Friday, November 30, 2012 - عمارة بالسلام195000

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Re: Django apache mod_wsgi permission denied

a strange thing is that when I remove the <Files> </Files> directive so it becomes:

<Directory /home/loai/workspace/Faculty/Faculty>
Order deny,allow
Allow from all

instead of 

<Directory /home/loai/workspace/Faculty/Faculty>
Order deny,allow
Allow from all

then trying to access any static or media file raises (not found) instead of permission denied !

On Sat, Dec 1, 2012 at 7:42 AM, Loai Ghoraba <> wrote:
thanks, but still I can't find what's wrong with the permission thing. The html pages are loaded without static content, no css or js or whatever, neither the media is accessible.

On Sat, Dec 1, 2012 at 7:15 AM, Mike Dewhirst <> wrote:
On 1/12/2012 3:57pm, Loai Ghoraba wrote:
thanks, but I have tried this now and it also doesn't work :X though the
author slides presentation mentioned chmod o+rx on the root dir only.

On Sat, Dec 1, 2012 at 6:53 AM, Mike Dewhirst <
<>> wrote:

    chmod -R o+rx

Here is my working apache2 conf for project "proj" on site It is running happily on Ubuntu 12.04 with permissions on all /var/www/proj directories and files rwxrwx---

This is because I need users in the group to have access but no-one from outside. Apache is the owner.

Good luck


# proj #########################################################

<VirtualHost *:80>

 # proj resolves to lenny 109
 DocumentRoot /var/www/proj/htdocs/

 HostnameLookups Off
 UseCanonicalName Off

 ErrorLog ${APACHE_LOG_DIR}/proj-error.log
 CustomLog ${APACHE_LOG_DIR}/proj-access.log combined

 Alias /robots.txt /var/www/static/proj/robots/robots.txt
 Alias /favicon.ico /var/www/static/proj/img/proj.ico

 # lock the public out
 <Directory /var/www/proj/>
  AllowOverride None
  Order deny,allow
  Deny from all

 # serve uploaded media from here
 <Directory /var/www/media/proj/>
  AllowOverride None

  Order deny,allow
  Allow from all

 # serve static stuff from here
 <Directory /var/www/static/proj/>
  AllowOverride None

  Order deny,allow
  Allow from all

 <IfModule mod_alias.c>
  Alias /media/ /var/www/media/proj/
  Alias /static/ /var/www/static/proj/
  Alias /tiny_mce/ /var/www/static/proj/js/tiny_mce/
  Alias /jquery/ /var/www/static/proj/js/jquery/

 <IfModule mod_wsgi.c>
   WSGIScriptAlias / /var/www/proj/proj/proj.wsgi
   <Directory /var/www/proj/proj/>

     Order deny,allow
     Allow from all


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[Rails] spree commerce file working flow

I like to deploy the Spreecommerce locally and want to implement my own
changes. I have deployed successfully but I don't know where the actual
sources files comes or running. I need help to sort this out. Please can
any one help me.

Thanks in Advance

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Re: Django apache mod_wsgi permission denied

thanks, but I have tried this now and it also doesn't work :X though the author slides presentation mentioned chmod o+rx on the root dir only.

On Sat, Dec 1, 2012 at 6:53 AM, Mike Dewhirst <> wrote:
chmod -R o+rx

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Re: [android-developers] Re: hi bros

i am using but not working

Toast.makeText(MyExpandableActivity.this,"Clicked Child",Toast.LENGTH_LONG).show();

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[Django 1.3] list_display, __unicode__ and sorting


Would the below be an OK way to sort __unicode__ in the admin list_display?


def uni_sort(self):

return self.__unicode__()

uni_sort.admin_order_field = 'sort'
uni_sort.short_description = _(u'name')


list_display = ('uni_sort', 'parent', 'name', 'slug',)


To save ya'll some time, the docs say:


The __str__() and __unicode__() methods are just as valid in
list_display as any other model method, so it's perfectly OK to do

list_display = ('__unicode__', 'some_other_field')

Usually, elements of list_display that aren't actual database fields
can't be used in sorting (because Django does all the sorting at the
database level).

However, if an element of list_display represents a certain database
field, you can indicate this fact by setting the admin_order_field
attribute of the item.


