción en ajustes aplicaciones.
- Aplicaciones ejecutables sin instalar desde una sd etc, como en mi nokia de hace cuatro años o permitir abrirlas de forma virtual como hace avast en los pc para ver si funciona y no es un virus o evitar que acceda a ficheros sin nuestro permiso o onlive en los juegos .(preguntar ejecutar de esta forma al instalar una app de orígenes desconocidos.
-Historial de aplicaciones que se han ejecutado y el tiempo que han estado activas , el consumo de datos que han hecho , ram o batería que han consumido etc,(Mejora para el que ya existe en opciones de energía)y estadistica de las que mas usamos y menos.
-Estaría bien una opción que permita almacenar apps con sus datos en la nube o una carpeta del sistema e instalarlas cuando presionamos sobre el icono del escritorio sin pedir confirmación ni nada para ir mas rápido y que el icono sea de un color distinto para diferenciarlo , esto esta bien para ejecutar apps que no usamos diariamente pero son interesantes y que no consuman recursos , para ello estaría bien que go backup permita datos

Ahorro de energía:
-App o función integrada en el so que permita cambiar el color y contraste etc de la pantalla o invertir los colores para ahorrar batería.(añadir filtro)
-Indicador de notificaciones pendientes como airview de samsung al pasar el spen o el dedo por encima de la pantalla sin llegar a tocarla sobre una app de la lista de aplicaciones, muestra las notificaciones de esa app, y si está en proceso, cuánta batería está consumiendo, ram etc.
-Gesto hacia arriba en la barra inferior de home, atrás y multitarea para voltear y mostrar apps pop up y botones minimizar,cerrar y cambiar tamaño, y si se hace gesto pero no se deja de pulsar se abre lista apps abiertas, una cosa similar a lo que hace samsung en tablets.
-Que pulsando 2 segundos y arrastrando una app del desplegable de apps abiertas que se introdujo con ics a el escritorio se abra una ventana en pop-up para la multitarea con multiventana, con opción de controlar la opacidad.
-Opción en el menú de aplicaciones que permita ver solo las apps que no se han movido al menú de inicio , muy útil para no duplicar apps o si te gusta tener carpetas, saber cuales están sin clasificar, podría estar situado en un desplegable que saldría tras mantener pulsado o dar un toque en el botón apps del menú apps como ya hace motorola.

-Carpetas dentro de carpetas en el menú aplicaciones ,una carencia de android que muchos echarán en falta.
-Opción de poner gifs como fondo de pantalla o selección de múltiples fotografías o fotos panorámicas como fondo de pantalla.
-Cuando se hace un widget pequeño , hasta el límite se crea un icono que al pulsar en este se despliega un widget y al pulsar otra vez se pliega, como hace la app popup widget ,esto sirve para ahorrar espacio en el escritorio. y tener todos los widgets agrupados en una pantalla.
-Opción que permita crear múltiples escritorios dependiendo del estado en el que nos encontremos, por ejemplo oficina, ocio , hogar, social ,etc.
-Permitir etiquetar(cambiar nombre) a las apps en el escritorio sin tener que tener un launcher para tener dicha función y también el icono.
-Permitir dibujar en el escritorio con líneas superpuestas , útil para seccionar en partes una pantalla con nombres, líneas , círculos , personalizar con dibujos un espacio vacío etc.Esto haría que el escritorio fuera un lugar más personalizable y organizado.El hecho de poder dibujar podía servir para interactuar de forma distinta con los elementos , por ejemplo seleccionando aplicaciones alrededor de una carpeta para incluirlas, o contornear una serie de iconos cerrando el trazo y hacer una línea o cuadrado para indicar que quieres que se incluya, en esa zona, o seleccionar un grupo y dibujar una x para borrar , lo mismi para borrar un widget, o tachandolo , o hacer un asterisco para hacer lo que he mencionado antes; dibujar libremente y igual para guardar , o un signo más para añadir algo a una carpeta o pantalla o renombrar app o separar dos grupos en dos pantallas con un símbolo de dividir...
- Opcion que permita mover aplicaciones del menú aplicaciones a una barra inferior para mover pantallas y ir añadiendo o ir soltando, como gaya 3d launcher nemus launcher.
-Opción que permita cambiar la opacidad de las aplicaciones abiertas tanto en la pantalla completa como en pop-up en pequeño.
-Poder descargar plugins de transiciones de escritorio y fuentes por defecto en android.

