Thursday, February 28, 2013

[android-developers] Reading User Account From Settings


I am creating application which uses users credential to communicate with web servers. What I want to do is retrieve logged in users username and password from accounts settings or use authority of this account to communicate with my server. How can I take such authorization or it will also good if I get username and password.

Thanks you.


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[Lovers India] hi

hai da
On 2/20/13, Manojkumar Maturi <> wrote:
> hi fnd how r u
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Re: RequestFactory issue with overloaded setters in domain type

If you don't want to have a delegator DTO, you may try AOP. For example, with guice you can match the classes you have the NPE problem, and return null before de NPE.
On Feb 27, 2013, at 6:30 PM, James Horsley <> wrote:

On 27 February 2013 17:04, James Horsley <> wrote:
Thanks for the quick and detailed reply.

Given a big win using RequestFactory is having it work well with existing server side data models it'd seem like something we'd want to fix, relative to other priorities of course. In this specifc case I don't own the domain class as it's from a 3rd party and it's been fantastic with RF to just use a proxy interface to pass the data across without another DTO. I can extend it in this specific case to override the behaviour of setUnit(SomeUnitEnum) but that's not always possible and I'm still at the mercy of the order the methods are iterated in as to what type I have to use in my Proxy interface, this throws it into the want to fix case for me (not surprising perhaps given I'm the one asking the question).

I'll file an issue for it and am fully behind the fact that if I think it's important that I should get a patch out for it so will try to do that. The geTop().getGetter(domainClass, property) suggestion you made sounds like a quick and mildly dirty way through; although I may look at the first fallback based solution you mentioned.


On 27 February 2013 16:05, Thomas Broyer <> wrote:

On Wednesday, February 27, 2013 4:05:30 PM UTC+1, James Horsley wrote:
I'm running into an issue where RequestFactory isn't calling the correct setter on the domain object in DevMode and I've not tried it compiled yet. Looking at the code it appears that ReflectiveServiceLayer.getBeanMethod is just picking the first setter it finds based on SET/SET_BUILDER, are only verifying that the method is a setter, and the method name.

I was going to submit an issue for it and see about getting a patch together but thought I'd ask here first to see if I'm missing something.

A more concrete example that I'm running into is that the domain class has something like the following:
void setUnit(String unit) { this.unit = unit; }
void setUnit(SomeUnitEnum unit) { this.unit = unit.toString(); }
void setUnit(String unit);
String getUnit();

when unit is null, the server side RF code is calling the enum version which is causing an NPE.

Anything I'm missing or should just file the issue?

Fixing this would require breaking changes in ServiceLayerDecorator though (getSetter would need a new expectedType parameter, similar to setProperty) so I wonder how best we could provide backwards compatibility (ideally, getSetter(Class,String,Class) would fallback to getSetter(Class,String) (to ensure backwards compatibility with custom ServiceLayerDecorators) but we'd then like ReflectiveServiceLayer#getSetter(Class,String) to answer based on the Class originally passed to getSetter(Class,String,Class). Alternatively, ReflectiveServiceLayer#getSetter could call getTop().getGetter(domainClass, property) and then use the getter's return type to disambiguate overloaded setters. That would then make it impossible to have proxies with setter-only properties (see, there's much to be done before this can be supported, so the server-side implementation might be revisited at that point, i.e. not a showstopper)

The question is: is this something we really *want* to fix? And honestly, I don't have a problem rejecting overloaded setters (see also the comment on if it weren't for protobuf where the idiom is common, having "overloaded" hasXxx and getXxx getters would have been declared illegal).

Feel free to file an issue, but be warned that I'll categorize it as PatchesWelcome.