Unless I'm mistaken, this does not work:

__unicode__.admin_order_field = 'sort'

Otherwise I could just do this:

list_display = ('__unicode__', 'parent', 'name', 'slug',)

My question:

Is it overkill to create a method, that returns the __unicode__ value,
just for the sake of being able to order on the "sort" field?



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Re: Trying to optimize a widget that is used a LOT of times...

Option D works perfectly !

Merci Thomas.

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Re: Trying to optimize a widget that is used a LOT of times...

I'd rather use option C or D:

C: use Widget rather than Composite
D: use a HTML widget (possibly HTMLPanel) as root

You don't need to use a FocusPanel to listener to mouse events, addDomHandler is public.

On Saturday, December 1, 2012 1:22:19 AM UTC+1, regnoult axel wrote:

I am sorry for the unprecise subject, but I would like to know what should be "the smallest memory consuming" OR "the fastest loading" solution for my widget that I will heavily use (displaying it a hundred times so I think that the little differences should be considered....).

The 2 possibility of the same widget are:

case A:

case B:

- img is smaller than g:Image     and     label is smaller than g:Label
- I need a special rollover behavior
(cf. images in the attachement, when I rollover, a light background appear...) , that is why I use the Focus panel (case B) in order to use "the MouseOver Event" all over the widget.

- In case A, let say that I need to implement 3 times the same behavior (MouseOver the img, MouseOver the label....) in order to trigger the background effect all over the widget.

Does SpeedTracer is the only tool to mesure the difference between my 2 solutions OR is it obvious that case B will be faster to load ?

Thanks you for your help,

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RE: YARQ - Yet Another Routing Question


Will try it out.


-----Original Message-----
From: [] On Behalf
Of lowpass
Sent: Friday, November 30, 2012 3:06 PM
Subject: Re: YARQ - Yet Another Routing Question

'controller' => '...',
'action' => '...'
'one' => '[0-9]?',
'two' => '[0-9]?',
'three' => '[0-9]?',
'four' => '[0-9]?',
'five' => '[0-9]?',
'pass' => array('one', 'two', 'three', 'four', 'five')

public function foo($one = null, $two = null, $three = null, $four = null,
$five = null) {
die(debug(array($one, $two, $three, $four, $five))); }

On Fri, Nov 30, 2012 at 9:17 AM, Advantage+ <> wrote:
> When defining a route in routes.php what is the correct way to code a
> link to a function where different variables can be passed?
> For example the link can pass up to 5 args
> or as little as 1
> Looking at the book it shows basic pass => for the know vars being
> passed but what if the vars passed can vary from 1 var to 5 vars.
> I'm sure you do not to make 5 routes depending on each scenario?
> Any insight would be great.
> Thanks all
> Dave
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Re: Django apache mod_wsgi permission denied

Make sure all the directories, from static leading all the way up to the root, are chmod a+x

On Friday, November 30, 2012 4:00:55 PM UTC-8, Loai Ghoraba wrote:

I have installed apache and mod_wsgi and my basic site *skeleton is running* on local host, but with NO static files loaded such as css, when I try to access a static file (e.g:http://localhost/static/css/base.css) it says that I don't have permission to access the file, same goes to media files 

I have followed the steps in the presentation slides and made the directories accessible to others via chmod o+rx 
, my  httpd.conf part is :

WSGIScriptAlias / /home/loai/workspace/Faculty/Faculty/
WSGIPythonPath /home/loai/workspace/Faculty

Alias /media/ /home/loai/workspace/Faculty/Faculty/media
Alias /static/ /home/loai/workspace/Faculty/Faculty/static

<Directory /home/loai/workspace/Faculty/Faculty/static>
Order deny,allow
Allow from all

<Directory /home/loai/workspace/Faculty/Faculty/media>
Order deny,allow
Allow from all


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[android-developers] How can I be assigned a task/bug on the issues list?

I would like to take on an issue found in the issues list of the Android project (  How can I get assigned as the owner of a specific issue?



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[android-developers] Re: Best approach for incorporating in-app purchase demo code into real project.

CodeDefender -> ProGuard.  Sorry for the confusion.

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Re: Debug GWT in JBOSS

On Friday, November 30, 2012 11:26:19 PM UTC+1, James wrote:
What are options to debug GWT in JBOSS? Should I use Jboss tool plugin for Eclipse? I just added a GWT module into Strut application running in Jboss. Should I run a separate a GWT code server or run a GWT code server inside Jboss process?