-App android o nueva opción del so que permita poner en el escritorio de android un widget en el que salga un área que yo haya seleccionado de una página web para poder consultar sin necesidad de abrir el navegador con opción de hacer scroll, una cosa parecida a active desktop de windows.
-Mostrar apps principales en barra de notificaciones

- Si los rumores de que google va a crear una nueva tienda para android en la que se incluyen cosas para la personalización como launchers etc, pues no estaria mal que también se pudieran obtener nuevas características sin ser root , es decir que se puedan añadir "mejoras"sin tener que flasear etc, por supuesto para ello tendrían que creear un sistema simple para que cualquiera pueda instalarlo.De esta forma google pofria disminuir los usuarios que se hacen root por estos motivos teniendo a su vez un control soble lo que se publica.

-Sugerencia googlenow: pode deletrear palabras.
-App o función integrada en el so que permita que al pulsar un botón permita seleccionar entre más de una copia del portapapeles como la app clipper.
Además el portapapeles con esto de la multicopia también podría permitir copiar más de un texto como hace windows al pulsar la tecla ctrl.
-Opción de marcar mensajes o llamadas como spam .
-Teclado android con la opción de memorizar las contraseñas y correos completos con el .com incluido de internet y apps.

-Medidor de ondas radiofónicas integrado en androide 5.0 o app, para saber donde hay interferencias con otras ondas.
-Que programas de Linux como office, gimp, Google Earth , virtual box… puedan correr en androide como un emulador similar a wine , pero más sencillo de hacer, ya que ambos son Linux.
-Navegador web android:mayor integración a la hora de cargar archivos en la web y otras funciones so-web.

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Re: data transfer between databases


FWIW - I have a site for which I need to do that, I use MySQL so I just dump the data using mysqldump, transfer it to the other machine and load it up. There is some scripting around it to keep track of IDs so I dump deltas only, works just fine.

Best regards


On Jun 30, 2013, at 6:24 PM, Mike Dewhirst <> wrote:

> mulianto and Avraham
> Thanks for your suggestions. Dumping data isn't the entire problem - which is this:
> There will be an *ongoing* need to add new data from tables in one database to the same-named tables in another database on a remote machine. Two of the tables are in a m2m relationship.
> Thanks
> Mike
> On 30/06/2013 5:40pm, Mike Dewhirst wrote:
>> This is probably a Postgres question but someone might be able to offer
>> advice on how to transfer data :)
>> New "reference" or read-only data gets input during development and I
>> want to transfer it to the production database from time to time.
>> I think my choices are:
>> 1. Re-enter it manually - only if all else fails.
>> 2. Use Django's multi-database feature and write a utility to transfer
>> data which doesn't already exist. Except the databases are on different
>> machines in different data centres.
>> 3. Exploit some pre-existing tool written for precisely this problem.
>> Any suggestions?
>> There are currently three reference tables involved and two have m2m
>> relationships between themselves. The other is stand-alone.
>> Customer data is fine in the production database and won't be touched.
>> There are no relationships with the reference tables.
>> Thanks
>> Mike
> --
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Re: data transfer between databases

mulianto and Avraham

Thanks for your suggestions. Dumping data isn't the entire problem -
which is this:

There will be an *ongoing* need to add new data from tables in one
database to the same-named tables in another database on a remote
machine. Two of the tables are in a m2m relationship.



On 30/06/2013 5:40pm, Mike Dewhirst wrote:
> This is probably a Postgres question but someone might be able to offer
> advice on how to transfer data :)
> New "reference" or read-only data gets input during development and I
> want to transfer it to the production database from time to time.
> I think my choices are:
> 1. Re-enter it manually - only if all else fails.
> 2. Use Django's multi-database feature and write a utility to transfer
> data which doesn't already exist. Except the databases are on different
> machines in different data centres.
> 3. Exploit some pre-existing tool written for precisely this problem.
> Any suggestions?
> There are currently three reference tables involved and two have m2m
> relationships between themselves. The other is stand-alone.
> Customer data is fine in the production database and won't be touched.
> There are no relationships with the reference tables.
> Thanks
> Mike

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[Rails] oauth works manually or by before_filter but not going to /sign_in

My app currently has two ways a user can sign in using OAuth via Github:

- Click a button to read something protected. This triggers a
before_filter called authorize, which says:

authorize_github_and_return_to request.url unless signed_in?