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How to echo and play videos in Cakephp

I have an application were by users can upload images and should be able to echo and play videos. My upload function works fine but challenge that i am having now is to echo and play the video. Here is how i am uploading the file

    function uploadFile() {
    $file = $this->data['CpdVideo']['file'];
    if ($file['error'] === UPLOAD_ERR_OK) {
    $id = String::uuid();
    if (move_uploaded_file($file['tmp_name'], WWW_ROOT . 'files/videos/' . $file['name'])) {
    $this->request->data['CpdVideo']['filename'] = $file['name'];
    $this->request->data['CpdVideo']['filesize'] = $file['size'];
    $this->request->data['CpdVideo']['filemime'] = $file['type'];
    return true;
    return false;

Here is how i am saving the video

    if ($this->uploadFile() && $this->CpdVideo->save($this->data))

This how i am trying to echo and play the video in my view.ctp

    <?php echo $this->Html->media('files/videos'. $cpdVideo['CpdVideo']['filename'], array('fullBase' => true));

If any one could help me out that would be awesome

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Re: Announcement: django-quickview 0.3 - putting the nitro in rapid web development

Packaging python is hard!! Fixed the problem now.

pip install django-quickview works.



On Thu, Feb 28, 2013 at 5:03 AM, Bino Oetomo <> wrote:
> On Feb 28, 2:39 am, Thomas Weholt <> wrote:
>> Documentation and tutorial at
>> for details.
> Some how I failed to install .
> The pip log pasted at
> Sincerely
> -bino-
> --
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Mvh/Best regards,
Thomas Weholt

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Wednesday, February 27, 2013

default filtering model admin (crud) using user obj attribute

Dear All..

Currently I have custom authentication backend,
This backend return user-object with additional attributes

Python 2.7.3 (default, Aug 1 2012, 05:16:07)
[GCC 4.6.3] on linux2
Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.
>>> from l2auth.models import Company
>>> from csm.models import L2User, L2Group
>>> from l2auth.backends import L2Backend
>>> myauth = L2Backend()
>>> myauth.authenticate('user02@binonet','1111')
L2Backend => user02@binonet 1111
['user02', 'binonet']
company_id => 1
user==> user02
<L2User: user02>
>>> myuser=myauth.authenticate('user02@binonet','1111')
L2Backend => user02@binonet 1111
['user02', 'binonet']
company_id => 1
user==> user02
>>> myuser.company_id
<Company: binonet>
>>> myuserdict=myuser.__dict__
>>> myuserdict
{'username': u'user02', 'first_name': u'user 02', 'last_name': u'of
binonet', '_state': <django.db.models.base.ModelState object at
0xa7890ac>, '_company_id_cache': <Company: binonet>, 'company_id_id':
1, 'email': u'', 'is_active': True, 'is_superuser': False, 'is_staff':
False, 'last_login': datetime.datetime(2013, 2, 28, 7, 1, 41, 521980,
tzinfo=<UTC>), 'password': u'pbkdf2_sha256$10000$0NrkpAjo4osS
$nFdAVaH9mlAbE9vzAvlj+aQeTP7gQsUpFZLZTYOVggs=', 'id': 2,
'date_joined': datetime.datetime(2013, 2, 28, 6, 58, 41,
>>> myuser.company_id_id

My concern is 'myuser.company_id', this attribute is a ForeignKey to
'Company' model.

I also have 'Car' model like :
class Car(models.Model) :
company_id = models.ForeignKey()
badge = models.CharField('Badge', max_length=10)

By Default, every user login .. he/she have full access (CrUD) to all
cars, including other company's car.

My question is how to make :
1. Car list : Only show cars with company_id=myuser.company_id
2. Create/Update : 'Company choice list' locked to the one with
3. Delete : Only posible for Car.company_id=myuser.company_id

Kindly please give me any of your enlighten.


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Re: [android-developers] Re: OnTouch events!!!!

Yeah.. Thanks. I did it.. I was wondering how to do it.. 

On Wed, Feb 27, 2013 at 7:44 PM, G. Blake Meike <> wrote:
I think you need a state machine.  The behavior of your onTouch will be determined by what the user does and the current state.  That will, in turn, change the state.


On Tuesday, February 26, 2013 11:44:39 PM UTC-8, Numair Qadir wrote:

Can nested onTouch method be implemented? I'm working on an app in which user is drawing some components onTouch. I want to restrict user to draw a point, line and circle respectively. Is it possible that one event run only once and goto next event until and unless I restart the app. Or something like parent onTouch() and child onTouch(). Help needed!

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[android-developers] Certificates management in multiuser environment (Android 4.2)


I have a tablet running Android 4.2 with multiple users. I want to install certificates which can be accessed by the secondary user (basically I want to configure an Email account in the secondary user which requires certificates). I installed certificates in the primary user. But, when I try to access them in the secondary user, the dialog doesn't display the installed certificates.