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Debug GWT in JBOSS

What are options to debug GWT in JBOSS? Should I use Jboss tool plugin for Eclipse? I just added a GWT module into Strut application running in Jboss. Should I run a separate a GWT code server or run a GWT code server inside Jboss process?


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[android-developers] Re: Getting the height of soft keyboard.

Well i'm using cocos2d-x and when the keyboard appears, it does not reallocate the controls, and if there are controls behind the keyboard they keep behind and i can't see what i am writing, so i want to know the keyboard size to move my view, I tested changing the manifest to do it automatically, but it did not work, so I am trying programatically via Cocos2d-x or via android and jni.

El viernes, 30 de noviembre de 2012 12:38:07 UTC-6, Rudy escribió:
Is there a way to know the height of the default soft keyboard that appears when a textField is focused? Because I don't want to create my own keyboard, i want to use the default one.

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Re: IIS 7, CakePHP 2.2.3 and the Blog Tutorial

Well, it makes sense to me... So, if I'm not mistaken, the system runs 'as it should be', right? Then I can stop bug-fixing things that aren't bugs... ;-)



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[android-developers] thread life

If you create a Thread in an activity, does it generally live beyond a call to onPause?

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No news on this? Seems to be broken at the moment. "next" button gives 500 and trying to submit an entry gives 500.

On Wednesday, July 25, 2012 1:46:24 PM UTC+1, Finbox wrote:
Hi All,

we would like to add the web app we made using gwt, in the gwt app list but we noticed that the site seems to be no more
maintained. Is it true? Where we can publish the gwt apps?

Overlook Soft

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[android-developers] Best approach for incorporating in-app purchase demo code into real project.

The 'Dungeons' demo code goes to some length to emphasize the security issues involved in implementing in-app purchases.  One thing it makes some issue of is being careful about dropping the demo code into an existing project as opposed to reimplementing it from scratch (ugh).  I'm using CodeDefender (or whatever it's called, I don't have it in front of me right now) for basic obfuscation, and I certainly intend to "mix up" the demo code some...but I'm curious if there is a more explicit prescription for how to fold in-app purchases into a project.  Would others strongly advise against literally duplicating the Dungeons code into a subpackage of my actual project and then proceeding to make various cosmetic, yet functionally null, changes to the code?  Is there a better way to accomplish this overall task?


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Re: [android-developers] Re: missing stuff

They did not help.

On Friday, November 30, 2012 12:57:27 PM UTC-6, TreKing wrote:
On Fri, Nov 30, 2012 at 11:26 AM, bob <> wrote:
What is unclear is why there is no option to get that SDK.

Now that's a question. There are numerous hits on Google for "android sdk manager missing sdk platform". See if any of those help.

TreKing - Chicago transit tracking app for Android-powered devices

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Re: [Rails] How do you get the activerecord tests to NOT eat stdout or useful stack trace information?

On Fri, Nov 30, 2012 at 12:13 PM, Robert Buck <> wrote:
> It would be nice if the test framework for rails AT LEAST spit out the
> line where this happened.

You are blaming Rails for a problem created by another person?

> So, without any useful information from the test suite, what I wanted to
> do was to find out blow by blow when bad things happen so I can
> correlate it to the step-wise actions in a debugger, and so trace WHERE
> the bad thing is happening. But no, the test suite eats all STDOUT and
> only spits it out after all tests have completed.

There is plenty of useful information, that is what logs are for, and
a test log is kept, try looking in log/test.log which will have all
that in there from start to finish of each request.

> Does anyone know how to get Rails to emit all stdout immediately instead
> of buffering it until after ALL tests have completed?

With RSpec use fail fast.