This way works just fine (though using the same technique on a
Destroy link doesn't work, presumably due to the _method=delete stuff
not working in the wrong context).

- Click a link that goes to /sign_in. This triggers
SessionsController#new, which says:

authorize_github_and_return_to params.fetch(:return_to, root_url)

This way does NOT work, whether I use a return_to parameter or not.
It leaves me with a page that says "You are being redirected." with
"redirected" being a link to a Github auth page... the very same URL
as the way that works, except for the part after final_url (where to
return to). In the browser's address bar is
The logs say:

Started GET "/sign_in?return_to=http%3A%2F%2Flocalhost%3A3000%2F" for at 2013-06-30 17:52:02 -0400
Processing by SessionsController#new as HTML
Parameters: {"return_to"=>"http://localhost:3000/"}
Redirected to
Completed 403 Forbidden in 2ms (ActiveRecord: 0.0ms)

Now here's the weird part... if I then go to the address bar and hit
return... IT WORKS! Then the logs say (note the EXACT SAME
redirection url above and below):

Started GET "/sign_in?return_to=http%3A%2F%2Flocalhost%3A3000%2F" for at 2013-06-30 17:52:52 -0400
Processing by SessionsController#new as HTML
Parameters: {"return_to"=>"http://localhost:3000/"}
Redirected to
Completed 302 Found in 1ms (ActiveRecord: 0.0ms)

Started GET "/auth/github/callback?code=f622c143d1321386ea60&final_url=http%3A%2F%2Flocalhost%3A3000%2F"
for at 2013-06-30 17:52:53 -0400
I, [2013-06-30T17:52:53.041032 #26853] INFO -- omniauth: (github)
Callback phase initiated.
Processing by SessionsController#create as HTML
Parameters: {"code"=>"f622c143d1321386ea60",
"final_url"=>"http://localhost:3000/", "provider"=>"github"}
Redirected to http://localhost:3000/
Completed 302 Found in 0ms (ActiveRecord: 0.0ms)

Started GET "/" for at 2013-06-30 17:52:54 -0400
Processing by PullRequestsController#index as HTML
(0.2ms) SELECT COUNT(*) FROM "pull_requests"
PullRequest Load (0.2ms) SELECT "pull_requests".* FROM "pull_requests"
Rendered pull_requests/index.html.erb within layouts/application (2.4ms)
Rendered layouts/_log_in_out.html.erb (0.1ms)
Completed 200 OK in 12ms (Views: 11.0ms | ActiveRecord: 0.5ms)

The method authorize_github_and_return_to is in
application_controller.rb and says:

def authorize_github_and_return_to final_url
github = ENV['GITHUB_KEY'],
client_secret: ENV['GITHUB_SECRET'])
redirect_uri = oauth_callback_url(:github, final_url: final_url)
auth_address = github.authorize_url(redirect_uri: redirect_uri)
redirect_to auth_address

If I put a binding.pry right before the redirect, I can see that the
URLs are identical (again, except for the final_url part).

I'm guessing that the key to this mystery is WHY the link to /sign_in
is returning 403. I've Googled "OAuth Github Devise sign_in (403 OR
forbidden)" (sans quotes) and didn't find anything useful. Any clues?


Dave Aronson, the T. Rex of Codosaurus LLC,
secret-cleared freelance software developer
taking contracts in or near NoVa or remote.
See information at

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Re: Firing a click event on a CellTable

Hey, Chris

There are surely click event on the cells, but instead of handlers there are field updaters. You may take the example of the Clickable Cell where if you click on the cell its onBrowseEvent gets called which in turn calls the field updater. So the only thing you have to do is override the functionality of the field updater and associate it with the Column of the cell table. 