I also tried modifying the Settings application to show the "Install certificates" option in the secondary user. But, clicking that option shows a toast that "Only owner can install certificates". I went a step further and changed CertInstaller to allow secondary users to install certificates. But, it fails when Android attempts to write the certificates to /data/misc/keychain directory.

My question is that, is /data/misc/keychain directory only accessible (read/write access) to applications running inside the primary user (owner). If yes, the how the access control is enforced?


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[Rails] RoR on IDE for Beginner

Should I use an IDE for beginning with Rails?

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[android-developers] Samsung S-Pen discussion groups

Hi Everyone,
I wanted to let you know that I have created 3 discussion groups for using and developing for the Samsung Galaxy Note series of devices.  The new discussion groups are created specifically for utilizing and developing apps using Samsung's S-Pen functionality. 
Please feel free to join the groups.  The groups are:
- S-Pen App Discussion
- S-Pen App Development - Beginners
- S-Pen App Development-Advanced
Happy Coding!
- Nikhil Kulkarni

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Re: [android-developers] http in Android

Just the org.apache ones...?


On Wed, Feb 27, 2013 at 9:17 PM, dashman <> wrote:
> What's the recommended api for doing http/https in Android.
> I think there's 2-3 of them.
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[android-developers] http in Android

What's the recommended api for doing http/https in Android.

I think there's 2-3 of them.

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[android-developers] Detect activity was started by the Android launcher

Is there any way to detect whether an activity was started by the
Android os launcher as opposed to another activity.

Or put another way - is there wa way to force an activity not
be launchable (sp?) by another activity.

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Need to get a distinct category list from many to many


I Have a product table that has a many to many relation to a category table.

When I query the products, I want to display a unique list of the categories associated with the product query.

product table
categories = models.ManyToManyField(Category, related_name="cat")

category table

product_category table

I tried this, but it is not working.
            c = Product.objects.filter(keywords__contains=search, is_active=True).distinct('category_id')

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Re: and help

On 28/02/2013 11:02am, Clientkill wrote:
> It appears that Settings cannot be imported, because environment
> variable DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE is undefined. I did a google search on
> this, but it reared no valuable results. Can anyone help?

Your wsgi file (the server's entry-point for the site) needs to put your
project into sys.path

Here is mine ...
from __future__ import unicode_literals
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# application entry point

site = "mysite"
project = "myproject"
srvroot = "/var/www"
site_root = "%s/%s" % (srvroot, site)
project_root = "%s/%s" % (site_root, project)

import os
import sys

if site_root not in sys.path:
sys.path.insert(0, site_root)

os.environ.setdefault("DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE", "%s.settings" % project)
os.environ.setdefault("PYTHON_EGG_CACHE", site_root)
from django.core.wsgi import get_wsgi_application
application = get_wsgi_application()

IIRC, having in site_root makes this work. Otherwise I think
I might have previously used project_root instead.



> On Wednesday, 27 February 2013 17:27:01 UTC-5, Clientkill wrote:
> Can someone tell me why, even after trying everything, I can't open
> either or I have apt-get installed django
> and its registration package, and calling or
> returns:
> command not found
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Re: and help

It appears that Settings cannot be imported, because environment variable DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE is undefined. I did a google search on this, but it reared no valuable results. Can anyone help?

On Wednesday, 27 February 2013 17:27:01 UTC-5, Clientkill wrote:
Can someone tell me why, even after trying everything, I can't open either or I have apt-get installed django and its registration package, and calling or returns: command not found

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Re: I need a form that allows users to select from a list of choices, or add a new choice.

On Wednesday, February 27, 2013 11:28:50 AM UTC-5, Mark London wrote:
I need a widget or a method that allows users to select items from a list of choices, or add a new choice.   Someone on stackoverflow asked the same question, and got a kludgy answer:

There should be a better way than this.  Thanks.

- Mark 

Take a look at SelectOrCreateField (and its widget) here:

The screenshot is here:


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Re: [SOLVED] Calling functions in other controllers

the best place to start is with the book.