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Re: YARQ - Yet Another Routing Question

'controller' => '...',
'action' => '...'
'one' => '[0-9]?',
'two' => '[0-9]?',
'three' => '[0-9]?',
'four' => '[0-9]?',
'five' => '[0-9]?',
'pass' => array('one', 'two', 'three', 'four', 'five')

public function foo($one = null, $two = null, $three = null, $four =
null, $five = null)
die(debug(array($one, $two, $three, $four, $five)));

On Fri, Nov 30, 2012 at 9:17 AM, Advantage+ <> wrote:
> When defining a route in routes.php what is the correct way to code a link
> to a function where different variables can be passed?
> For example the link can pass up to 5 args or
> as little as 1
> Looking at the book it shows basic pass => for the know vars being passed
> but what if the vars passed can vary from 1 var to 5 vars.
> I'm sure you do not to make 5 routes depending on each scenario?
> Any insight would be great.
> Thanks all
> Dave
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Re: Globle varibles

In core.php:

Configure::write('something', 'some value');



On Fri, Nov 30, 2012 at 3:19 AM, raj kumar Pustela <> wrote:
> How to define gloable varibale in cakephp 2.0.3
> and how to access global variable in controller .model and view.
> Thanks,
> Rajakumar.
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Re: [android-developers] Getting started with ActionBarSherlock

On Fri, Nov 30, 2012 at 10:10 AM, Jason Hsu <> wrote:
I'm interested in learning to work with ActionBarSherlock.

What are the best tutorials for getting started?

If you have questions about a 3rd party API, you should consult the web site and / or forums of that API.

TreKing - Chicago transit tracking app for Android-powered devices

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[android-developers] Problem loading some web pages on some devices

I have some old 2.3 devices that just won't display some HTML pages which all other devices seem to work just fine. All the ones with problems show is a blank page.

The really odd thing is that if I copy the HTML file onto the phone, then do this:


then it works just fine!

Why on earth it would work when locally yet not work when loaded from the Internet I do not know.

Anyone run into this before and if so, how did you get around it?

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Re: RootPanel --> OutClickEvent -- > how to detect click event out of the HTML Page it self ?

To detect when the user has left the window, you can also look as the new page visibility API in HTML5.
See the explication/example here:


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[android-developers] wondering if a value of "*" is deprecated for the metadata ""?

<meta-data android:name=""
android:value="*" />

Is this feature of indicating "*" seem to be deprecated.

The following lines in

// This value is deprecated, return null
if (refActivityName.equals(MD_SEARCHABLE_SYSTEM_SEARCH)) {
return null;

Thank you so much

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GWT code for ,same user login to the webpage again after loggedout from the page without refreshing the webpage?

 Hi All ! I have developed on website,in my website if one existed user is logged in to the webpage he can operate everything of that page,after he logged out from the page if he want to loggin again without refreshing the webpage it show NullPointeException,can you guys say the code for without refreshing the webpage can the same or any existed user can login successfully again once he loggedout from that in GWT? thanks ...bala

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Re: compiled js files do not work, if compiled "obfuscated", only if compiled "pretty"

On Thursday, November 29, 2012 9:38:53 PM UTC+1, Gasotelo wrote:
I got this problem, it was because we have a browser plugin that inserts javascript with obfuscated names too, so when the GWT calls a function like xf, it was really calling the plugin xf function.

You should try the xsiframe linker instead.

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Re: RootPanel --> OutClickEvent -- > how to detect click event out of the HTML Page it self ?

Thanks ;)

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[android-developers] File explorer with icons from SD card

hi guys
                my mind is hang on File explorer with icons from SD card please Help me.How to develop a File Explorer  with icons
 look like

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[android-developers] force start GestureOverlayView

Activity A calls startActivity(intent4activityB); in its OnLongClickListener.

Activity B contains a GestureOverlayView.  I would like to be able to detect a gesture starting as soon as Activity B starts, but the GestureOverlayView does not begin tracking until the user lifts her finger and then touches the activity again.

Is there any way I can force the GestureOverlayView to start a new gesture immediately?

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[android-developers] Admob - can't cerate add because of google crappy wizard or...?

I'm trying to create some ads in Admob, but on last step I always get error:

There were problems with your submission

but it didn't specify WHERE WHERE WHERE :) I swear god, there are no errors on whole page, all fields are correctly filled, I see no red shapes around fields, everything match criterias written under fields, but I stil get this error - without any explanation. Has anybody same experiences? It's totally frustrating :(

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Re: [Rails] Tokeninput incremental search not working

On 30 November 2012 04:57, Soichi Ishida <> wrote:
> Rails 3.1.3
> After watching
> I have installed the similar functionality to my app.
> However,
> def index
> @cities = City.all
> ...
> does in fact give the list of all cities in the text field, but
> def index
> @cities = City.where("name like ?", "%#{params[:q]}%")
> ...
> does NOT search cities at all.