For your case i think ClickableCell can work as it is or may be you may have to override its functionality to handle Cell Preview Events.

Please revert if you find the info helpful or in case of any issues.

On Friday, 31 May 2013 11:34:10 UTC+5:30, Chris wrote:
I am interested in using GWTTestCase to test some features of a view that extends CellTable. In my implementation, I have added a CellPreviewHandler that I would like to check by firing a click event on a cell of the CellTable.  I have tried several methods to no avail. 

My most recent attempt follows:

CellTable<Artist> cellTable = (CellTable<Artist>) view.getDataView();
NativeEvent event = Document.get().createClickEvent(0, 0, 0, 20, 30, false, false, false, false);
DomEvent.fireNativeEvent(event, cellTable);

This does not work.  The CellPreviewHandler doesn't get called.

This has also been tried:

CellTable<Artist> cellTable = (CellTable<Artist>) view.getDataView();
NativeEvent event = Document.get().createClickEvent(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, false, false, false, false);
TableCellElement element = cellTable.getRowElement(2).getCells().getItem(1);

Same problem as the former. 

Does anyone have insight as to how I can simulate a click event that will fire a CellPreviewEvent on a CellTable for a desired Cell?

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RE: Cake or IE9?

The request is being sent / response via regular ajax view. It works in all browsers using this approach except IE9.

I check Firebug Lite in IE and the same request gets sent but it never returns anything it just sits there with the little spinner in FB lite.

So that’s why I am wondering if it’s a cake / ie9 issue or just an issue with my JS script.



       * VIEW METHOD

       * ***********************************************************






       public function view($slug = null) {


              $portfolio = $this->Portfolio->getPortfolioBySlug($slug);


              $this->set('portfolio', $portfolio);

              $this->set('neighbors', $this->Portfolio->getNeighbors($portfolio['Portfolio']['order']));


              if ($this->request->is('ajax')) {

                     $this->_ajaxSetup(); //prepare for ajax request no render, set debug 0

                     $response = array(

                     'html' => $this->render('view', 'ajax')->body(),

                     'slide' => $portfolio['Thumb']['0']['slide']);

                     $this->_ajaxReturn($response); //returns the json array / response





From: [] On Behalf Of AD7six
Sent: Sunday, June 30, 2013 9:10 AM
Subject: Re: Cake or IE9?


On Sunday, 30 June 2013 05:41:36 UTC+2, advantage+ wrote:

Not sure if this is a Cake issue or just stupid IE.


I have a small snip of js code that works in all browsers except IE9.


There's no CakePHP in your question.



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Re: [android-developers] Horizontal ListView Adapter

My Point Exactly i thought let's try another audience, anybody feels like helping me building a horizontal listview adapter for Google so they can implement it in there support library or upcoming Api? 

Or is there another thread where we can bitch about features that should have been build a long time ago? Maybe that way someone feels obligated to develop one ^^. Or maybe i should just move my workstation away from my adversary iOS colleague where everything goes so easy :(

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Re: IE11 user agent = Firefox


On Saturday, June 29, 2013 2:03:04 PM UTC+2, Jens wrote:
You should create an issue for it. Currently GWT only checks for "MSIE" in the user agent to identify IE browsers. This needs to be changed then.

-- J.

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Re: [android-developers] Re: 9.png file not spanning the LinearLayout when android:paddingBottom is specified

That kind of makes sense. However, even if the padding gets overwritten, the Button should still be over the red background since that is the content area of the 9.png. Why would the Button be positioned on the drop shadow (the non-content area of the 9.png)? Seems like there is some undefined non-intuitive behavior happening whereas it would be preferable for either of the defined padding to be applied (as that would the intuitive behavior).

On Sat, Jun 29, 2013 at 11:54 PM, Piren <> wrote:
Part of what 9patches do is define padding... if you define them on your own you'll overwrite the settings provided by the 9patch.

On Saturday, June 29, 2013 2:10:36 AM UTC+3, Shri wrote:
I have the following layout file which uses the attached 9.png. It results in the attached screenshot where the red background from the 9.png does not extend all the way behind the button. If I remove the android:paddingBottom="1dp" attribute below, things work as I expect. Is this behavior expected (if so, why), or is this a bug?