Read through and work through the example applications

On Wednesday, February 27, 2013 12:10:27 PM UTC-5, Ganapathi Raman wrote:
Hi Friends,

   I am new to the Cake-PHP...I don't know how to start and where to start...So,Please guide me..


Ganapathi Raman.p

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[Rails] Re: TicketType Expected, Got String

That worked perfectly. Thanks alot for the help, and ill keep the line
#'s in mind for next time

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Re: [Rails] TicketType Expected, Got String

On 27 February 2013 19:56, Colton Pl <> wrote:
> TicketType(#70316537311800) expected, got String(#10085740)
> app/controllers/reasons_controller.rb:44:in `new'
> app/controllers/reasons_controller.rb:44:in `create'
> View:
> <%= f.label :ticket_type %><br />
> <%= :ticket_type, TicketType.all.collect {|t| [ t.description,
> t.description]}, {:include_blank => "Please select one"}, :method =>
> 'get'%>
> Controller:
> @reason =[:reason])
> respond_to do |format|
> if
> format.html { redirect_to manage_tickets_path, notice: 'Reason
> was successfully created.' }
> etc
> Model:
> class Reason < ActiveRecord::Base
> validates :description, :ticket_type, :presence => true
> attr_accessible :description, :ticket_type
> belongs_to :ticket_type, :foreign_key => :ticket_type

If you have the foreign key column called ticket_type and also
belongs_to ticket_type, then when you do @reason.ticket_type how is
rails going to know whether you want the value of the column or the
associated object? Best to stick to the conventions and call the
column ticket_type_id.

By the way, when posting an error it is a good idea to tell us which
line is the line the error refers to (ie which is line 44 in this
case) in order to save us having to work it out ourselves.


> end
> class TicketType < ActiveRecord::Base
> attr_accessible :description
> has_many :reasons, :foreign_key => :ticket_type
> end

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Re: Django Shopping Cart

On Wed, Feb 27, 2013 at 10:02 PM, vijay shanker <> wrote:
hey, i want to write a shopping cart app, please provide some inputs, useful information, suggestions etc for doing it right .

have you looked at django-oscar?


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Django Shopping Cart

hey, i want to write a shopping cart app, please provide some inputs, useful information, suggestions etc for doing it right .

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Re: ANNOUNCE: Django 1.5 released


Although I am fairly new to Django (PHP website), I really enjoy using it.
I appreciate all the hard work and look forward to a long relationship.
Everyone on the form here has been great and have helped me understand how Django works.

--Django convert. 

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[Rails] TicketType Expected, Got String

TicketType(#70316537311800) expected, got String(#10085740)

app/controllers/reasons_controller.rb:44:in `new'
app/controllers/reasons_controller.rb:44:in `create'


<%= f.label :ticket_type %><br />
<%= :ticket_type, TicketType.all.collect {|t| [ t.description,
t.description]}, {:include_blank => "Please select one"}, :method =>


@reason =[:reason])

respond_to do |format|
format.html { redirect_to manage_tickets_path, notice: 'Reason
was successfully created.' }


class Reason < ActiveRecord::Base
validates :description, :ticket_type, :presence => true
attr_accessible :description, :ticket_type

belongs_to :ticket_type, :foreign_key => :ticket_type

class TicketType < ActiveRecord::Base
attr_accessible :description

has_many :reasons, :foreign_key => :ticket_type

I have read the "Kitchen" posting about the same error, the only problem
is i am using a description, not ID.
Changing the form just gives errors, any help would be greatly

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Re: Not seeing validation errors with saveAll

Anyone? Are specific validation errors for a bunch of records even possible?

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Re: How to disable drag and top on mouse move over image?


even if this is a pretty old post, I had the same problem.

I used to fix it this way:

resizeImage.addMouseDownHandler(new MouseDownHandler(){
                    public void onMouseDown(MouseDownEvent event) {

Does anyone know if this causes onmousedown="return false; ?

Nevertheless it would still be interesting how to set onmousedown="return false; directly.


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(Cake 2.2.5) I recently started getting an error that reads:
Warning (2): Invalid argument supplied for foreach() [CORE]/Cake/Utility/Hash.php, Line 50]

Line 50 in Hash.php is part of get() function for the Hash class. Trying to debug anything in that function results in a memory allocation error. How is Hash being used and what kind of data is being presented to the function that it's running out of memory? 