If you look in log/development.log it will show you the database query
being run. If you still can't see the problem then post the section
of the log for that action (including the query).


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Re: [Rails] Issue with passing parameter to action using link_to

On 30 November 2012 06:50, sumit srivastava
<> wrote:
> Verified it. Don't have puts anywhere else.

Jim asked you to post the contents of the log (log/development.log)
when you click the link. Why have you not done that? Or have I
missed that message?


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Globle varibles

    How to define gloable varibale in cakephp 2.0.3
  and how to access global variable in controller .model and view.


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Looks like a GWT compiler and/or GIN error.

I've got a class, TestPlace, that derives from Place that takes two parameters, both Strings.

I use GIN so I have a PlaceFactory to create instances of my places.  It has a method for creating TestPlace that has two String parameters.

It all looks pretty straight forward, except that inside the TestPlace constructor, both strings end up being the first parameter in the call to the factory method!

Here's the TestPlace constructor:
public TestPlace (@Assisted String testId, @Assisted String authType) {
logger.fine("testId: " + testId+ "; authType: " + authType);
this.testId= testId;
this.authType = authType;
It has the @Inject and @Assisted annotations, as you would expect.

The method signature in the PlaceFactory interface looks like this:
TestPlace createTestPlace(String testId, String authType);
Everything looks pretty normal so far.  However, the log shows that the createTestPlace caller is calling with two different strings, but inside the TestPlace constructor, the strings are identical.

When createTestPlace is compiled to JavaScript, it looks like this:
function $createTestPlace(p0){
  var result;
  result = new TestPlace_0(p0, p0);
  return result;
Notice how it has just one parameter, which it uses twice when calling the TestPlace constructor.

Similarly, the JavaScript call to createTestPlace only has the first parameter.  The second parameter, which is clearly there in the Java, is missing the JavaScript.

Anyone have any ideas what's going on here?

Started seeing this in GWT 2.4. Tonight I upgraded to 2.5 but the problem is still there.  Also using gin-1.5-post-gwt-2.2.jar.

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Thursday, November 29, 2012

Re: Firefox 17 dev plugin

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[android-developers] Re: When can every developer reply to reviews?

Dec 12, 6:00pm.

On Friday, November 30, 2012 2:31:00 PM UTC+8, Techni wrote:
I am getting some really STUPID comments and it's infuriating that I can do nothing about them

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[Rails] Why did we include assets folder in Vendor, Public, lib directorys ?


 As per i know assets folder is include in app directory .
And when we do asset pre compile than assets folder created in public folder.

Q  But what is use of assets folder in vendor and lib directory' s ?



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Redirect in GWT

Hi, I have a problem to call a module from another module

Help me, please.

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Re: 3.0: a peek into CakePHP's future


On Friday, July 6, 2012 8:19:30 AM UTC-5, Andy Gale wrote:
On Fri, Jul 6, 2012 at 2:17 PM, Marsson C. <> wrote:
> Does it mean Cake 3.0´s Model will return objects instead of arrays ?


"Model layer rewrite:

Models to return objects from queries"

Andy Gale

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Re: [Rails] Issue with passing parameter to action using link_to

On Fri, Nov 30, 2012 at 12:51 PM, Sumit Srivastava <> wrote:

I have a controller named Users with index action.

def index
    puts "************* #{params[:city]}"

From the view,
link_to(:city, list_users_with_city_path(:city =>

You implied below that list_users_with_city_path is not yet defined
at this point so why is it not giving any errors?  where did you 
get list_user_with_city_path if you haven't defined it in the routed yet?
But when I click on this link, it doesn't prints out anything for the params. All the "*" are being printed. The url in the browser displays,


Instead when I create a new route, get '/users/:city' => 'users#index', :as => list_users_with_city
This works fine. I get proper output. 

What could be the problem?

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[Rails] Tokeninput incremental search not working

Rails 3.1.3

After watching
I have installed the similar functionality to my app.


def index
@cities = City.all

does in fact give the list of all cities in the text field, but

def index
@cities = City.where("name like ?", "%#{params[:q]}%")

does NOT search cities at all.

Since above case works (though not incremental filter), the problem must
be the second query part.
But I don't see any problem in the where clause. It does not raise any
errors at all. Simply, puts

"No results"

Can you guess where the problem is?