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<LinearLayout xmlns:android=""
    android:background="#0000ff" >
        android:background="@drawable/red_background_with_drop_shadow" >
            android:layout_height="48dip" />

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Re: gwt maven archetype - When to run Package

On Saturday, June 29, 2013 1:35:48 AM UTC+2, Kathiravan Tamilvanan wrote:
 I am running the steps described here But the compiled client code (nocache.js) is not deployed to the server when i run the tomcat:run. I had to run the mvn package. Is there any way to automate this step. 
 I have also tried tomcat:run-war but no luck.
 This is confusing to know whether the compiled client code in the server war folder is current or not.

The steps describe how to run DevMode, so they disable GWT compilation; and tomcat:run has a bug with overlay wars:

I haven't tried it but "mvn tomcat7:run-war" should work, if you disable the dev profile. 

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Re: gwt-maven-archetype modular-webapp giving 404 Error

On Friday, June 28, 2013 8:19:23 PM UTC+2, Kathiravan Tamilvanan wrote:
Hmm...I am little confused about the client-only modules. I have few GWT Client modules (mainly UI widgets) and i want to include them in my project. And if i do source package, i dont have to inherit the module in the gwt.xml, Am i right?

Here's how it goes:
The gwt-lib and gwt-app packagings call gwt:generate-module in the generate-resources phase. gwt:generate-module picks all META-INF/gwt/mainModule files which should contain module names, generates an <inherit/> for each of them and merges them with whatever is in src/main/Module.gwt.xml to generate the final module whose name is given in the plugin's configuration.
gwt-lib also calls gwt:generate-module-metadata in the generate-resources phase to generate the META-INF/gwt/mainModule file.
gwt-lib also indeed packages the sources within the JAR; it's only meant for client-only code.

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[Rails] Multiple nested attributes of the same type

Hi all,

0 down vote favorite

I have two models - "symbols" and "users". Among other attributes,
symbols has "created_by_id" and "updated_by_id" attributes which are
id's of users that created/updated a certain symbol entry.

Let's say I want to display the symbols table with their "symbol"
attribute and the nested "created by" and "updated by" (user.username)
attributes for each symbol entry. Resulting table should look something
like this:

symbol created_by updated_by
symbol1 username1 username2
symbol2 username1 username2

How can I achieve this? I guess I need accepts_nested_attributes_for
:user and probably has_one :user (?) in my Symbol model. Do I also need
belongs_to :user in my User model?

After the models are set up properly, how can I access the username of
users associated with "created_by_id" and "updated_by_id" in my view?

I have an edit form where I used nested form like this (which works

<%= form_for @symbol do |f| %>
<%= f.text_field :symbol %>
<%= f.fields_for :kanji do |kf| %>
<%= kf.text_field :meaning %>

<%= kf.text_field :onyomi %>

<%= kf.text_field :kunyomi %>
<% end %>
<%= f.submit "Save" %>
<% end %>

but I couldn't figure out how to do something similar in this case where
I have two nested attributes associated with the same symbol.

I'm new to rails so perhaps I got the whole idea of how to do this
wrong. If there is a better than what I just explained how I want to do
it, please correct me.

Thank you

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Re: send query by using a textbox of html to python(django)

Oops, forgot link:

On Sunday, 30 June 2013 12:04:53 UTC+1, wrote:
i work on a project in which i could send query by using a textbox of html to django .then django can process on this query and assign the return value as list in html.

now, i ask the following question:

 how can we send a number from text box of html to python(django) and after that django multiply this output number in 3 and return this number as list in html


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Re: Get old record in beforeSave when updating (doing a $this->find() inside beforeSave callback)

On Saturday, 29 June 2013 21:14:31 UTC+2, Vanja Dizdarević wrote:
Thanks MorFer, that is a simple solution, but it feels like meddling with Model. At the point of the find, the model is in the save cycle and I don't know what else a find() might change in it.

Btw, $this->data AND $this->id should be saved. The id should stay the same, but you never know.