There are only two users in the database at the moment and the error is only showing for one of them. The method in my Users controller that seems to be triggering the error is: 

public function view($id = null){
       if ($id == null){
           $id = $this->Auth->user('username');
       $user = $this->User->getUser($id); 

getUser() in the User model is: 

public function getUser($id){
if (is_numeric($id)){ 
$user = $this->find('first', array(
            'conditions' => array(
                '' => $id),
            'contain' => array('Avatar', 'Bio', 'Role', 'Group')
} else { 
$user = $this->find('first', array(
            'conditions' => array(
                'username' => $id),
            'contain' => array('Avatar', 'Bio', 'Role', 'Group')
        if ($user){
            return $user;
        } return false; 

Wondering what Hash is looking for and why it's reporting an error with this particular method. The app has been running error free for quite some time and I can't think of anything I changed that would have produced the error. 

Any help is appreciated. 

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Re: StreamingHttpResponse into a Template

On 2013-02-27, at 18:47 , Stefano Tranquillini wrote:

> Hi, thank you for the answer.
> basically what i've to do is to iterate the same operation for a bunch of
> user (e.g. send an email).
> i've around 200 users and each mail takes 2 seconds.
> so 400 seconds in total and the server goes in timeout. Have to wait 400
> seconds on a blank page is not really nice as well.
> what i want to do is to stream out to a page an info that a new email was
> sent. This will avoid the timeout (i guess) and i can keep track of the
> job.

This kind of stuff is generally done asynchronously, dispatching the
sending to some sort of queue[0] to be executed either through a cronjob
or through a dedicated worker (*not* a WSGI/Django handler) waiting for
any mail to send.

Notifications, if any, are provided separately (e.g. by reloading a
"status" page every 10~15~30s or so; by using a javascript widget
polling the same kind of "status" endpoint or by using more "push"-y
async techniques). If you want notifications you probably want to use
a queue/worker system (rather than cronjobs) so they can get started
immediately and provide feedback. Something like Celery[2] for instance.

Sending email (or any other kind of very long operation) within the HTTP
request is pretty much always A Bad Idea: it ties up resources (e.g.
HTTP/WSGI workers, database transactions) better used serving requests
to users and tends to make the code more gnarly and less maintainable.

As far as I've seen anyway.

[0] For instance Pinax's Django Mailer[1] has an in-request part which
shoves mails to send in the DB, and a management command to execute via
e.g. a cronjob which does the actual sending

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Re: Best practices for 1.5 configurable user model and profiles

Thanks Shawn. So what is your take? Only authentication data in User? Separate Profile model and app? 

On Wednesday, February 27, 2013 12:07:55 PM UTC-5, Shawn Milochik wrote:
Do a search on the history of the django-developers mailing list.
There are many reasons, and they were discussed for literally years.

Some of the main ones that come to mind:

first_name/last_name is US-centric.
e-mail address field length was too short.
e-mail address could not be used as the username

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Upgrading from 1.3.15 to 2.2.7 or 2.3

One more question.  I currently have an application on 1.3.15 and want to use the upgrade-shell.  Can I upgrade straight to 2.2.7 or 2.3 rather than the 2.0 branch that is generically mentioned in  I tried a quick run through of the instructions with 2.0.6 and ran into some issues with the upgrade shell.  I have not investigated the further but my app_controller was renamed to "<?php?".


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I need a form that allows users to select from a list of choices, or add a new choice.

I need a widget or a method that allows users to select items from a list of choices, or add a new choice.   Someone on stackoverflow asked the same question, and got a kludgy answer:

There should be a better way than this.  Thanks.

- Mark 

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[android-developers] Re: horizontal rule

You could use a plain "View", set a background image or color on that, set its height to a few DPs and width to MATCH_PARENT.

On Wednesday, February 27, 2013 9:39:39 AM UTC-6, bob wrote:

Is there any type of widget that is similar to the HR HTML tag?



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password encryption

I just ran into this. It presses a pretty strong case...