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[Rails] Issue with passing parameter to action using link_to


I have a controller named Users with index action.

def index
    puts "************* #{params[:city]}"

From the view,
link_to(:city, list_users_with_city_path(:city =>

But when I click on this link, it doesn't prints out anything for the params. All the "*" are being printed. The url in the browser displays,


Instead when I create a new route, get '/users/:city' => 'users#index', :as => list_users_with_city
This works fine. I get proper output.

What could be the problem?

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[android-developers] Re: hi friends

Thank you bro.

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Re: Tracking down an erroneous brace

Well, that's embarrassing. You know, you can look at something forever and still not see what is right there in front of you.

Abraham, thank you, thank you.


On Friday, November 30, 2012 2:32:27 PM UTC+11, Abraham Lin wrote:
Looks like there's an extra comma on line 20 (right before the opening brace). Not sure why the line number is off, but the column offset is correct.


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Re: Tracking down an erroneous brace

Looks like there's an extra comma on line 20 (right before the opening brace). Not sure why the line number is off, but the column offset is correct.


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Tracking down an erroneous brace

<!DOCTYPE ui:UiBinder SYSTEM "">
<ui:UiBinder xmlns:ui=""

<ui:style type="net.byandlarge.rendezvous.client.rendezvouspoints.RendezvousPointsView.Style">

.rendezvousPointsTable, .rendezvousPointsTable {
max-width: 100px;
text-overflow: ellipsis;
overflow: hidden;

.rendezvousPointsTable th.prefix, .rendezvousPointsTable td.prefix {
text-align: center;

.rendezvousPointsTable th.inflows, .rendezvousPointsTable td.inflows, {
text-align: center;

.rendezvousPointsTable td.inflows > div {
display: inline-block;
text-align: right;
width: 30px;

.rendezvousPointsTable th.pending, .rendezvousPointsTable td.pending {
text-align: center;

.rendezvousPointsTable td.pending > div {
display: inline-block;
text-align: right;
width: 30px;

.rendezvousPointsTable td.status span {
vertical-align: middle;

.rendezvousPointsTable td.status span:first-child {
display: inline-block;
opacity: 0.6;

.rendezvousPointsTable td.status img {
margin-right: 6px;
position: relative;
top: 3px;

.rendezvousPointsTable td.actions {
text-align: center;

.container > header {
\-webkit-box-sizing: border-box;
\-moz-box-sizing: border-box;
box-sizing: border-box;

position: relative; /* for the sake of .refresh */
margin-bottom: 0 !important;

.container > header h3 {
display: inline-block;

.container > header button {
font-size: 14px !important;
height: 30px !important;
line-height: 30px !important;
margin-left: 20px !important;
padding: 0 1em !important;

.filterContainer {
border-bottom: 1px solid #DDD;
margin-bottom: 20px;
padding: 8px 0.6em; /* match AUI table cell left margin */
background-color: #f5f5f5; /* faint grey */

.filterContainer label {
display: inline-block;

.filterContainer input {

\-moz-background-clip: padding; /* FF3.6 and earlier uses padding instead of padding-box */
\-webkit-background-clip: padding-box;
background-clip: padding-box;

\-webkit-border-radius: 4px;
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border-radius: 4px;

\-webkit-box-sizing: border-box;
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box-sizing: border-box;

border: 1px solid #BBB;
display: inline-block;
height: 27px;
margin-left: 5px;
padding-left: 5px;
width: 300px;

.filterContainer input[type="text"] {
width: 30em;

.refresh {
position: absolute; /* wrt header */
right: 0;
top: 24px;

.pager {
margin-top: 1em;
margin-left: auto;
margin-right: auto;
width: 180px;
text-align: center;

.welcome {
margin-bottom: 10px;

.container.noResults > table > tbody > tr {
border: none;
<ui:with field='stash' type='net.byandlarge.rendezvous.client.resources.StashResources' />
<g:HTMLPanel addStyleNames="{style.container}">
<header class="{stash.css.pageHeader}">
<div class="{stash.css.pageHeaderMain}">
<h3>Rendezvous Points</h3>
<g:Button ui:field="createRendezvousPointBegin" addStyleNames="{stash.css.button} {stash.css.primary}">
Create Rendezvous Point
<r:Refresh ui:field="refresh" addStyleNames="{style.refresh}" />
<div ui:field="filterContainer" class="{style.filterContainer}">
<label>Filter rendezvous points <g:TextBox ui:field="filter" /></label>
<c:CellTable ui:field="rendezvousPointsTable" addStyleNames="{style.rendezvousPointsTable} {stash.css.aui}"/>
<c:PageSizePager ui:field="pager" pageSize="25" increment="25" addStyleNames="{style.pager}"/>
<w:WelcomeMessage ui:field="welcome" addStyleNames="{style.welcome}" />
</ui:UiBinder>I'm not seeing any ill effects of this GWT compilation error, but I'm anxious about leaving this warning un-addressed:

[INFO] [gwt:compile {execution: default}]
[INFO] Compiling module net.byandlarge.rendezvous.Rendezvous
[INFO]    Computing all possible rebind results for 'net.byandlarge.rendezvous.client.rendezvouspoints.RendezvousPointsView.Binder'
[INFO]       Rebinding net.byandlarge.rendezvous.client.rendezvouspoints.RendezvousPointsView.Binder
[INFO]          Invoking generator
[INFO]             The following problems were detected
[INFO]                [WARN] Line 13 column 78: encountered "{". Was expecting one of: "[" "*" "." ":" <IDENT> <HASH> 

To what file do the line number and column number relate? They don't seem to correlate to anything suspicious in the .ui.xml file (attached to this posting).

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Re: Error: No module named books

Thanks for the help everyone. I was using 1.4.x, not the 1.0 the book is based on. After fooling around with the commands for a bit, I was able to figure out that the problem was in the INSTALLED_APPS section - I included 'mysite.books', but the new way to do that is just 'books'.

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[Rails] Facebook omniauth nil object

Rails 3.1.3

gem 'authbuttons-rails'
gem 'twitter'
gem 'omniauth-twitter'
gem 'omniauth-facebook'

My app needs Facebook integration, and the similar method works for
Twitter API.
When it comes to Facebook, the create method in services_controller.rb
raises an error

You have a nil object when you didn't expect it!
You might have expected an instance of Array.
The error occurred while evaluating nil.[]

app/models/user.rb:47:in `connect_service'
app/controllers/services_controller.rb:18:in `create'

Sorry about the length of the code.

Do you see any problem? I believe that I'm making a stupid mistake
because the code got too long...

# and connect_service method in user.rb is

def connect_service(omniauth)
#set uid and provider
case omniauth['provider']
when 'twitter'
omniauth['uid'] ? uid = omniauth['uid'] : uid = ''
omniauth['provider'] ? provider = omniauth['provider'] :
provider = ''
token = (omniauth['credentials']['token'] rescue nil)
secret = (omniauth['credentials']['secret'] rescue nil)
when 'facebook'
omniauth['extra']['user_hash']['id'] ? uid =
omniauth['extra']['user_hash']['id'] : uid = '' ###HERE!!
omniauth['provider'] ? provider = omniauth['provider'] :
provider = ''
token = (omniauth['credentials']['token'] rescue nil)
secret = ''
end => provider, :uid => uid, :token =>
token, :secret => secret)

at line 18 where I indicated by putting "###HERE!" in the code
# service controller that creates Twitter and Facebookl things

class ServicesController < ApplicationController
before_filter :authenticate_user!, :except => [:create]

def index
# get all authentication services assigned to the current user
@services =

def create
# get the full hash from omniauth
omniauth = request.env['omniauth.auth']
authentication =
Service.find_by_provider_and_uid(omniauth['provider'], omniauth['uid'])
if authentication.present?
flash[:notice] = "Signed in successfully."
elsif omniauth.present?
if user_signed_in?
redirect_to services_url, notice: "Authentication
redirect_to root_path, alert: "Error while saving
Authentication information."
elsif (omniauth['provider'] == "facebook")
if existinguser =
User.find_by_email(omniauth['extra']['user_hash']['email']) ####HERE!
flash[:notice] = "Signed in successfully."
redirect_to root_path, alert: "Error while
saving Authentication information."
session[:omniauth] = omniauth
redirect_to new_user_registration_url
session[:omniauth] = omniauth.except('extra')
redirect_to new_user_registration_url
redirect_to root_path, alert: "Error while authenticating."

def destroy
# remove an authentication service linked to the current user
@service =[:id])

if @service.present?
redirect_to services_path, notice: 'Service was successfully
redirect_to services_path, alert: 'Service was not found.'