This feels cleaner, but I'm wondering about the overhead:

            $Model = ClassRegistry::init('User');
            $query = [
                 'recursive' => 0, 
                 'conditions' => [$this->alias.'.'.$this->primaryKey => $this->data[$this->alias][$this->primaryKey]]
            $oldData = $Model->find('first', $query);

If you do that inside the User model - $this and $Model are exactly the same object.


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Re: Get old record in beforeSave when updating (doing a $this->find() inside beforeSave callback)

On Saturday, 29 June 2013 19:53:49 UTC+2, Vanja Dizdarević wrote:
When updating a row, I wish to read the "old" data before saving the current record.

Here's a simplified example:

Controller code:
$this->User->save(['id' => 3, 'username' => 'a-new-username']);

Model code:
class User extends AppModel {
   public function beforeSave($options){
       //is it an update?
       if (isset($this->data[$this->alias][$this->primaryKey])) {
            //read record
            $oldData = $this->findById($this->data[$this->alias][$this->primaryKey]);
              //^^^ here's the problem! ^^^
            if ($oldData[$this->alias]['username_update_count'] >= 3){
               return false;
            else {
              $this->data[$this->alias]['username_update_count'] = $oldData[$this->alias]['username_update_count'] + 1;

The problem is, that $this->findById (or any other READ operation) fills the current $this->data with the read data

If by "READ operation" you mean a find call (you refer to findById - a find) - that is quite simply not true.

If you call the method Model::read however, it will populate $this->data.


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Re: [Rails] Sidekiq on Heroku

On Sun, Jun 30, 2013 at 10:59 AM, Linus Pettersson
<> wrote:
> So, I'm using Heroku and wonder if I need to use a separate worker dyno for
> these jobs? Or can I use, for example, Unicorn to run Sidekiq "inside" my
> one web dyno?

You can, but it's not recommended.

> I read something about it here:
> But is it a good idea?

Not if you ask me.

> If it is not appropriate do it this way, can I spin up a separate worker
> when I need to? Perhaps I will create these jobs once a week. It would be
> cool to create a worker -> finish all jobs -> kill worker. Possible?

Have a go with:

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Re: django search query

You can do this by creating an extra field in the model with the name without vowels in it and doing a simple filter on it ? Is that what you need ?

2013/6/30 Harjot Mann <>
On Sun, Jun 30, 2013 at 10:18 PM, Scot Hacker <> wrote:
> This is really a question about regular expressions, not about Django.
> Whether you implement simple or complex search in Django, whether you use
> Django or some other platform, this is going to come down to using a fairly
> complex regular expression. So I would search for "regex ignore vowels" and
> similar. I would also expect performing a search like that to be extremely
> expensive, computationally, since it will need to tear apart every single
> word in the pool. That, in turn, means you'll want to use a search system
> with very robust indexes. In fact, you might do best with a system that
> pre-indexes all of your content without vowels.

Yes this is exactly what I want, right now its a very simple search
but I want it to be a very good search.Please help me.

Harjot Kaur Mann

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Re: [Rails] rubyXL error - uninitialized constant RubyXL (NameError)

Version: GnuPG v1.4.11 (GNU/Linux)

Am Sun, 30 Jun 2013 08:48:48 -0700 (PDT)
schrieb Muthu Selvan <>:

> *Norbert Melzer >>* Install rubyXL without sudo
> Muthu Selvan >> gem install rubyXL
> Fetching: rubyXL-1.2.10.gem (100%)
> Successfully installed rubyXL-1.2.10
> 1 gem installed
> *ERROR :*
> *
> *
> *$ rvm use jruby
> *
> *Using /Users/mselv2/.rvm/gems/jruby-1.7.4
> *
> *
> *
> *
> cucumber features/java.feature
> /System/Library/Frameworks/Ruby.framework/Versions/1.8/usr/lib/ruby/1.8/rubygems.rb:777:in
> `report_activate_error': Could not find RubyGem cucumber (>= 0)
> (Gem::LoadError)
> from
> /System/Library/Frameworks/Ruby.framework/Versions/1.8/usr/lib/ruby/1.8/rubygems.rb:211:in
> `activate'
> from
> /System/Library/Frameworks/Ruby.framework/Versions/1.8/usr/lib/ruby/1.8/rubygems.rb:1056:in
> `gem'
> from /usr/bin/cucumber:18

Did I get that right? You are installing first and then switching over
to jruby? You should do that the other way round… But since I don't
have knowledge about jRuby I can't tell you anything about that
specific problem you have there… Try switching over to jruby and THEN
installing cucumber.