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are no such people" --Oscar Wilde


(='.'=)This is Bunny. Copy and paste bunny
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Re: Redirect and execute after 2 seconds?

like this:
if user clicks button
  save answer
  return HttpResponseRedirect ('/polls/'+str(sid))
else after 3 seconds
  save this page for later
  return HttpResponseRedirect ('/polls/'+str(sid))

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Re: [Rails] Creating array, decimal

On 27 February 2013 12:23, Werner <> wrote:
> Hi
> I have an attribute decimal => hour
> If I do
> hours.each do |h|
> h.my_hour
> end
> I get => 20.0 0.0 0.0 10.0
> And this..
> myhour = []
> hours.each do |h|
> myhour << hour

That should be
myhour << h.myhour
though myhour is a very poor name for an array. It should be plural.

> end
> myhour.join(",")
> I get =>
> <Hour:0x007f81feec3330>,#<Hour:0x007f81feaa0c30>,

That it because you are adding Hour objects into the array, not decimal objects.


> How do I get something like this ?
> 20.0, 0.0, 0.0, 10.0
> Thanks for support
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[Google Maps API v2] Re: Cannot read property 'offsetWidth' of null %7Bmain,places%7D.js:28

On Feb 27, 5:47 am, Marco <> wrote:
> Hello,
> I'm new to this topic. we have implemeted a google map integration on our
> java script page. We had this working last week but somehow get the
> following error when calling the google map api:
> Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'offsetWidth' of null
> %7Bmain,places%7D.js:28
> Eh %7Bmain,places%7D.js:28
> hi %7Bmain,places%7D.js:34
> VMM.ExternalAPI.googlemaps.createAPIMap timeline.js:3227
> VMM.ExternalAPI.googlemaps.create timeline.js:3104
> VMM.ExternalAPI.googlemaps.pushQue timeline.js:3533
> VMM.ExternalAPI.pushQues timeline.js:2769
> Does anyone has a hint?
1. you are using the Google Maps API v3, this is the Google Maps API
v2 group, the v3 group is:

2. Google has moved technical support for the v3 API to stackoverflow,
see this question/answer:

-- Larry

> or can give me a tip on how to debug this API? any
> chance to the un-minified sources?
> We're usung the google chrome debugger.
> Regards Marco

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Re: Begginer

Thank you Abhijeet :)

On Wed, Feb 27, 2013 at 6:00 PM, abhijeet shete <> wrote:
Hi Akshay,

    Django's online documentation is very good.
Here is the link for documentation.

On Wed, Feb 27, 2013 at 1:59 PM, Akshay Ramesh <> wrote:
Hi I am new to Djnago and would like to have some help from you. Where
should I start from ?


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Akshay R

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[Rails] Exended modules and reject_if in nested_attributes

I have some common class methods in a module  'active_record_additions' that I load into a class by Activity by using extend ActiveRecordAdditions
The Activity class uses nested_attributes_for with a reject_if method saved in the module  'active_record_additions'
The problem is that the class methods in 'active_record_additions' works when I use them as ordinary class methods, but not as a a method in reject_if.
I got the message NameError (undefined method `exists_nested_targeting_group?' for class `Activity'):

Maybe that method cannot be a class method ?
Or can accept_nested use methods in an extend module ?
Or anyone thats can give a hint abot whay it does not work ?

Some code snippets
The class definition
# encoding: utf-8
require 'active_record_additions'
class Activity < ActiveRecord::Base
  include ActiveModel::Validations
  extend ActiveRecordAdditions
The accept nested call
accepts_nested_attributes_for :targeting_group,  :reject_if => :exists_nested_targeting_group?, :allow_destroy => true
The start of the exists_nested_targeting_group? module
   def exists_nested_targeting_group?(attributes={})

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[Lovers India] The 10 Rules of Marriage - Hilarious!

The 10 Rules of Marriage!

Those of you who are married may have noticed that there is rhyme and reason to every marriage, and you must adjust in order to make it work. Here are 10 rules for marriage that you should definitely check out!

1. Every relationship was ordained from above, but then again, so do hurricanes...

2. If you want your wife to listen to every word you say - talk in your sleep!

3. Marriage start and end the same: You kneel to get into them and get down on both knees to get out of them.

4. Married life has an order to it. 

In the first year, the husband speaks and the woman listens.
In the second year, the wife speaks and the husband listens.
In the third year, both speak and the neighbors listen...
5. When a man opens the car door for his wife, you can be sure either the car is new, or the wife is new!