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[Rails] bundle install fatal error

Greetings all,

After being a c# programmer I wanted to get my feet wet in RoR. Good
stuff. I'm running a cygwin (linux emmulator - sort of on Window 7). I
have ruby installed:

$ ruby -v
ruby 1.9.3p327 (2012-11-10 revision 37606) [i386-cygwin]

I have rails installed:

$ rails -v
Rails 3.2.9

I have gem installed:

$ gem -v

All is fine except when I run "rails new <name>" command I get a fatal
error (Pls see below). I deleted all the stuff on the link provided in
the error but still I'm getting the fatal error. Any idea what is wrong
or how I can debug this other than a reinstall?


$ rails new test2
create README.rdoc
create Rakefile
create .gitignore
create Gemfile
create app
create app/assets/images/rails.png
create app/assets/javascripts/application.js
create app/assets/stylesheets/application.css
create app/controllers/application_controller.rb
create app/helpers/application_helper.rb
create app/mailers
create app/models
create app/views/layouts/application.html.erb
create app/mailers/.gitkeep
create app/models/.gitkeep
create config
create vendor/assets/javascripts
create vendor/assets/javascripts/.gitkeep
create vendor/assets/stylesheets
create vendor/assets/stylesheets/.gitkeep
create vendor/plugins
create vendor/plugins/.gitkeep
run bundle install
stack level too deep (SystemStackError)
Fetching gem metadata from
Fetching gem metadata from
Unfortunately, a fatal error has occurred. Please see the Bundler
troubleshooting documentation at Thanks!

myself@myself-HP ~

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Rewrite URLs with. Htaccess not working with cakephp 2.1

hello I need your aid I use. htaccess Rewrite to rewrite URLs with cakephp correment everything worked but now with cakephp 2.1 it does not work below the rating used here:

<IfModule mod_rewrite.c>
     RewriteEngine On
     RewriteCond% {REQUEST_FILENAME}!-D
     RewriteCond% {REQUEST_FILENAME}!-F
     RewriteRule ^ (. *) $ Index.php [QSA, L]
     Machine RewriteRule ^ (. *) $-Art.html / articles / index

</ IfModule>

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Re: portal to server cluster problem

So, that error confirms my suspicion.  PHP is trying to write the session to disk, but it can't write to /var/chroot/home/content/72/5132572/tmp.  I'm not familiar with your hosted environment set up.  If you could create that structure, and ensure the web server has permissions to write to it, then you should be fine.  Otherwise, you'll need to work with your hosting company to set session.save_path to a directory that only you have access to, and that your web server can write to.

This command: chmod -R 777 app/tmp/ , opens full permissions on your CakePHP temp directory, and all sub directories and files, to make sure that the web server (and another process on the machine) can write to them.  This would fix possible permission errors with CakePHP writing cached files (model cache), or logs.

Reuben Helms

On Friday, 30 November 2012 10:03:13 UTC+10, roundrightfarm wrote:
from my core file
Configure::write('', 'php');

but in phpinfo()
session.save_path says "no value"

this is the first warning to appear on all pages of my site, not just
the login
Warning (2): session_start() [function.session-start]: open(/var/
O_RDWR) failed: No such file or directory (2) [APP/cake/libs/
cake_session.php, line 589]

what does this line suggested by Andras do?
chmod -R 777 app/tmp/

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Re: portal to server cluster problem

from my core file
Configure::write('', 'php');

but in phpinfo()
session.save_path says "no value"

this is the first warning to appear on all pages of my site, not just
the login
Warning (2): session_start() [function.session-start]: open(/var/
O_RDWR) failed: No such file or directory (2) [APP/cake/libs/
cake_session.php, line 589]

what does this line suggested by Andras do?
chmod -R 777 app/tmp/

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[Rails] Re: "rm public/index.html not recognized."

You need to "cd public" then "del index.html" windows always have
problems with path :D

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[android-developers] Intent camera option with the gallery

Hello, I wonder how can I call the Intent of the camera with the option flag gallery too?

Same is the Instagram app ...


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Re: RootPanel --> OutClickEvent -- > how to detect click event out of the HTML Page it self ?

In general its window.onBlur in JavaScript but IE handles things a bit different as usual ;-) They tried to integrate a focus/blur handler for the window object into GWT some time ago but it does not work very well, so they removed it. 


-- J.

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