Re: django search query

On Sun, Jun 30, 2013 at 10:18 PM, Scot Hacker <> wrote:
> This is really a question about regular expressions, not about Django.
> Whether you implement simple or complex search in Django, whether you use
> Django or some other platform, this is going to come down to using a fairly
> complex regular expression. So I would search for "regex ignore vowels" and
> similar. I would also expect performing a search like that to be extremely
> expensive, computationally, since it will need to tear apart every single
> word in the pool. That, in turn, means you'll want to use a search system
> with very robust indexes. In fact, you might do best with a system that
> pre-indexes all of your content without vowels.

Yes this is exactly what I want, right now its a very simple search
but I want it to be a very good search.Please help me.

Harjot Kaur Mann

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Re: django search query

On Saturday, June 29, 2013 9:32:19 PM UTC-7, Harjot Mann wrote:
Is there any search query in django which can ignore vowels like I want to make a query which displays all the clients name who writes their name as 'amanjit' or 'amanjeet'.
It should take take ee=i or anything like this. Please help me I have to finish my task asap.

This is really a question about regular expressions, not about Django. Whether you implement simple or complex search in Django, whether you use Django or some other platform, this is going to come down to using a fairly complex regular expression. So I would search for "regex ignore vowels" and similar. I would also expect performing a search like that to be extremely expensive, computationally, since it will need to tear apart every single word in the pool. That, in turn, means you'll want to use a search system with very robust indexes. In fact, you might do best with a system that pre-indexes all of your content without vowels. 


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Re: Django for non web clients

Both the above mentioned frameworks offer support for non orm data resources.
See tastypie's official docs on how to use it with riakdb [1] .

And I have also used django rest framework to relay RESTful APIs for a django app which uses restful apis from a locally running REST server.

So the data source here wasn't rdbms or non-rel db but json feed from local web server.
Since this server had a django based web  interface which consumed these APIs , and we couldn't expose this directly to web as it expose lots of level and raw data.

Whereas the django based web app offered limited functionality that we would like to offer clients with  api as well.
Rolling out authenticated public facing restful APIs with django made more sense .

Using these frameworks I am under the impression  that I could develop product faster as compared to rolling out my own APIs  and authorization and authentication is less complex as already there are very good existing django apps that ease the job (dry) :-)

Just my thoughts :-)

[1] -

On Jun 30, 2013 7:36 PM, "zweb" <> wrote:
Thanks Rahul,

I thought about that.

I do not need Django's ORM as I do not use relational db and I do not need Django's Templates as I use rest api. So I am not sure what value does django add in my case?

On Sunday, June 30, 2013 12:24:28 AM UTC-7, Rahul Gaur wrote:

What about change-tastypie or django-restframework or something similar ?
As a part of my GSoC project [1] , I am implementing a project sharing web site with social features.
I need RESTful APIs so that the functionality of the site could be integrated into SugarLabs [2].

I am planing to use Django with one of the above rest frameworks to serve RESTful APIs  and a web client in backbone.js which will consume the APIs as well.

[1] -
[2] -

On Jun 30, 2013 12:13 PM, "zweb" <> wrote:

I am writing an Python application which will expose REST API. It will be client agnostic. In future I will provide a Web client and a mobile client and may be a rich desktop client. These clients will connect to application using the REST api only.

Should I use Django for this? or is Django for Web based applications only as it is web framework. What advantage does Django brings in such a architecture.

Would it be much simpler if I use simple python with some python rest  web services framework on top of it instead of Django?

I am a big fan of Django but not sure if a Web framework such as django is good fit for REST Services based architecture. I not building a (monolithic) web application.

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Re: send query by using a textbox of html to python(django)

Try following the tutorial here.  By the end of it yous hould be able to answer this yourself.  It doesn't take long to do, and you'll understand enough about Django to be able to extend your solution.