6. Marriage is when a man and a woman become one single entity. The trouble start when they try to decide what kind of entity it is...

7. Before the wedding, a woman will stay up all night thinking about what the man said. After the wedding, the woman will fall asleep before he can finish the sentence.
8. Every man wants a beautiful, smart, understanding wife who loves to cook. The problem is making sure those 4 women never meet...

9. Marriage is a matter of chemistry, that is the reason couples treat each other like nuclear waste...

10. A man isn't complete until he gets married, then he's through!

Thank& Regards ,

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[android-developers] StateSet.stateSetMatches(int[], int) weirdness

i have tried to use StateSet.stateSetMatches(int[], int) and frankly
have no idea what is it for. consider the following:

int[] stateSpec = {1, 1, 1};
int state = 1;
// stateSpec == {1, 1, 1}
Log.d(TAG, "onCreate " + testStateSetMatches(stateSpec, state));

stateSpec[2] = 2;
// stateSpec == {1, 1, 2}
Log.d(TAG, "onCreate " + testStateSetMatches(stateSpec, state));

stateSpec[2] = 0;
// stateSpec == {1, 1, 0}
Log.d(TAG, "onCreate " + testStateSetMatches(stateSpec, state));

and the testStateSetMatches method:
private String testStateSetMatches(int[] stateSpec, int state) {
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder("{");
for (int i = 0; i < stateSpec.length; i++) {
int item = stateSpec[i];
if (i + 1 < stateSpec.length) {
sb.append(", ");
boolean match = StateSet.stateSetMatches(stateSpec, state);
sb.append("} vs ").append(state).append(" == ").append(match);
return sb.toString();

the logcat says:
D/TestTag ( 1069): onCreate {1, 1, 1} vs 1 == true
D/TestTag ( 1069): onCreate {1, 1, 2} vs 1 == false
D/TestTag ( 1069): onCreate {1, 1, 0} vs 1 == true

so it seems that it returns true if every element in stateSpec is
equal to state *or* there is 0 somewhere in between

i don't really get it, i thought it should match if there is at least
one state in stateSet but it's not the case, so what is the point of
this method?

btw StateSet.stateSetMatches(int[], int[]) works as expected but int
variant gets me crazy, can anyone explain what is it for?


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[android-developers] Android AutocompletTextview to have some prefix and then suggest

How  to send specific value as filter form whole text enter ?

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Re: Browser plugin

After you have compiled your GWT app to JavaScript using the GWT compiler you don't need a plugin anymore as the browser now can execute the JavaScript directly.

-- J.

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Re: asynchronous call back for client side method

GWT has a generic callback interface that you can use as method parameter

-- J.

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[Google Maps API v2] Re: Zoom, pan map problem

What does "The zoom and pan is showing in different way" mean?  In what way is it different?
You mention panning but all I can see in your code is a static map, that doesn't have zooming & panning.

And what you have pasted is C# code, not Google Maps API JavaScript code, no way anyone can run that, post a LINK to your map so we can see what is happening.

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Browser plugin

GWT requires browser plugin "Google Web Toolkit Developer Plugin" to run it in Development mode...
Does it require a browser plugin even to deploy in a application server(production mode)?

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Tuesday, February 26, 2013

[android-developers] OnTouch events!!!!


Can nested onTouch method be implemented? I'm working on an app in which user is drawing some components onTouch. I want to restrict user to draw a point, line and circle respectively. Is it possible that one event run only once and goto next event until and unless I restart the app. Or something like parent onTouch() and child onTouch(). Help needed!

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Re: [feincms] [ANN]: FeinCMS v1.7

Hi Matthias,

first of all thanks for the new release and all the work (this goes to
all developers of course!).

On Tue, Feb 26, 2013 at 10:00 PM, Matthias Kestenholz <> wrote:
> Compatibility with Django and other apps
> ========================================
> FeinCMS 1.7 requires Django 1.4.

Should that be read as requires at least Django 1.4? IOW is FeinCMS
1.7 tested with Django 1.5?

Best regards,


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