On Sunday, 30 June 2013 12:04:53 UTC+1, wrote:
i work on a project in which i could send query by using a textbox of html to django .then django can process on this query and assign the return value as list in html.

now, i ask the following question:

 how can we send a number from text box of html to python(django) and after that django multiply this output number in 3 and return this number as list in html


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[Rails] Re: Color sequence on Rails console in Windows

i am using conemu. it will correctly shows you the color...

after installation, go to settings, integration and register for context menu integration
after that you can open any dir with conemu

you can also set its window transparency

On Sunday, June 30, 2013 3:28:19 PM UTC+7, User wrote:
I has installed rails in Windows 7 by RailsInstaller
When I use rails console, color sequence appears rawly and text colors
are not changed.
How to fix the problem?


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[Rails] Sidekiq on Heroku


I want to use Sidekiq to run some jobs in the background. The jobs will be created by the whenever gem (or similar) which creates a Sidekiq worker at a specific time. This worker will in turn create a few hundred Sidekiq jobs.

So, I'm using Heroku and wonder if I need to use a separate worker dyno for these jobs? Or can I use, for example, Unicorn to run Sidekiq "inside" my one web dyno?
I read something about it here:
But is it a good idea?

If it is not appropriate do it this way, can I spin up a separate worker when I need to? Perhaps I will create these jobs once a week. It would be cool to create a worker -> finish all jobs -> kill worker. Possible?

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Re: data transfer between databases


Lowest level approach will be just using pgdump for the spesific table or whole database.



Sent from my iPhone

On 30 Jun 2013, at 19:37, Avraham Serour <> wrote: dumpdata

On Sun, Jun 30, 2013 at 10:40 AM, Mike Dewhirst <> wrote:
This is probably a Postgres question but someone might be able to offer advice on how to transfer data :)

New "reference" or read-only data gets input during development and I want to transfer it to the production database from time to time.

I think my choices are:

1. Re-enter it manually - only if all else fails.

2. Use Django's multi-database feature and write a utility to transfer data which doesn't already exist. Except the databases are on different machines in different data centres.

3. Exploit some pre-existing tool written for precisely this problem.

Any suggestions?

There are currently three reference tables involved and two have m2m relationships between themselves. The other is stand-alone.

Customer data is fine in the production database and won't be touched. There are no relationships with the reference tables.



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Re: [Rails] rubyXL error - uninitialized constant RubyXL (NameError)

Please find the answer as in below ..

Norbert Melzer  >> What is RVM Version ?
Muthu Selvan >> $ rvm version

rvm 1.20.13 (stable) by Wayne E. Seguin <>, Michal Papis <> []

Norbert Melzer  >> Install rubyXL without sudo
Muthu Selvan  >> gem install rubyXL
Fetching: rubyXL-1.2.10.gem (100%)
Successfully installed rubyXL-1.2.10
1 gem installed


$ rvm use jruby
Using /Users/mselv2/.rvm/gems/jruby-1.7.4

 cucumber features/java.feature 
/System/Library/Frameworks/Ruby.framework/Versions/1.8/usr/lib/ruby/1.8/rubygems.rb:777:in `report_activate_error': Could not find RubyGem cucumber (>= 0) (Gem::LoadError)
from /System/Library/Frameworks/Ruby.framework/Versions/1.8/usr/lib/ruby/1.8/rubygems.rb:211:in `activate'
from /System/Library/Frameworks/Ruby.framework/Versions/1.8/usr/lib/ruby/1.8/rubygems.rb:1056:in `gem'
from /usr/bin/cucumber:18

Please let me know is it any thing should i do more ?

Thanks ,
Muthu Selvan SR

On Sunday, 30 June 2013 00:01:12 UTC-7, Norbert Melzer wrote:
2013/6/30 Muthu Selvan <>
sudo gem install rubyXL ---------> EMPTY RESULT 

This line makes me assume, that you use a system ruby and no version manager… 

So installed rubyXL with the below command ...

Fetching: rubyXL-1.2.10.gem (100%)
Successfully installed rubyXL-1.2.10
1 gem installed

Ruby version :
$ which ruby

… while this one tells me, that you manage ruby versions with RVM.

You don't need `sudo` when using RVM, please try again installing rubyXL without sudo!

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